Chapter 641
Although Emperor Qing's cultivation was as high as the sky, he created the land of returning to the ruins.

But there is no way of heaven that really belongs to her, and there is no way to "create humans".

Three thousand tigers were born in the land of returning to the ruins, and the laws in their bodies were not complete, so they were not considered real people.

Except for the land rover who is infinitely close to people, the other three thousand tigers are more like the will of the military soul.

Under the blessing of the Seven Kills Battle Banner, they slaughtered Miyamoto Musashi, and then turned into strength and merged with the Seven Kills Battle Banner, turning into seven black giant dragons.

After Huang Xing finished evolving the outline of the world, the power of heaven shrouded the seven black dragons, and he said with supreme will, "Go, become the first batch of creatures in the universe in your palm, get real rebirth, and become the ones with real flesh and blood." Human race creatures."


The seven black dragons let out a shocking dragon chant, soared in all directions, and then split into small black light clusters that fell into the palm of the universe.

With Huang Xing's current strength, he still can't evolve creatures out of thin air. With the help of the power of three thousand tigers, he can evolve the first batch of creatures, allowing them to be reborn in a real sense, and also increase his understanding of "creating humans".

After finishing all this, Huang Xing looked at the vibrant universe in his palm, and he felt boundless pride in his heart.

This is his world.

He withdrew his divine sense and let the world in his palm evolve slowly according to the order he set.

In the void, Huang Xing suddenly opened his eyes, staring at the stars, looking at Tianyu, and went straight to the bullfight.

This world, one day he will replace it.

When Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen saw Huang Xing awake, their faces showed joy.

Huang Chen withdrew his gaze, looked at the two beloved women beside him tenderly, and said softly, "Let's go, let's go back first."

The second daughter nodded and returned to Feitian City with him.

When everyone who had been paying attention to Huang Xing saw him awake, they were also very excited, and their hearts were relieved.

Huang Xing took the two daughters back to Feitian City, Lu Xiaoke and all the daughters were waiting for him, even Asako Sakurai was there.

Huang Xing looked at these familiar faces.

Lu Xiaoke, Luo Xiaoying, Yan Hongyi, Fang Yan, Sakurai Asako, Yu Menglong.

The most important women in his life are gathered here.

He thinks he is the happiest person in the world.

The earth and the world of self-cultivation merged, and the burden on my heart came to an end.

But he knew that his journey had only really begun.

It is the end and the beginning.

For the next time, Huang Xing accompanied the girls wholeheartedly.

Absorbing the power of the Great Tribulation and the perception of creating the universe in the palm of his hand, he is now stronger than when he resisted the Great Tribulation, and has almost reached the peak of the Mortal Realm.

It was almost time to leave.

The girls also knew about Huang Chen's plan to leave. Although they were reluctant, they didn't want to restrict Huang Chen's pace.

All they can do is to cultivate hard, keep up with his steps, and not become his burden.

In the month after the fusion of the Earth and the realm of comprehension, the order of the two realms was operating in an orderly manner under the maintenance of major forces.

Huang Chen blocked the catastrophe of heaven and earth with his own power. This kind of strength deeply shocked people in both worlds.

His orders convinced everyone more than the will of heaven and earth.

During this month, Huang Xing took all the girls to visit acquaintances on the earth and in the cultivation world one by one.

Taoist Master Fengqing and Ji Zhongliang and his wife on Earth, Master of the Sword Sect Master Si Liancheng, Sister Concubine Ruxue of the Ice Lantern Sect, Xia Qingqiu, Li Youwei, Ming Yuexi, Little Monk, Jia Jing and his wife...

For some reason, Master Fengqing still refused to recognize Ji Ran.

Maybe he was ashamed of Ji Ran's mother.

Seeing that Ji Ran has become so powerful now, and he has found someone worthy of entrusting him for life, he is already satisfied.

The elders of all the girls in the cultivation world also went to visit one by one, and the status of these forces has also risen because of their relationship with Huang Xing.

Except for the dialect family, the others are all superpowers, and their abilities in all aspects have also been recognized by Huang Xing.

The Fang family is still too weak, and they don't have the ability to enter the power center, but naturally there will be no shortage of cultivation resources, and the nearby big forces also give them face.

Huang Xing also turned into Xiong Da and went back to Wentian Academy to visit Han Xu, Zhan Ruyi, Su Xiu and others.

They have been practicing in Wentian Academy for nearly a year, and they have achieved something in their studies, and their strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

Zhan Ruyi has opened up 35 spiritual veins, and No.30's six spiritual veins are also expected to be opened.

The most powerful is Su Xiu. She practiced "Wuxiang Shengong", which can be said to soar into the sky, and her strength is advancing by leaps and bounds. She is already in the late stage of Jindan.

She could have broken through to the Nascent Soul stage long ago, but she wanted to continue to purify her spiritual power, so she suppressed her cultivation and refused to break through.

She was still unable to reach her full potential due to the restriction of her spiritual veins.

They were all extremely happy with Huang Xing's arrival.

After chatting with them for a while, Huang Xing told them to leave again.

Everyone is also accustomed to his mystery.

Huang Xing turned around and went to Tao Cong, the master of Wentian Academy, and asked him to call Su Xiu to come and see him.

Tao Cong was extremely shocked by Huang Xing's return and summoning Su Xiu alone.

I thought that Su Xiu had really fallen into Huang Xing's eyes, and her future was limitless.

Just as Su Xiu said goodbye to Xiong Da, she received a summons from Tao Cong, wondering why the Palace Master wanted her?

When she came to the living room, she didn't see Tao Cong, the head of the palace, but saw a young man drinking tea in the presence of an old god.

When Su Xiu saw the appearance of that man, she couldn't help but trembled in disbelief.

His appearance is so familiar that it cannot be more familiar.

Sculptures in the square.

Especially when he resisted the catastrophe of heaven and earth in the void a month ago, his image was even more popular, letting everyone know his true face.

When Su Xiu saw Huang Xing, the legendary world lord, she thought her eyes were dazzled, and she couldn't help but shouted, "jie... Lord lord..."

Huang Xing put down the teacup, smiled at her and said, "Come and pour me tea."

There was a storm in Su Xiu's heart, but she was already at the late stage of the Nine-Turn Golden Core, with a calm mind, trying to calm down the excitement, and respectfully walked to Huang Xing's side to pour tea for him.

Huang Xing looked at the tea in the cup, and also at Su Xiu.

Su Xiu lowered her head, not daring to look at Huang Xing, her heart was agitated, her mind was full of thoughts, she didn't know why the World Lord appeared here.

Huang Xing asked suddenly, "I want to accept you as a registered student, are you willing?"

"Ah?" Su Xiu was startled, and glanced cautiously at Huang Xing.

She suspected that she had heard it wrong, and she still didn't react in a daze?

Huang Chen smiled softly, "What? You don't want to be my registered disciple?"

"Ah! No!" Su Xiu shouted nervously, "I...I am willing!"

She reacted, and the excitement in her heart couldn't be more exciting!

The world master actually said that he wanted to accept her as a registered disciple?
It's still like a dream!
Huang Chen smiled and said, "Then hurry up and offer tea to the teacher."

Su Xiu hurriedly picked up the tea and knelt down to Huang Xing.

(End of this chapter)

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