Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 667 Wuqing Bamboo

Chapter 667 Wuqing Bamboo

Mosquito Taoist finished eating the six earth immortals of the Wei family, and then turned into a human form again, licked the remaining blood at the corner of his mouth, and grinned ferociously at Patriarch Taiyan and General Hengwei.

The void has been burned by the sea of ​​fire, and it is blocked by the avenue of fire and the avenue of guns.

General Hengwei asked Patriarch Taiyan to drag the blood-winged black mosquito, and was about to capture the second master himself.

In his opinion, no matter how strong Mosquito Taoist is, he is nothing more than a fairy beast. As long as he captures the second master, he will be able to capture it without a fight.

Ancestor Taiyan is stronger than Taoist Mosquito, and now that the void has been blocked, it is not a problem to hold him back with all his strength.

"Come out for me." General Hengwei shouted loudly, and stretched out his hand to grab the Tianzi room where Lu Chen was located in Qiyun Pavilion.


Ancestor Taiyan also mobilized with all his strength, and the third-level fairy red lotus true fire candle burned with flames that burned the world and enveloped Taoist Mosquito, making him unable to rescue him.

General Hengwei's palm pierced through the void, ignoring the distance of space and time to grab Huang Xing.

"court death."


Two voices sounded simultaneously.

Taoist Mosquito looked fiercely at Patriarch Taiyan and General Hengwei, and he roared out "court death".

His body turned into a blood-winged black mosquito, no longer the size of an ordinary mosquito, but as large as a thousand feet, covering the sky and the moon.

He is a great ominous man, if his strength had not fallen to the bottom now, the two ants in front of him could be killed with a single palm.

The second master asked someone to disturb him and sent him away, how could he let General Hengwei disturb the second master?

A golden lotus spit out from the mouth of the blood-winged black mosquito.

The golden lotus is only of the third rank, and its color is already very dim, turning into a dark golden color.

This is the treasure of the prehistoric Western religion that was swallowed by Taoist Mosquito—the third rank of the twelve golden lotus.

As soon as the golden lotus comes out, the Buddha's light shines on the sky, and endless Sanskrit sounds resound from the sky and the earth.

Wherever the Buddha's light reached, it directly extinguished the flame of Patriarch Taiyan.

The Red Lotus True Fire Candle was extinguished instantly.

Patriarch Taiyan took it back in shock, if it was one step later, this third-level fairy weapon would be useless.

The blood-winged black mosquito opened its mouth wide, biting at the palm that pierced through the void and grabbed at Huang Xing.

Another "Stop" is a crisp and pleasant voice.

The sound came out, and a celestial cloud boundary blocked the void where General Hengwei was grabbing towards Huang Chen.

Tiangang Cloud Realm is a third-level top-grade defensive fairy weapon, which can block a blow from a fairy.


A scream.

General Hengwei was startled when he heard the "Stop", but the momentum in his hands remained undiminished, and he wanted to capture the second master first.

His outstretched hand contained gun truth.

It pierced through the air like a gun's edge, invincible.

Before his hand touched Tiangang Cloud Realm, a chill suddenly appeared in his heart.

He was horrified and wanted to withdraw his hand, but before he could withdraw it, a sharp pain came from his hand, spreading to his soul.


General Hengwei screamed, and his outstretched right hand exploded from the base of his shoulder, separating from his body.

The arm turned into a bone the moment it was severed.

General Hengwei couldn't care about the pain of the broken arm, and looked at the blood-winged black mosquito that had turned into a thousand feet with lingering fear.

If he hadn't reacted in time to cut off his arm, the devouring power would have spread directly from his arm to his whole body, and now he was left with only a bone.

The battle in the void is completed in an instant.

The monks who watched the battle from a distance didn't even know what happened, and they all looked dumbfounded.

Where did the blood-winged black mosquito come from?

First, he killed six Earth Immortals of the Wei family in seconds.

Now, under the full resistance of Patriarch Taiyan, he forced General Hengwei to cut off his arm.

His strength is so terrifying.

Tiangang Cloud Realm didn't play a role, it turned into a ray of light and escaped into the body of a plain-clothed woman who flew over.

The plain-clothed woman wore hemp-colored clothes, simple and unadorned, just like a peasant girl.

She flew over in a hurry, standing between General Hengwei and Qiyun Pavilion, first glanced at the blood-winged black mosquito in horror, and then looked at General Hengwei.

"Miss, get out of there quickly." General Hengwei shouted anxiously when he saw the woman in plain clothes appear.

The woman in plain clothes was too close to the blood-winged black mosquito. If the other party attacked her, he would not be able to rescue her at all.

Although she was protected by the Tiangang Cloud Realm, the blood-winged black mosquito's attack was too terrifying and weird to be able to stop it.

Although he didn't know why the woman in plain clothes appeared here, she still sacrificed Tiangang Yunjie to prevent him from capturing the second master.

But she is the daughter of the town lord of Tiantian, if something happens to her in front of him, she will suffer along with her.

Taoist Mosquito glared fiercely when General Hengwei called the woman in plain clothes "Miss".

If it hadn't been for the fact that the opponent had sacrificed an immortal weapon to try to stop General Hengwei, he would have done it directly.

"Why is Missy here?" Someone in the crowd shouted in shock.

"Miss? Which family's miss." The person who didn't know the woman in plain clothes asked.

"Which other family's eldest lady can be called the eldest lady by General Hengwei?"

"Could it be Miss Wu Qingzhu from Zhentian City Lord's Mansion?"


When everyone saw the woman in plain clothes appear, they all talked about it.

"General Hengwei, why do you want to capture the second master?" Wu Qingzhu calmed down, the anxious look faded from his body, revealing an aura of power without anger.

General Hengwei frowned. Could it be that the eldest lady knew the second master?
He could only bite the bullet and say, "Sir Shenlie heard that the second master committed murder in Donglin Shifang. He was cruel and innocent, and seriously threatened the safety of the monks in Zhentian City, so I asked this general to arrest him."

He brought out Shen Lie's son, and wanted Wu Qingzhu not to intervene in this matter.

When the people around heard the son of Shenlie, they all took a deep breath.

Not just any son of the Shenlie Palace can be called the prince.

Being able to be called the son of the world shows that he has the qualifications to inherit the throne of Shenlie.

Generally, there will be three to five heirs in the palace. They compete with each other, and the winner will eventually inherit the throne.

But there is only one heir in this generation of Shenlie Palace.

It's not because King Shenlie has only one heir.

It was because the radiance of the son of Shenlie was so dazzling that it overshadowed the other arrogance and evildoers of the generation of the Shenlie Palace.

He is destined to inherit the throne of Shenlie in the future.

"Oh, is that so?" Wu Qingzhu said in a concentrated voice, "How did I hear that it was Wei Wuji who provoked first, and the second master fought back?"

General Hengwei trembled in his heart, Wu Qingzhu didn't intend to give face to the son of Shen Lie at all, and wanted to protect the second master.

"What else is there to say?" He pretended to be surprised and said, "This general will investigate this matter again, and will never wrong a good person or let a bad person go."

Although Prince Shenlie is mighty and mighty, but he is the general of Zhentian City after all, if it is known to the city lord because Prince Shenlie disobeyed Wu Qingzhu in public, I don't know what he will think.

In addition, Daoist Mosquito's strength has greatly exceeded his expectations, and it is impossible to forcibly arrest the second master, so he borrowed the donkey from the slope.

(End of this chapter)

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