Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 639 The Arrival of the Qing Emperor

Chapter 639 The Arrival of the Qing Emperor
As the Immortal King, Miyamoto Musashi could clearly confirm that the copper coffin was just a physical body, with no soul left, and no "life" at all.

The corners of his eyes twitched, he thought it was Emperor Qing who was buried in the copper coffin, but unexpectedly it was Ji Ran.

Ji Ran's strength has been recognized and is still above Xiao Qingchen.

Her mysterious disappearance aroused a lot of suspicion, but no one dared to discuss it publicly.

Seeing her "corpse" at this time, he proudly confirmed that she was dead.

"What is the relationship between this Ji Ran and the Qing Emperor?" Miyamoto Musashi was full of doubts.

But no matter what, the people buried in the coffin are all dead people, and three thousand tigers alone can't suppress him, so why should I be afraid?
Miyamoto Musashi smiled ferociously, "It's just a dead body, so what if she has something to do with Emperor Qing? Even if Emperor Qing came personally, the law of heaven can't get around her first."

"Really?" A contemptuous voice came from the cultivation world, and said domineeringly, "This emperor is here, what can heaven do to me?"

When Miyamoto Musashi heard the sound, his whole body trembled, and he couldn't help but look towards where the sound came from.

I saw nine ancient divine dragons flying out of the realm of comprehension, pulling the emperor to fly.

The woman in Tsing Yi, who was sitting on the Emperor's Landing Nine Heavens, was sitting on the emperor's car. He only took one look, and fear was born from the depths of his soul.

Her disdainful words made Miyamoto Musashi tremble all over.

Qing Emperor!

This is Emperor Qing.

The Qing Emperor's majesty ruled the world, and Miyamoto Musashi, as the Immortal King, naturally knew the appearance of the Qing Emperor very clearly.

Emperor Qing unexpectedly appeared between the heaven and the earth in an open and upright manner.

In the history of the human race, there is no rebel who can survive the bombardment of heaven!

Emperor Qing actually survived the battle of Heavenly Tribulation!

And she is a rebel!
Even if he survived the bombardment by the Heavenly Dao by chance, he should hide and linger on.

Why didn't the Dao of Heaven bring disaster?
Is it really as she said—heaven can't do anything to her?

Emperor Qing came alone.

The two armies Po Jun and Tan Lang did not follow, but stayed in the Longting Tianyu to guard against any youngsters making trouble.

Qing Emperor first looked at Huang Xing and Ji Ran in the copper coffin, and then turned to Miyamoto Musashi.

When Miyamoto Musashi saw the Qing Emperor's gaze, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his whole body trembling non-stop.

This is Emperor Qing, who once suppressed an era, slaughtered two immortal emperors, and made the remaining four immortal emperors eclipse the first immortal emperor of all ages.

Although she "fell" for tens of thousands of years in the Battle of Heavenly Tribulation, her legend is still circulating in the world.

Her imperial prestige still makes people tremble.

What's more, she survived the battle of Heavenly Tribulation and reappeared in the Great Thousand World. Miyamoto Musashi only felt that his whole body was out of order.

"Greetings to the emperor." Three thousand tigers bowed excitedly when they saw Emperor Qing.

Miyamoto Musashi lost the siege of three thousand tigers, the pressure dropped suddenly, and it was officially the best time to tear apart the space and escape.

But at this moment, he couldn't think of running away at all.


Miyamoto Musashi knelt down with weak legs, and begged for mercy in horror, "Miyamoto Musashi deserves to die, please forgive the villain's life."

Offending the Qing Emperor, the only way to survive is to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Otherwise there is only a dead end.

It's not that Miyamoto Musashi is timid, it's not that Miyamoto Musashi is too cowardly.

But the Qing Emperor's prestige cannot be offended.

Even the two great immortal emperors joined forces and were killed by the Qing Emperor. He, a seventh-level immortal king, was no different from an ant in front of the Qing Emperor.

Miyamoto Musashi knelt down in front of the Nine Dragon Emperor, lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Qing Emperor.

Waiting for Qing Emperor's forgiveness in fear.

He waited for three breaths but did not receive the words of forgiveness from Emperor Qing.

These three breaths are as long as three years to him.

Unknowingly, cold sweat soaked the whole body.

The Qing Emperor ignored Miyamoto Musashi who was kneeling in front of the emperor's car, but looked at Lu Xing and Ji Ran in the copper coffin of Zhenshi.

"Offending the emperor is an unforgivable crime, kill!" After three breaths, Lu Hu shouted angrily, and three thousand tigers besieged and killed Miyamoto Musashi again.

Although Sanqian Huben was not a member of the Seven Killers in the previous life, they retained the military discipline and habits of the Seven Killers in their previous lives.

They understood that as long as the emperor did not forgive the other party in three breaths, it would be a death sentence for the other party.

They are going to kill each other for the emperor.

Miyamoto Musashi was besieged again, terrified to resist the attack of three thousand tigers.

"Forgive me, the emperor, the villain is willing to sign a master-servant contract, and be a slave for eternity forever."

He no longer had the confidence he had just now, and while resisting, he begged loudly for mercy.

Qing Emperor remained unmoved.

The so-called signing of a contract is also under the laws of the Great Thousand World.

If Miyamoto Musashi is allowed to participate in the plan to destroy the sky, it will be known by the Dao of Heaven immediately.

Even if he is not allowed to participate, as soon as the Mietian plan is launched, the master-servant contract will become invalid.

Miyamoto Musashi had no intention of fighting, and was soon wounded by the three thousand tigers. Seeing that Emperor Qing had no intention of forgiving himself, he became fierce instead, fighting with the three thousand tigers like a mad beast.

The battle at the level of the fairy king was shattered.

Despite the suppression of the Zhenshi Copper Coffin, the world where they lived was still being torn apart with cracks, and the laws of the avenues collided fiercely.

Huang Xing and Qingdi met each other's eyes, unfamiliar yet familiar.

Emperor Qing returned to the Great Thousand World from the land of nothingness in the sea of ​​mist, and also returned to the world of comprehension from the Great Thousand World through the land of nothingness.

But this time instead of paving the way with sapphire steps, Yu Menglong went to pick her up in person.

After a year and a half apart, Emperor Qing's cultivation has already broken through to the level of a true immortal. With her background, it is only a matter of time before she returns to the cultivation of an immortal emperor.

Even if she is only a true immortal, or even a mortal realm, the entire Great Thousand World dare not underestimate her.

Still regard her as the number one immortal emperor who suppressed an entire era.

Huang Xing's mood at this time was a little complicated.

Qingdi reigned in the Nine Heavens and sat on the Nine Dragon Emperor's car, which made him feel very strange.

But her soul is Ji Ran's soul, but she has the memory of Emperor Qing.

Zhenshi's copper coffin flew towards the Nine Dragon Emperor's Carriage and landed on the Emperor's Carriage, Ji Ran's body floated out.

Emperor Qing took one last look at Huang Xing, then closed his eyes.

Her soul returned to Ji Ran's body, and her body was reburied in Zhenshi's copper coffin.

Ji Ran opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Huang Xing.

The two looked at each other, full of tenderness and sweetness.

Ji Ran flew to Huang Xing's side, and the two embraced tightly.

"Of course." Huang Xing called out, kissing Ji Ran's forehead lightly.

"En." Ji Ran replied in a low voice.

Huang Xing gently stroked Ji Ran's hair, then let her go, and the two looked at Jiulong Dijia together.

Jiulong took Zhenshi's copper coffin and left, flying back to the sea of ​​mist.

Under the siege of three thousand tigers, Miyamoto Musashi also noticed what happened to Ji Ran and Qingdi, and was terrified.

Happy Year of the Pig, I wish everyone a happy family, dreams come true, and everything goes well!

(End of this chapter)

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