Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 670 Drunk Immortal Tower

Chapter 670 Drunk Immortal Tower

Wu Qingzhu took a look at the formation flag in his hand, and murmured in his heart: Could this be the waste treasure formation flag unearthed in Donglin Shifang?
She already knew what happened in the Donglin Stone Workshop, and she knew that there was a remnant treasure formation flag that was not a waste treasure but was equivalent to a waste treasure, and was estimated at 50 yuan for a low-grade immortal stone.

50 yuan low-grade fairy stone is a huge wealth to others.

But to her, the eldest lady of the City Lord's Mansion, it was just pocket money.

It's really a shame that he can take out a waste treasure for himself.

It is better not to give it.

She was already speechless to this second master in her heart, if it wasn't for the holy master to receive him by herself, she would not want to stay here for a moment.

She was quite entangled in her heart, feeling that the second master was deliberately humiliating herself with a waste treasure.

But then I thought, 50 yuan low-grade fairy stone is nothing to me, but to other monks, it is indeed a "baby"!
For a while, I couldn't figure out what the second master meant.

She wanted to refuse to take it.

But I also thought, if I refuse, should I use the reason that the reward is too "valuable" or that the reward is too "crippled".

Wu Qingzhu hesitated for a moment, but still felt that he would accept the Canbao Formation flag, and thanked, "Thank you, Second Lord."

No matter what, it can be regarded as a fairy treasure, and I can't take the other party's things in vain without a word of thanks. At the same time, I also thought in my heart, it is the interest of this lady to help you pour tea and make the bed.

Hmph, if I hadn't promised that the holy master would treat you well, I wouldn't have agreed to be your maid for three days.

Huang Xing just smiled faintly.

How could they know the true origin of the Banbao Banner?

Even if it becomes a waste treasure, it is still a shocking treasure.

Enough for the Immortal King to fight for it.

He replaced all the other treasures he unearthed in Donglin Shifang with fairy stones, but kept this remnant treasure formation flag because Wudiqiang told him the true origin of this remnant treasure formation flag.

Giving it to Wu Qingzhu now is like giving her a fortune.

If Wu Qingzhu sold it, it would only mean that she had no destiny for that fate.

The purpose of Yuan Tiangang asking Wu Qingzhu to receive him is also very obvious, just to give Wu Qingzhu a chance.

Although he didn't accept her as an apprentice, he valued her quite a lot.

Huang Xing didn't feel bad for her either. Although he was reluctant to be his maid, he didn't even make tea and make the bed perfunctorily.

This is already extremely rare for a spoiled young lady of the City Lord's Mansion.

And sharp minded, but not scheming and gloomy.

Wu Qingzhu left Huang Xing's room, glanced at the closed door, and gradually calmed down.

She found that she seemed a little impetuous in front of the second master just now, and she couldn't hold her breath.

This is not like my usual self.

Hmph, it was all because of him.

Early the next morning, when Huang Xing walked out of the room, Wu Qingzhu also opened the door and came out.

She also bought a room next to Huang Chen's room last night. While practicing, she used her spiritual thoughts to pay attention to the situation at Huang Chen's door.

As soon as he opened the door and walked out, she followed.

Since she agreed to be his maidservant for three days, she couldn't be perfunctory.

You can't let the master call the maid to get up, right?

"Second Master." Daoist Mosquito also came out and greeted Huang Xing.

Huang Chen has the unique power of good fortune of the Taoist ancestor, and he has already determined that Huang Chen is the Taoist ancestor.

Wu Qingzhu shuddered when he saw Taoist Mosquito.

This is a peerless beast.

Turned into a person with a ferocious air.

She shuddered at the thought of those he attacked turning into a pile of bones.

She didn't want to be a pink skull.

Such a peerless beast is as respectful as a sheep in front of the second master.

Is it really just because the second master solved it from the stone?
Moreover, the fairy beasts that are usually extracted from the stone have chaotic memories when they first come out, and they hardly understand human nature, and they only fight by instinct.

And this Mosquito Taoist is like a beast king who has cultivated to become a master.

I have never heard of a fairy beast unraveled by someone who is so psychic when it is born.

Lu Xing said to Wu Qingzhu, "Take us to the street for a stroll, to appreciate the customs and customs here."

"Oh... okay..." Wu Qingzhu came back to his senses, and left Qiyun Pavilion with Lu Chen and Taoist Mosquito.

As soon as the three of them left Qiyun Pavilion, all parties received news.

The battle last night shocked most of Tiantian City.

This second master of unknown origin has entered the eyes of all forces.

Wu Qingzhu took them to the most prosperous North Street in Zhentian City.

After wandering all the way, Huang Xing found that the customs here are similar to those in the cultivation world.

Human development is inexplicably similar.

The three walked around for a long time without knowing it. Wu Qingzhu took them to stop in front of a towering restaurant and said, "Second Master, this is the most famous Zuixianlou on North Street, and the drunken wine inside is famous. The entire Heavenly Phoenix Dynasty, would Second Master go in and have a taste?"

Huang Chen looked up at the plaque of the Zuixian Tower, and chanted freely, "Drunk and floating clouds follow the wind, and take the sun, the moon and the stars lightly in your free time."

He laughed and said, "Is it possible that even immortals can get drunk with the drunken fairy wine in Zuixianlou?"

"Three cups for Earth Immortals, nine cups for Heavenly Immortals, and eighteen cups for True Immortals. I don't know how many cups you can drink without pouring."

Before Wu Qingzhu could answer, a voice came over.

Huang Xing looked around, and saw seven people walking towards them.

The one who spoke was the leader, a young man in purple, handsome and drow, looking at Huang Xing arrogantly.

When Wu Qingzhu saw the young man in purple, his face was startled, and he whispered to Lu Chen, "Second Lord, he is the son of Shenlie from the Shenlie Palace."

Seeing Wu Qingzhu's reaction, the son of Shenlie frowned. According to his status, it should be Wu Qingzhu who took the initiative to greet him.

She first told the second master her identity, saying that she didn't want to overwhelm the host, and asked the second master to talk to him.

He looked at Chen Chen, with his power, one night was enough to investigate many things.

He was only interested in the blood-winged black mosquito, but Wu Qingzhu appeared in Qiyun Pavilion last night, which made him notice the second master.

His intelligence network didn't even have any information about the second master.

It seems that it appeared in Zhentian City out of thin air.

Lu Chen smiled lightly, "It turns out that he is the son of Shenlie, who has admired his name for a long time."

General Hengwei came to Qiyun Pavilion to arrest him last night just to curry favor with this son of God.

Patriarch Taiyan and General Hengwei returned without success, so he might not let it go.

Moreover, he covered the situation outside Qiyun Pavilion with his spiritual thoughts last night, and he also learned from the onlookers that the son of Shenlie seemed to be Wu Qingzhu's suitor.

If the other party knew that Wu Qingzhu was staying by her side as a maid, she would definitely have a pretty expression on her face!

He said leisurely, "I have a nickname called "I can't pour a thousand cups. As for how many cups I drink, I have never tried it before. Would you like to drink a few cups with me? Let's see how many cups I can pour." ?”

(End of this chapter)

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