Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 723 What is the fairy looking for me?

Chapter 723 What is the fairy looking for me?

The Immortal of the Sea of ​​Clouds personally conquered Longya Academy!

Hearing this news, all major forces in the Sea of ​​Clouds Starfield were all dumbfounded!

There is only one eighth-level planet, Yunhai Star, in the Yunhai star field, and there are six seventh-level planets next, of which the Far East Star is the most prosperous.

Longya Academy is the top five universities in the Far East, and it is also well-known in the Sea of ​​Clouds Starfield.

Apart from Yunhaixing's three colleges, Longya College is the one with the strongest background.

A wave stirred up a thousand waves.

Some tyrannical and powerful hermit elders also left for the Far East Star to pay attention to this battle.

The three armies of Yunhai, Tianxiong, and Yaori are the three most powerful armies of Yunhai Xianmen.

The Yunhai Regiment is the Zhili army of Yunhai Xianjun, who is under his personal command.

The captains of the Tianxiong and Yaori armies are both Nine-Level Realm Immortal Sovereigns, and their strength is even higher than that of Yunhai Immortal Sovereign.

Three immortal monarchs from the Ninth Level Realm sit in town, plus an army of 30 immortal cultivators.

Such a lineup is enough to sweep any force in the Sea of ​​Clouds Starfield.

After the passing of the three legions, everyone was trembling.

The hidden elders of all major forces shook their heads. The rule of the Yunhai Xianmen is deeply rooted, and no force in the Yunhai Starfield can shake it.

Longya Academy dared to resist the edict without knowing life or death, and it was about to be destroyed.

Those hidden elders looked at the majestic and majestic three major armies, and felt in their hearts, not to mention the three major armies coming out together, even if there is only one army, no force can resist it.

The star domain master used a sledgehammer to kill the chicken this time, probably to kill the chicken to scare the monkey, and let all the forces know the fate of disobeying his decree.

With the approach of the three major armies, teachers and students of Longya Academy left every day.

Some of them left because they couldn't bear the pressure, and some were recalled by their respective forces.

The war was approaching, tens of thousands of teachers and students, only more than 1000 students and more than 30 teachers were left in the end, but all the elders of Xianjun did not leave.

Huang Xing could understand the thoughts of those who left. From the perspective of outsiders, there is no difference between Longya Academy's stubborn resistance and death.

Some of the students and teachers who stayed behind did have the idea of ​​living and dying with the school.

There are also some people who just want to gamble, betting that the second master has other cards that can block the conquest of the star field master.

Although this idea is ridiculous, they are still willing to bet their lives after seeing the miracles of the second master.

If Longya Academy is breached, they will die without a place to bury them.

But if Longya Academy blocks the conquest of the Starfield Lord, the benefits they can get are self-evident, and perhaps this will be the beginning of a change of dynasty.



"Boom - boom -"

One after another, the ancient warships pierced through the clouds of Far East Star and flew towards Longya Academy.

"The three major armies of Yunhai Xianmen have descended on Far East Star." Palace Master Longxiao asked Huang Chen for instructions, "Please tell me what you need us to do, sir."

The elder Xianjun and more than 1000 teachers and students left behind by Longya Academy gathered together.

Everyone felt uneasy, they were nothing but ants in front of Yunhai Xianmen, and any resistance would be futile.

They pinned all their hopes on the second master.

Huang Xing's eyes swept over everyone's faces, he shook his head calmly and said, "You don't need to do anything, just wait and watch the show."

After listening to the second master's words, everyone relaxed a little from their nervousness.

In the face of the conquest of the three major legions, in the mouth of the second master, he is just "watching a good show"!
What kind of cards does he have?
Huang Xing said bluntly with a smile, "I know that some of you are not really because you want to live and die with Longya Academy, but because you have a gambling mentality."

Some of the faces of the crowd changed slightly, and they really had such thoughts.

Huang Xing continued, "But it doesn't matter, your bet is fair, use your life to bet on the future, and bet on the cards I have."

He smiled calmly and said, "Congratulations for making a very correct choice."

The depressing atmosphere disappeared, and everyone's tense faces gradually eased away.

Looking at Longya Mountain, Huang Xing said meaningfully, "The heritage of Longya Academy is deeper than anyone imagined. You will be proud of sticking to Longya Academy."

As his words fell, the Imperial Dragon Nine Heavens Formation was opened, and the defensive shield that was originally a golden fairy light turned dark black, like a ghostly hell.

Everyone was horrified, it was the first time they had seen the black Dragon Nine Heavens Formation.

"Boom, boom—"

The overwhelming power came, and one after another the ancient warships arrived outside the school, and they quickly lined up, like swallowing the sky and refusing to accept them, surrounding the Longya school.

Seeing this scene, the hidden ancestors of all major forces were terrified, and a world-shattering battle was about to begin.

"Brave maniac, the Starfield Lord is here, come out and plead guilty." Among the three major armies, an eighth-level fairy general roared like a wave.

The heavy sound waves hit, and the teachers and students of Longya Academy were frightened.

If it wasn't for the Imperial Dragon Nine Heavens Array to block the divine power, this roar would have knocked them out of their minds.

"Star domain master?" Huang Xing said playfully, he walked up in the air and looked at a general in purple and gold armor.

The official Yunhai Immortal Jun, who was wearing a purple-gold battle armor, was endowed with supernatural power, looked at Huang Xing with power without anger and said, "You let me come in person, and I am here now."

He asked the elder Dijie to pass down a decree to call the second master to visit him at the fairy gate of Yunhai.

The second master shot through the decree with an arrow, leaving only a sentence, "If Yunhai Xianjun wants to see me, let him come to Longya Academy by himself."

Lu Chen asked indifferently, "What is the fairy looking for me for?"

Yunhai Xianjun said, "Let's discuss the Tao with you."

His words shocked everyone, they thought that as soon as the Starfield Lord arrived, he would order the three major armies to attack Longya Academy in an instant.

In the end, he just came to talk to the second master?

Everyone was still in shock, Yunhai Xianjun looked at the Longya Academy below, and said coldly, "But before that, I have to settle the internal affairs first."

He said in a majestic and domineering voice, "Longya Academy, as a force in the Sea of ​​Clouds Star Region, disobeyed my immortal order, what crime should it be!"

Yunhai Xianjun couldn't figure out the details of the second master, so he started with Longya Academy.

"Kill, kill, kill..."

The soldiers of the three major legions roared in unison, the sound was so loud and shocking.

The hidden patriarchs of the major forces that were watching were all pale and trembling with fright.

Such a miraculously endowed legion can't give birth to any resistance at all.

Everyone in Longya Academy was also terrified.

Huang Xing shook his head, and said Shi Shiran, "You star domain master, today is coming to an end."


As soon as Huang Chen said this, the world was silent, and the killing intent of the three major legions also froze.

Everyone wondered if their ears had heard it wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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