Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 649 Immortal Sword Embryo

Chapter 649 Immortal Sword Embryo
Shocked voices spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and soon spread throughout the Ding District of Donglin Shifang.

Donglin Shifang is divided into ten areas: A, B, C, D, E, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren and Gui.

Each area can accommodate about 3 people.

The entire Donglin Stone Square can accommodate 30 people gambling stones at the same time.

At this time, there were more than 1 stone gamblers in Ding District, all of them were boiling, excitedly flocking to the place where the fairy weapon was released.

It is not common to unravel immortal artifacts from immortal stone materials, let alone extract immortal artifacts from mortal stone materials!
This kind of probability is rare in a hundred years!
There are two situations for the celestial artifacts released from the stone.

One is the fairy artifact congenitally conceived, but most of them are still embryos and need to be forged again.

One was buried during the Great War in ancient times, and was formed into stone after tens of millions of years of weathering.

If it is a shaped fairy artifact bred innately, it is the best in the same level, and the price is also the highest in the same level.

If it is just a fairy artifact embryo, the price is relatively lower, but it is also very sought-after, and the price is equivalent to an ordinary fairy artifact of the same level.

If it is a buried fairy artifact, if it is intact, the price will naturally not depreciate.

However, many of these fairy artifacts were buried in the Great War of the Ancients, so they would be somewhat damaged, and the price would be greatly reduced.

But no matter which one it is, starting from ordinary stones is a typical example of getting rich overnight.

The stone gamblers who had been watching Wei Wuji's interpretation of the stone were stunned when they heard the sound, and ran towards the direction of the sound after realizing it.

In a blink of an eye, only the stunned Wei Wuji and a few of his followers were left, as well as the equally shocked Deacon Mo.

Deacon Mo manages the fairy stone area. It's not that he has never seen stone gamblers solve fairy artifacts, but they all get them from fairy stone materials.

How long has it been since Donglin Shifang has no one unlocked the fairy artifact from the mortal stone?
It is estimated to be 400 years old!

After all, he was used to seeing strong winds and waves, so he came back to his senses and said to Wei Wuji, "Young Master Wei, should we also go and have a look?"

"Ah?" Wei Wuji replied blankly, and then he came back to his senses and said, "Okay, let's go over and have a look."

When Deacon Mo and Wei Wuji passed by, the Fanshi area was already surrounded.

Hundreds of deacons and guards in Donglin Shifang maintained order and did not cause too much disturbance.

Relying on his identity, Deacon Mo led Wei Wuji through the crowded area to the front, and was stunned when he saw the old and the young in the central open space.

It's him!

He knows everyone, old and young.

The old man is one of the nine elders who sit in Donglin Shifang, Earth Immortal Yan Guangqi.

And that young man is none other than the second master who cut the stone with a knife just now!
Yan Guangqi is not only an earth immortal, but also a heaven-level stone interpreter, and his identification of immortal treasures is also very accurate.

When Wei Wuji saw Yan Guangqi and Huang Xing, he could swallow an egg with his mouth open!
It was the "second master" who scolded him for his unlucky child who opened the fairy treasure from the mortal stone!
how can that be!

This luck is too bad!
How could he have such good luck!
Must be an illusion!

Wei Wuji couldn't believe it, he rubbed his eyes, and there was indeed immortal air coming out.

He thought again: it must be a damaged fairy artifact, not worth a lot of money.

But soon, Yan Guangqi's words shattered his expectations!
The old man held the bright yellow sword embryo in his hand and looked at it carefully. After a long time, he exclaimed, "This is a first-class immortal sword embryo of the highest quality. If you ask an immortal-level craftsman to do it, there is a 200% chance that you can make it." The top-grade fairy sword among the first-level fairy artifacts is estimated to be worth [-] low-grade fairy stones, if you want to sell it, you can sell it directly to Shifang."

Wei Wuji felt paralyzed when he heard Yan Guangqi's words!
It turned out to be an immortal sword fetus worth 200 low-grade immortal stones, which is more expensive than ordinary first-level immortal artifacts!
Can be called the best, are the highest quality in the same level, [-]% chance, basically can be successful.

The best of the first-level immortal artifacts can be sold for 1000 low-grade immortal stones. After deducting the selling costs of other immortal materials and immortal-level craftsmen, at least two to three hundred low-grade immortal stones can be earned.

Of course, first of all, you have to have hundreds of fairy stones to buy other fairy materials and invite a fairy-level craftsman to make a move.

Therefore, even if ordinary people obtain immortal artifact embryos, they basically sell them directly.

Donglin Stone Workshop is the largest stone workshop in Zhentian City. It has been passed down for tens of thousands of years and has an excellent reputation.

While selling stones, he is also responsible for appraising the unearthed natural materials and earth treasures for free, and evaluating them.

If the other party intends to sell it, they can sell it directly to Shifang. Although the price is not as good as auctioning it, it is not much different from selling it to other shops, or even half a percent higher.

Therefore, most stone gamblers will sell the natural materials and earth treasures that they don't need, and they will directly sell them to Shifang.

This is also the brilliance of Donglin Shifang.

It seems to be recovering the treasures of heaven and earth at a loss.

But those stone gamblers who got spirit stones and fairy stones would basically use them to gamble with stones again.

Just like there is an old saying on earth: If you are not afraid of winning money, you are afraid that you will not gamble.

The same is true for betting on stones: I am not afraid that you will solve the treasures of heaven and earth, but I am afraid that you will not continue to gamble on stones!
At the end of the bet, those spirit stones and fairy stones will still return to Shifang's pocket.

Huang Chen nodded, and said bluntly, "The price is still fair, I'll sell it to you for 200 yuan for the low-grade immortal stone."

"There are 200 yuan low-grade fairy stones here, you can count them." Yan Guangqi put away the sword embryo, took out a storage bag and handed it to Huang Xing, and said kindly, "My little friend can extract fairy stones from ordinary stones." Good sword fetus, luck is so against the sky, do you want to unlock the immortal stone, if you can produce a high-level immortal weapon, you will not have to worry about the cultivation resources for a lifetime!"

Ordinary stone gamblers will be self-inflated when they solve the priceless treasures of heaven and earth, believing that they are the lucky ones, and as long as they are flattered, they will continue to gamble on stones!

Some even gambled so loudly that the spirit stones and fairy stones sold were all returned to Shifang before they were warmed up.

Huang Xing took the storage bag, didn't check if there was anything wrong, and smiled vigorously, "Today's luck is really good!"

Then he looked at Wei Wuji, who was following Deacon Mo, with a half-smile and said, "The bad luck in the Immortal Stone Area should be gone, and now we can go there to have fun."

Yan Guangqi didn't know about the dispute between Huang Xing and Wei Wuji, so he was confused.

But Deacon Mo looked at Huang Xing thoughtfully.

Just now Wei Wuji had declared his family name, but this second master didn't take him seriously at all. Is he ignorant and fearless, or does he really have the confidence?
Wei Wuji was still in shock when Lu Chen unraveled the immortal sword embryo, when he suddenly heard him mention bad luck again, his whole body exploded, and he quickly took out the shining stone and said arrogantly, "Who is unlucky? If I am unlucky, I can also untie the immortal material Shining Stone?"

Many of the stone gamblers onlookers didn't know what happened just now. They were all envious when they saw the shining stone in Wei Wuji's hands. Although the price is far lower than that of the immortal sword embryo, it is still extremely rare!
(End of this chapter)

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