Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 720 Who dares to touch me, die

Chapter 720 Who dares to touch me, die

To be able to block the Nirvana Immortal Light so lightly, at least possesses the fighting power of an Immortal Monarch of the Eighth Level Realm.

But why is the breath on his body just a fairyland?
At this time, Huang Xing had already broken through to the third level of heavenly immortal.

In the universe in the palm of his hand, every time he is blasted by power, he breaks through a small realm.

After being put to death and then reborn, Huang Xing experienced a total of nine deaths and nine lives, and directly broke through nine small realms.

Only Huang Xing can use this kind of extreme strength to break through.

Replace it with someone else and die once.

Fear welled up in Elder Dijie's heart, and he preemptively charged Erye with disrespect for resisting orders.

He represents the Yunhai Xianmen.

Now the second master appeared, proving that Longya Academy was lying just now.

He looked at the second master ferociously, and sneered in his heart, no one dared to violate the decree of the star field master.

Whether it is the second master or the Longya Academy, they have committed the unforgivable crime of deceiving the emperor.

With such a big hat on, if Second Master and Longya Academy continue to attack them, it will be a blatant rebellion.

All the major forces onlookers gasped. They originally thought that the second master was really not in Longya Academy, so that the Master of Longxiao Palace and the others dared to block the elder Dijie so strongly.

Unexpectedly, the second master is here, it is really disrespectful.

Some people in the Sea of ​​Clouds star field dared to violate the decree of the star field master.

The hairs on their hearts are cold.

Second Master and Longya Academy are courting death!

"Second Master." Wu Qingzhu called weakly behind Huang Xing.

Her cultivation base is too low, and the power to control the Yulong Nine Heavens Formation is very reluctant. She has been exhausted from the battle just now, but she insisted not to let herself show fatigue.

Now that the second master has appeared, she no longer has to hold on, this is the warmest and safest harbor.

As long as the second master is there, I don't have to be afraid of anything.

Just now, it wasn't Wu Qingzhu who mobilized the power of the Dragon Nine Heavens Formation to trap Elder Dijie and the four universities, but the Chaos Dragon Ball fused by Huang Chen, who can also freely control the Dragon Nine Heavens Formation, and has higher authority than Wu Qingzhu.

Huang Xing turned around and smiled appreciatively at Wu Qingzhu, and praised, "You did a good job."

Just five words made Wu Qingzhu's heart as sweet as honey, and it was the first time she was praised by the second master.



"Second master takes the order!"

Elder Dijie saw the appearance of the second master, and unfolded the decree of the Starfield Lord, and the power of the ruler of the world suppressed the world.

He shouted sharply: "This is the decree of the Master of the Star Region, and the second master accepts the decree!"

The decree carried the power of Yunhai Xianjun's law, and Second Master Xuan went to see him.

This force is not very deterrent to others, but it is a huge suppression to Huang Xing.

The power of the silk yellow decree enveloped Huang Xing, which was the power to suppress the world, and under the suppression of the power of the decree, Huang Xing also seemed small.

Everyone looked at the decree displayed in the void and trembled.

Under such power, no one dared to have a heart of resistance. They murmured: "The Lord of the Star Region is really unfathomable, just a decree can suppress the world."

This decree is enough to see how terrible Yunhai Xianjun is.

In the sea of ​​clouds star field, he is an invincible existence.

Elder Di Jie sternly yelled again, "The Master of the Star Region has issued another decree, and if you don't take the decree quickly, do you want to resist the decree?"

Under the suppression of the power of the decree, Huang Chen's eyes shone coldly, his aura resisted the suppression, and he said in a cold voice, "If Immortal Yunhai wants to see me, let him come to Longya Academy by himself."

Boom, boom, boom—

Thunder clouds billowed, the power of the decree caused the law of heaven and earth to roar, and the terrifying power blasted towards Huang Chen.

"It's just a piece of torn paper, and it wants to suppress me!" Lu Chen looked coldly at the decree in the void, and the God-Punishing Bow appeared in his hand.

Open the bow and nock the arrow.

call out.

The god-killing arrow shot at the silk yellow decree.


The fury of thunder rolled, and the decree was pierced by an arrow.


Everyone looked at Huang Xing with trembling hair. Not only did he resist the order not to visit the Star Domain Lord, but he even asked the Star Domain Master to come to Longya Academy to meet him!
Now it is an arrow that pierces the decree of the Starfield Lord!
He is crazy.

Did he die?

Seeing that the decree was shot through, Elder Dijie was stunned, thinking it was his own illusion.

Even if the second master is backed by the Immortal King, he can't do whatever he wants within the Sea of ​​Clouds Starfield.

Although Xianjun Yunhai is only at the ninth level of Xianjun, he is the star domain master conferred by Immortal King Beimang.

Unless the second master is backed by Immortal King Beiman, he must be polite to Immortal Yunhai.

He came back to his senses, looked at Huang Xing with a smirk and said, "Even if the Immortal King came to the Sea of ​​Clouds Starfield, he would give the Starfield Master some face. No matter who is behind you, those who resist the Starfield Lord in the Sea of ​​Clouds Starfield All orders lead to death."

Huang Chen shook his head, and said with a sarcasm, "The Immortal Yunhai still can't scare me, now it's time for me to settle the score for your attack on Longya Academy."

He said coldly, "Anyone who dares to touch me will die!"

The elders of Dijie and the immortals of the four colleges shrank their pupils. Is the second master going to kill them all?

They didn't doubt the second master's words, even dared to shoot through the decree of the Starfield Lord, how could they not dare to kill them?

"If you want to kill us, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Elder Dijie and the four masters of the palace are all forces that have violently raised the seventh level.

The power of the Yulong Nine Heavens Formation is used to trap them and cannot be used.

Although this second master is mysterious and unpredictable, even if they have the combat power of the eighth level of Xianjun, they still have the power to fight.

In the trapped formation, swords are on the verge of breaking out.

This is an epic battle.

There are few people in Longya Academy, but the old palace master Yaoxin is an immortal monarch of the eighth level, and just now he injured the palace masters Yuyin and Zhao Kuo with one enemy and two counterattacks.

This is also because the two big houses took the initiative to use the treasures of their respective schools, and they only held him back, without a head-to-head confrontation, otherwise the two might not die or be seriously injured.

Now the mysterious second master appeared. Although he only had the aura of a fairy, no one dared to underestimate his combat power. Even if he was not as good as the five-clawed golden dragon just now, he was not much less.

However, the power of the Dragon Nine Heavens Formation is used to form the Formation of the Trapped Dragon. Without the five-clawed golden dragon and the Vajra battle armor, the other immortal elders of Longya Academy have no advantage.

If Elder Dijie and the immortals from the four colleges are really going to fight, I am afraid that the elders of Longya Academy will fall first.

Everyone in Longya Academy shared the same hatred, and their fighting spirit was raging.

Without the Vajra Dragon Armor, perhaps they would perish in this battle, but none of them were timid, and no one took a step back.

Huang Chen smiled lightly and said, "If I want to kill you, why do I need to do it myself."

Looking down at Longya Academy, he said with emotion, "Today, I will let you see the true heritage of Longya Academy."

A bad premonition rose in the hearts of the elder Dijie and the immortals of the four universities.

Palace Master Longxiao also frowned slightly, what background does Longya Academy have?
Is he going to wake up?
But with these people in front of him, it's not worth him waking up.


The ground of Longya Academy shook, the huge square in front of Longya Mountain split open, and terracotta warriors and horses slowly emerged from the ground.

Zulong is not only one of the three great chaotic beasts.

He is still a name - Qin Shihuang.

(End of this chapter)

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