Chapter 646
The monks coming and going had different expressions.

Those who walked into the stone workshop were full of anticipation and nervousness.

Most of the people who walked out of the stone workshop looked annoyed.

There are only a few with joy on their faces, and it seems that they have gained quite a lot.

When Huang Xing walked into the stone workshop, many monks gathered in groups to gamble with stones, and when they got nervous and excited, they even shouted loudly.

"Wow!" As soon as Lu Chen entered the stone workshop, he heard a burst of exclamation, "It's really unbelievable luck to cut a first-level fairy material red gold stone from ordinary stone materials."

Huang Xing looked around, and saw a group of people around there, among them was a middle-aged monk holding a cut out piece of red gold stone, trembling with excitement.

The stones of gambling stones are divided into ordinary stones and fairy stones, and the price is calculated according to the appearance and volume.

As the name suggests, mortal stones can only produce mortal objects of the heaven and earth Xuanhuang level. It can be said that it is very lucky for a middle-aged monk to produce a first-level celestial red gold stone from mortal stones.

The chances of obtaining fairy treasures from fairy stones are much higher, but the price is also more expensive, and a piece as big as a palm needs a top-quality spirit stone.

The red gold stone is about two basketballs in size, and the price is ten middle-grade spirit stones.

And the red gold stone that was opened can at least be worth a low-grade immortal stone.

The price suddenly doubled one hundred thousand times.

Middle-aged monks can be said to have gotten rich overnight.

This is exactly the charm of gambling stones.

Many of the onlookers looked at the middle-aged monk with envy and hatred, wishing that it was made by themselves.

There are some monks who have stones on hand, with scarlet eyes, and they are cutting up their own stones, hoping that they can also cut out fairy materials.

There are also some monks excitedly yelling to buy stones, as if they will be the next one to cut out the fairy material.

They all know very well that the chance of cutting fairy material from mortal stone is less than one in a million.

But as long as there are billions of chances, they all have the illusion that the god of luck has descended on them.

Huang Xing walked through the bustling Fanshi material area and walked towards the Xianshi material area.

"Bah, it's actually a piece of waste rock."

The so-called waste rock means that there is nothing in it.

A boy in purple clothes held a piece of stone embryo that was empty after cutting it, and threw it aside cursingly.

The stone embryo just hit Huang Xing's leg.

It is also common to throw waste stone embryos in the stone workshop angrily.

Huang Xing just took a look at the young master in purple, and wasn't ready to pursue it.

"What are you looking at? Have you ever seen the immortal stone?" The young man in purple glared at Huang Xing arrogantly.

Next to him was a monk who looked like an entourage and quickly mocked, "With him like this, he can only watch the young master open the immortal stone, where can he buy the immortal stone himself!"

Brother Ziyi has a noble status and is a frequent visitor to Donglin Shifang. He often opens fairy stones here, and his financial resources can be imagined.

He saw that Huang Xing was young, and he still had a very raw face. He must have never opened fairy stone materials here before, and he happened to be angry when he opened the waste stone, so he vented it out arrogantly, and spoke unceremoniously.

The monks around him observed his words and knew that he was angry, so they also taunted Huang Xing to curry favor with the young man in purple.

Huang Xing didn't want to pursue it at first, but now he was ridiculed by them for a while, and he also became angry, his eyes sharpened, and he said in a cold voice, "The unlucky ghost who bought waste rocks in the fairy stone materials should not make noise in front of me, get out of here quickly, don't put it The bad luck is contagious to me."

Immortal stone materials are actually excavated from the Immortal Stone Mountain, which is full of immortal energy. Basically, heavenly materials and earthly treasures can be bred in it.

Brother Ziyi didn't open anything, it was really unlucky.

As soon as Huang Xing's ironic words came out, the elder brother in purple clothes was startled, and it took a few seconds for him to react, his whole body was filled with a severe chill.

In Zhentian City, no one has ever dared to call him a waste.

There were more than a dozen followers around him, and they all looked at Huang Xing with murderous intent.

If it weren't for the inability to use force in Donglin Shifang, they would have slaughtered this ignorant young man in front of them right now.

The follower who mocked Huang Xing just now looked like he was about to attack, and shouted angrily, "Boy, you dare to talk to Mr. Wei like that, are you looking for death?"

"Masters, get rid of your anger, get rid of your anger, and make money with harmony." A middle-aged obese monk with a smile on his face appeared between Huang Xing and the purple-clothed son.

The attendants around Mr. Wei did not dare to act rashly when they saw the fat monk appearing.

This is the deacon of Donglin Shifang, they still dare not be arrogant in front of him.

Mr. Wei glanced at the fat deacon, then turned to Huang Xing, and said coldly, "Okay, very good, no one has ever dared to talk to me like this, Wei Wuji, you are the first."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Today, I'm giving Deacon Mo some face. I don't have the same knowledge as you. I want to see how lucky you can be in opening immortal stones."

Although he has a noble status, the power behind Donglin Shifang is even stronger, and he didn't dare to make trouble in the Shifang. He borrowed Deacon Mo's resignation, thinking in his heart that he would settle accounts with Huang Chen after he left.

The second half of the sentence was also digging a hole for Huang Xing.

Immortal stone materials are expensive, he said so, if the other party can't afford immortal stone materials, it will lose face.

Even if you can afford fairy stones, if you can't open something good, it's still useless.

Deacon Mo also looked at Huang Chen, and said with a smile, "This gentleman has a very strange face. This is the first time he has come to Shifang, so what's his name? Would you like me to introduce you to the stone here?"

The visitor is the guest.

As long as anyone who comes to gamble on stones is a distinguished guest of Shifang, he calls himself a villain.

But if he dares to make trouble in Shifang, he will become a murderer and let the other party know the end of the trouble.

"Just call me Second Master." Lu Chenyun said lightly, "No introduction, I'll just play casually."

He turned his head to look at the pile of fairy stones on the side, and finally his eyes fell on one of the palm-sized, dark fairy stones. He pointed at it and said, "Just choose that one."

When everyone heard him calling himself "Second Master", they were slightly stunned.

Really shameless, Deacon Mo called him "Master" politely, he really regarded himself as "Master"!

Wei Wuji snorted coldly, sneered at Huang Chen's self-proclaimed "Second Master", and said with a sneer, "An ignorant child dares to call himself a master. This piece is a ghost stone among the fairy stones. It needs at least two hundred top-grade spirit stones, more than One hundred spirit stones can only be traded with fairy stones, can you get fairy stones?"

Fairy stone materials are also divided into several types.

The same size, different appearance, and different prices.

Most of the Tianyuan stars are circulated and traded with spirit stones, and ordinary monks do not have fairy stones.

Although the power contained in a low-grade fairy stone is equal to 100 yuan top-grade spirit stone, the value is far exceeded.

At least 120 top-grade spirit stones are needed to exchange for a low-grade fairy stone.

Even Wei Wuji would not easily take out immortal stones to buy immortal stone materials to open.

The entourage around Wei Wuji also laughed and sarcastically said: "Haha, return to the second master, I return to the uncle! I'm afraid he doesn't know what a ghost stone is at all, and he wants to slap his swollen face to pretend to be fat and choose the smallest one to try his luck."

(End of this chapter)

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