Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 694 Far East Star

Chapter 694 Far East Star (Modified)
After staying in Zhentian City for two days, Huang Xing left Tianyuanxing with Mosquito Taoist and Wu Qingzhu.

The blood-winged black mosquito flew deep into the void, Wu Qingzhu poured a cup of tea for Lu Xing, and asked curiously, "Second Master, where are we going?"

Huang Chen took a sip of tea, smiled lightly and said, "Far East Star, Longya Academy."

"Ah?" Wu Qingzhu said in surprise, "Why is Second Master going to Longya Academy?"

She murmured in her heart, it is impossible for the second master to find the son of Shenlie!
Huang Chen joked, "Can't the second master also go to Longya Academy to study and practice?"

Wu Qingzhu said with a smile, "Who can teach the second master in Longya Academy? I think it's almost the same for the second master to become a teacher in the academy."

Huang Chen smiled and said, "Little girl, your mouth has become sweeter recently."

Wu Qingzhu said with a sweet smile, "He's just telling the truth."

She added some tea to Huang Xing, and said, "It is said that a real immortal in the Ninth Layer Realm controls a sixth-level flying fairy weapon and takes Shen Lie and his son to the Far East Star. It will take about half a month. At our current speed , I’m afraid it will take more than half a year to arrive.”

In addition to the son of Shen Lie, there are nine Tianjiao monsters from Tianyuanxing who were also selected to practice at Longya Academy.

Mosquito Taoist's instantaneous speed reached the extreme, but he was lacking in long-distance flying. In addition, he was only a celestial being after all, so he was still much slower than controlling a sixth-level flying fairy in the Ninth Realm of the True Fairyland.

Lu Chen smiled calmly, "Second Master can take you to the Far East now, believe it or not?"

Wu Qingzhu was taken aback for a moment, even if it was a fairy king, it would take two or three days, but she firmly believed in the second master's words, and said sweetly, "If the second master says yes, it must be possible."

Huang Chen smiled and said, "Just stop here."

Hearing the words, the blood-winged black mosquito stopped.

Huang Xing walked out of the carriage, they were already far away from Tianyuan Star, deep in the void.

The pupil of the abyss, open.

Huang Xing spread out his consciousness, and the pupil of the abyss looked into the void.

Wu Qingzhu was startled in the center of Lu Xing's consciousness, and the second master's sudden aura was stronger than that of the Heavenly Phoenix Emperor.

This is the power of the immortal king.

Huang Xing looked around with the pupils of the abyss to confirm that no one was following him with his divine sense, and then he took out the ancient coins of Tianji.

Wu Qingzhu looked at the ancient Tianji coin suspiciously. This humble ancient coin must have a lot of background.

It was returned to the second master from Shengshi's grocery store.

The second master often plays with it in his hands.

"Heaven's secret is the guide."

Huang Xing reached out and pointed at the ancient Tianji coin, which exuded a simple and simple atmosphere.

In the dark, the laws of heaven and earth surged and interweaved to form a large formation.

There are two big characters "Far East" written in the formation.

"Tianji is a bridge connecting nine heavens and ten earths."

The large array gathered, like a portal, a bridge slowly protruded from the gate, spreading to Huang Xing's feet.

"Okay, let's go." Huang Xing smiled lightly at Taoist Mosquito and Wu Qingzhu.

He stepped onto the Tianji Bridge and walked towards the portal.

Wu Qingzhu was no longer surprised by Er Ye's miraculous methods, and followed him onto the Tianji Bridge.

The three of them walked into the portal, only to feel blank for a while, as if space and time were cut off.

Just in an instant, the laws of heaven and earth dispersed, the Tianji bridge disappeared, and the portal disappeared.

The three of them stood in the void, Wu Qingzhu looked around, but she was no longer in the original place, she asked in surprise, "Is this the Far East Star?"

Huang Chen nodded with a smile. Yuan Tiangang left the coordinates of the Far East Star in the ancient Tianji coin, so that he could easily teleport it over.

Wu Qingzhu's eyes were full of disbelief, and the second master's method was too terrifying. He actually teleported directly across the planet!
Huang Xing said to Taoist Mosquito, "Fellow Taoist Mosquito, let's leave now; you must not kill innocent people indiscriminately or commit crimes; if you need help, please send me a message using the method I taught you."

The blood-winged black mosquito is the most ferocious beast in the prehistoric world, extremely ferocious, and the bones of those bitten by him are gone.

Mosquito Taoist bowed respectfully to Huang Chen, and said, "I would like to follow the teaching of the second master."

After finishing speaking, he saluted again, and then flew away with his real body, disappearing into the void.

Wu Qingzhu watched Taoist Mosquito leave in surprise, not understanding why he left Second Master.

She didn't know that Daoist Mosquito had another master - Patriarch Styx.

He somehow sensed the location of Patriarch Styx and wanted to look for him.

Huang Xing watched Taoist Mosquito leave, and then brought Wu Qingzhu down from the depths of the void to the Far East Star.

It was the first time for Wu Qingzhu to come to a high-level planet. Feeling the immortal power and the law of the Dao contained in the Far East Star, he felt comfortable all over his body, which was much stronger than the fifth-level Tianyuan Star.

Regardless of other factors, if she had practiced on Far East Star, she might have already reached the seventh level of the Earth Immortal.

The highest level in the entire sea of ​​clouds star field is only an eighth-level planet.

It was a holy place for cultivation, but she was born on a fifth-level planet, so she was not qualified to practice on an eighth-level planet.

Thinking of eighth-level planet cultivation, there is only one way, that is, to be selected into a school on a seventh-level planet first, and then have a chance to be selected into a school on an eighth-level planet.

Or reach the cultivation level of a true immortal before you can cross the planet.

It's just that ordinary true immortals rarely go to higher-level planets.

Because it is not easy to reach the cultivation base of a true immortal on a medium-sized planet, and its potential has almost come to an end.

Moreover, at the same level, monks from mid-level planets would be much weaker than monks from high-level planets.

True Immortals can be powerful on mid-level planets, but they don't have such a high status on high-level planets.

Moreover, if the combat power has not reached the level of a real fairy on a high-level planet, it will only make people look down upon it.

In addition, the potential has been exhausted, it is better to stay on the original planet and dominate.

Only the evildoers can develop better when they go to high-level planets when they are young.

In fact, Wu Qingzhu also had the opportunity to practice at Longya Academy in Far East Star. The son of Shen Lie seemed to be favored by the elders of Longya Academy, and once told Wu Qingzhu that he could help her get a place in Longya Academy.

But this golden opportunity was rejected by Wu Qingzhu.

She knew very well what the son of Shenlie wanted.

If I accept this quota, I'm afraid I can only repay it with my body.

Huang Xing said, "Don't be in a daze, this is only a seventh-level planet. After the second master takes you to a ninth-level planet to practice, you will know what immortal energy is like water."

Wu Qingzhu asked in amazement, "Second master descended from a ninth-level planet?"

The second master's miraculous means made her suspect that he descended from a high-level planet to the Tianyuan star.

Huang Chen shook his head and said with a smile, "Second Master ascended from the lowest first-level planet to Tianyuan Star, do you believe it or not?"

"I don't believe it." Wu Qingzhu said with a smile, "Second Master is really bad, just forget about it, and play with Qingzhu."

She believed in the "big words" that the second master said, but she must be joking when she said that he ascended from a first-level planet.

Huang Chen just smiled lightly, and said, "Go, Second Master will take you to Longya Academy."

(End of this chapter)

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