Chapter 679
The ancestors of the six great celestial beings made a sudden move, and the law of celestial power shook the entire Tiantian City.

The ancestors of the major forces also watched this battle in astonishment.

The sixth patriarch of the Wei family came out together, this is a decisive battle with the second master!

There hasn't been such a grandiose scene in Tiantian City for tens of thousands of years.

When they saw Wu Qingzhu who sacrificed the Tiangang Cloud Realm, they were all in deep thought.

The Wei family dared to disregard the obstruction of the eldest lady of the city lord's mansion, it seems that there is another basis behind it, otherwise it would not be so bold.

They thought of the noble son of Shenlie, and only he could give the Wei family the courage to offend the city lord.

At the same time that the sixth patriarch of the Wei family was blocking Huang Chen, this noble son of the god Lie was in the city lord's mansion in Tiantian city.

He came to town Tiancheng to live in the city lord's mansion.

At this time, in the hall, he and the person sitting opposite were drinking tea and chatting leisurely.

The majesty of the celestial beings is mighty, and the son of Shen Lie can feel the surging law of the celestial power of Qiyun Pavilion in the city lord's mansion.

He said to the person opposite, "Don't worry, City Lord Wu, the Sixth Patriarch of the Wei family will never hurt Qing Zhu's hair. After getting rid of the second master, they will go to the City Lord's mansion to make amends."

Sitting opposite Prince Shenlie was Wu Changkong, the lord of Zhentian City. Prince Shenlie had already told him that the sixth patriarch of the Wei family wanted to seek revenge from the second master, and asked him to send a message telling Wu Qingzhu not to interfere in the affairs of the Wei family and the second master.

It's just that Wu Changkong said that Wu Qingzhu has grown up, and he will not interfere with her choice, and she will bear the blessing or the disaster by herself.

Wu Changkong took a sip of tea calmly, not at all worried about Wu Qingzhu's safety, but instead asked, "Your Majesty thinks that the sixth patriarch of the Wei family has a chance to make amends?"

The son of Shen Lie's face froze, and he asked tentatively, "Could it be that the Lord Wu knows the origin of the second master and thinks that the sixth patriarch of the Wei family can't take him down?"

Wu Changkong shook his head with a faint smile and said, "The owner of the city doesn't know the origin of the second master, but if he can be dealt with so easily, the prince will not bother to ask the Wei family to test it out first."

The son of Shen Lie frowned slightly, Wu Changkong was really cunning and cunning, and he saw his own plot right away.

He asked the Wei family to test the second master. It was a conspiracy and a conspiracy.

Even if the Wei family sees it, it's up to them to choose.

The son of Shenlie smiled and said, "Wucheng master doesn't know, but Qingzhu must be very clear, otherwise he wouldn't rush to Qiyun Pavilion to rescue him last night, and he was willing to stay by his side as a maid; this son is very curious about the origin of the second master." , so that Qing Zhu can stay by his side willingly."

As he spoke, he observed Wu Changkong's face, wanting to see how he would react when he heard that Wu Qingzhu was serving as the second master's maid.

Wu Changkong still looked normal, took a sip of tea and said, "To make Qing Zhu value him, there must be something special about him."

The son of Shenlie smiled arrogantly, stretched out his palm and turned over and said, "Even if there is a hidden ancestor behind him, he is doomed to be wiped out in front of the Shenlie Palace."

In the Heavenly Phoenix Dynasty, apart from the Heavenly Phoenix Royal Family, no one can challenge the status of the Three Great Palaces.

Wu Changkong's face was as calm as water, and there was no wave in the ancient well.

The atmosphere in the hall fell into silence, a person walked in suddenly, bowed to Wu Changkong, "City Lord, there is a fellow from Zuixianlou outside the mansion, please see me."

He glanced at Prince Lie, and then said, "He said he wanted to find Prince Lie."

The corner of Shen Lie's brow twitched, and he thought: Why did the guy from Zuixian Tower come to see me?Is it to ask for money for drinks?Isn't it just a few hundred yuan of immortal stone's wine money, can this son still renege on his debt?So eager to come to ask for it?
Wu Changkong looked at the son of Shenlie, and said to the visitor, "Bring him in."

"Yes, City Lord." The visitor exited the hall.

Soon, he led a person in, it was the guy who entertained the son of Shen Lie at that time.

"Greetings to the city lord." The man saluted Wu Changkong as soon as he came in, and then turned to the son of Shen Lie, "My respects to the son."

Prince Shenlie looked at him with an unhappy face and said, "Why are you looking for me?"

Seeing Prince Shenlie's unkind expression, the clerk felt a little fear in his heart, and said timidly, "It was shopkeeper Luo who asked the young one to come to the prince to ask for the money for the drink."

Prince Shenlie's expression darkened, and he said unhappily, "Isn't it just a meal of wine, is it possible that shopkeeper Luo is afraid that this prince will renege on his debt?"

The clerk said with an apologetic smile, "Your Majesty keeps his promises, so it's impossible for him to renege on his debt."

He was thinking in his heart, if you heard the amount of the wine bill, the first reaction might be to renege on the bill.

The son of Shen Lie said disdainfully, "How many immortal stones have they eaten, tell me, this son will go back to you for business now."

Zuixianlou is also more expensive than Zuixianjiu, other dishes are not too expensive, and with the two altars of Zuixianjiu drunk, a few hundred immortal stones are enough.

For ordinary monks, it is not a big deal for him.

The man nodded and bowed his waist and said, "Erasing the odds, there are 460 seven high-grade immortal stones in total."

"It's only 460 seven yuan." Prince Shenlie said dismissively, "Youjue, give it to him."

"My son—" the celestial guard behind Shen Lie's son called out in disbelief.

He even suspected that he heard it wrong, 460 seven high-grade immortal stones?
The guy must have made a mistake!
Except for Shen Lie who misheard because of distraction, the others were stunned when they heard the top-grade immortal stone that the buddy said.

Even Wu Changkong, the lord of Tiantian City, who has always been flattered and humiliated, almost spit out the tea from his mouth.

Prince Shenlie looked back at Youjue suspiciously.

You Jue was stunned for a moment, thinking that the buddy must have called "low-grade" as "high-grade", and under the watchful eyes of Prince Shenlie, he directly took 460 seven low-grade immortal stones to the buddy.

When the man saw that it was a low-grade immortal stone, he said with a smile, "My lord, it is 460 seven high-grade immortal stones, not a low-grade immortal stone."

"What?" Prince Shenlie screamed, and asked in disbelief, "How much did you say?"

The buddy said clearly word by word, "460 seven high-grade immortal stones."

He was afraid that Shen Lie's son would not believe him, so he typed a formula, and a menu was displayed in the void, and said, "This is the menu of the second master and the others, my son, please have a look."

Dapeng spreads its wings for 2: 10-year-old cold ginseng stewed with ice cloud fairy meat, 30 yuan top-grade fairy stone.

Spicy deep-sea soft-shelled turtle: Stir-fried Beidong deep-sea soft-shelled turtle with Yinyue grass jelly, 27 top-grade fairy stones.


The top ten dishes are priced at the price of the above-mentioned Xianshi, and some of them are worth 2 points.

Several other dishes were priced with spirit stones and low-grade immortal stones, which had already been wiped off.

Wu Changkong looked at the menu, the prices on it made people shudder, but what caught his attention the most were the four altars of drunken wine at the end.

The 400 yuan drunk fairy wine of the low-grade immortal stone was wiped out as a fraction.

But he knew very well what the four jars of wine meant?
Wu Changkong's pupils shrank. With his strength in the fifth level of true immortality, he could only drink fourteen cups at most. The second master and the others actually drank four altars of drunken immortal wine?

(End of this chapter)

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