Chapter 712 Crisis
The war was about to break out, and the ancestors of the four colleges and the Scarlet Flame Sect camp also opened up their breath. There were sixty or seventy immortal monarchs, nearly three times the number of Longya Academy.

Even more frightening is the 1:5 elder Xianjun who is at the seventh level of peak combat power.

Everyone was also wondering why the Dragon Nine Heavens Formation of Longya Academy suddenly disappeared?
Chu Zhongtian frowned, flew to the void and asked Palace Master Longxiao suspiciously, "Brother Long, why don't you let them come out and confront them face to face, as long as the matter is clear, there is no need to go to war."

He was also hesitant in his heart. Although the Chu family and Longya Academy had a good relationship, but now the Master of Longxiao Palace didn't explain the matter clearly, he couldn't find a suitable excuse to help him.

Palace Master Longxiao snorted coldly, "There is nothing wrong with inflicting crimes, even if they confront them face to face, they will still find new excuses."

He looked at the red-robed patriarch and the four palace lords, and continued with disdain, "Besides, Tuoba Ji blamed all this matter on his own, just because they are not qualified to disturb the second master to confront him!"

The words of Palace Master Longxiao surprised everyone.

Not qualified to disturb the second master?
Who is this second master?

The five elders of the Seventh Layer Xianjun are not qualified to let him come out to confront him?

The red-robed patriarch yelled angrily, "We have no right to disturb him, so we should arrest him directly!"

"If you want the second master to come out, you really don't have the qualifications yet."

Just as the two sides were about to fight, an old voice came from Longya Academy.

I saw Wu Qingzhu walking towards the old palace master Yao Xin with the support of him, and Tuoba Ji, who was timid, followed on the other side.

When the four palace masters and the red-robed patriarch saw the old palace master Yao Xin, their pupils shrank, and they were suddenly startled.

It was rumored that Chen Yaoxin, the first generation head of Longya Academy, might not have fallen, and it was true.

This is an invincible giant who is several generations higher than them.

The immortals who recognized Chen Yaoxin were all confused, and even he came out, but the second master hadn't appeared yet.

The red-robed patriarch and the four palace masters were all in deep thought.

What is the origin of this second master?
Now that the matter has come to this point, they cannot help them back down.

Even if the second master came from Yunhai Xianmen, this matter can't just be left alone.

The Master of the Sea of ​​Clouds Star Region is still the Immortal Sovereign of the Nine Layers Realm, the Master of the Star Region in name only.

The seventh-level planet is like a vassal king who separates one side, they just listen to the Yunhai Xianmen and don't listen to the announcement.


A trembling voice broke the sudden silence, and it was Tuoba Ji who followed behind who spoke.

Seeing Tuoba Ji, the ancestor in red was overjoyed, and said with a sullen face, "You will tell the truth about the injustice you suffered in Longya Academy, and the ancestor will make the decision for you."

Tuobaji looked at the red-robed patriarch in awe, as if he had made up his mind, and said firmly, "Report to patriarch, I have not been unfairly treated in Longya Academy. It has nothing to do with the school, and it has nothing to do with the second master."

As soon as these words came out, all the major forces were astonished!

The red-robed patriarch has already said clearly that he wants you to identify the injustice of Longya Academy, even if it is fiction, it doesn't matter.

They just want an excuse to be aboveboard.

Unexpectedly, Tuoba Ji took all the responsibility on himself!
Could it be that he was threatened by Longya Academy?
But this is also impossible!

Now that the Scarlet Flame School and the four universities are here, if Longya Academy dares to attack him, they may not be able to clean up by jumping into the Yellow River.

Tuoba Ji said, heaved a sigh of relief.

He was slapped twice by the second master that day, and he slapped himself in humiliation, and fainted out of shame and anger.

The second master preached in front of Longya Mountain, and everyone in the school attended the lecture, and he was no exception.

During the baptism of the Dao, he also received great benefits.

He also respected the second master like a god, and he had long since lost his desire for revenge.

And he also understood that the second master wanted to kill himself, but it was like crushing an ant.

The old palace master brought him here, but he said something earnestly, "You will be punished by the government regulations for your mistakes, but it has not reached the point of expulsion."

Tuoba Ji made a difficult decision in his heart.

He did not choose to lie to discredit Longya Academy, but told the truth.

"Bastard." The red-robed patriarch's seven orifices were filled with smoke, and he stared coldly at Tuoba Ji and said, "You must have been bewitched by Longya Academy to let the patriarch check your soul."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to grab Tuoba Ji.

The old Palace Master didn't stop him.

Tuoba Ji is not only a student of Longya Academy, but also a true disciple of Scarlet Flame Sect.

The red-robed patriarch checked Tuoba Ji's spirit, but he didn't understand to stop it.

Tuoba Ji was grabbed in front of him by the red-robed patriarch, facing the enraged seventh-level fairy, his heart seemed very calm.

Or he would be slapped to death by the furious red-robed patriarch, but he did not evade his responsibility.

You have to bear your own mistakes!

The red-robed patriarch checked Tuoba Ji's spirit and found nothing abnormal, so he slapped him coldly and cursed, "It's a disgrace."

He did not kill in full view.

Tuoba Ji was thrown to the ground, his bones were shattered, he stood up staggeringly, bowed his hands to the red-robed patriarch, and said, "Tuoba Ji has shamed the sect, he is willing to be punished."

The red-robed patriarch was trembling with anger, he originally wanted to use the incident of Tuoba Ji as a breakthrough point, even if it was black, he would say it was white.

Now Tuoba Ji takes all the responsibility on himself, making him feel that there is nowhere to vent his anger!

The scene was deadlocked.

Palace Master Longxiao said happily to the four palace masters, "If you have nothing else to do, please go back, I won't send you far away."

The faces of the four palace masters are all gloomy, and there is no excuse at this time. If they force their way in, it will really be a battle to destroy the palace.

There is no name for the teacher, and the major forces may not follow the trend.

They looked at the immortals and true immortals of Longya Academy who were fighting against each other, as well as the trembling old palace master Yaoxin.

He was an immortal at the seventh level tens of thousands of years ago, although he may seem like an old man on the verge of death now, but if he really does it, he is probably much more terrifying than Palace Master Longxiao.

And there is also the mysterious Yulong Nine Heavens Great Formation, whose defensive power is still fresh in their memory. Although it has not been activated now, no one knows whether the Great Formation will suddenly activate again.

Even if the four colleges can use all their trump cards to destroy Longya College, the loss is not something they can bear.

"let's go."

Palace Master Yuanzhong cast a cold glance at Palace Master Longxiao, and disappeared outside Longya Academy with everyone.

The red-robed patriarch didn't punish Tuoba Ji, he snorted coldly, and turned into a ray of immortal light to leave.

"Teacher." Chu Yuheng bowed respectfully to the old palace master, who also had the grace of teaching him.

The old Palace Master nodded kindly to him.

After the Xianjun who was in the same camp as Chu Yuheng bid farewell to the old Palace Master and Longxiao Palace Master, they also all left.

The crisis at Longya Academy was lifted, but Huang Xing was in crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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