Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 733 The Real Heaven

Chapter 733 The Real Heaven

Under the blessing of the chaotic power of the Chaos Dragon Ball, the Daqin Emperor's strength returned to half of his peak.

At his peak, he swept all over the world and was one of the most invincible quasi-sages under the saints. Even if he only recovered [-]% of his strength, it would be enough to kill the saint Tianzhao.

"The way of heaven will not let you go, and those who go against the way will eventually be wiped out!"

The stern voice of the Tianzhao sage echoed in the depths of the void, and was crushed by the claws of the ancestor dragon, turning into a rain of blood.

When the saint dies, the world is sad.

The 36 Tianyu screamed at the same time.

Hundreds of millions of human races heard the screams of heaven and earth, and endless chills gushed out from the hearts of all the supreme giants.

The thirteen saints in their respective dojos were all pale.

Of the fifteen contemporary saints, two of them fell in a row in less than three years.

The Qing Emperor returned, and the Qin Emperor reappeared in the world.

The change in the number of days in this life is greater than the changes in the countless battles to destroy the sky.

Those supreme giants in the great world couldn't help but start thinking about the future.

The four great immortal emperors all looked dignified, a Qing emperor was already holding them down, and now there was another Great Qin Tiandi.

The Immortal King of Beiman felt the most depressed in his heart, the strength of the Great Qin Emperor was so terrifying, and he was focusing on the Beiman Tianyu.

His status as domain master was seriously threatened.

"hold head high--"

A gigantic Taoist platform appeared at the place where the Tianzhao sage fell, which looked like an altar.

Zulong let out a high-pitched dragon chant, and stepped into the altar in human form.

Nine giant tripods flew out of Xianyang City.

The town is around the altar of heaven and earth.

A jade seal appeared in the hands of the Great Qin Emperor, printed on the altar, and shouted loudly, "Take the luck of the heaven and the earth, and establish the Great Qin Heavenly Court."


Boundless and gorgeous golden light gushed out from the altar.

"hold head high--"

The golden light converged into a golden dragon, which looked like an ancestral dragon. It screamed at the sky, and then the dragon roamed around the world, beneficting all directions.

"Long live the Emperor of Heaven, long live, long live!"

"Long live the Emperor of Heaven, long live, long live!"

"Long live the Emperor of Heaven, long live, long live!"

All the black armor soldiers who rushed into the air knelt down and cheered.

The teachers, students and elders of Longya Academy also knelt down and cheered.

A huge golden dragon roamed over hundreds of planets in the entire sea of ​​clouds star field at the same time, descending boundless blessings.

All the monks and commoners in the Sea of ​​Clouds Starfield have received this blessing, and feel that their foundation and strength have been strengthened.

With shock and surprise on their faces, they all knelt down and shouted together: "Long live the Emperor of Heaven, long live, long live!"

"This is?"

The Four Great Immortal Emperors watched the golden light emerging from the altar turn into a golden dragon, with shock in their eyes.

Is this—is this "luck"?

The theory of luck is mysterious and mysterious, and everyone thinks that luck is an illusory thing.

They saw the "entity" of luck for the first time today!
It turns out that luck actually has an entity!

And when the saint falls, how can there be "luck"?
Ji Ran stared intently at the Great Qin Emperor on the Heaven and Earth Altar, and suddenly realized.

Rather than taking away the luck of the world, it is better to say it is taking back the luck of the human race.

The way of heaven is the shackles of the human race, depriving the human race of a part of their luck, so that the upper limit of the human race is stopped at the ancient No.11 race.

The way of heaven bestows the sage's career position, which is formed by the luck of the human race.

The Heavenly Emperor of the Great Qin slaughtered the saints of Heaven and Dao, regained the luck of the human race, became the luck of the Heavenly Court of the Great Qin, and benefited the human race of the Heavenly Court of the Great Qin.

Tu Sheng, Li Tianting.

This is the real heaven!

The Heavenly Court established by their later generations is just a title.

The Four Great Immortal Emperors also understood why the Heavenly Court they built was fundamentally different from the power of the Heavenly Court passed down in ancient times.

It turns out that it is necessary to "slay the sages of the heaven and the way, and seize the luck of the heavens and the earth" to truly establish the heaven.

And this method, in the inheritance of the human race, was deliberately erased.

Many supreme giants are well-informed, and soon understood the truth.

The faces of the thirteen sages of heaven became more gloomy. Doesn't that mean that if anyone wants to establish a heavenly court, he must slaughter a sage of heaven?
Then wouldn't they become the targets of those heavenly emperors who wanted to establish a heavenly court?
They only now understand that the world is not benevolent and treats all things as straw dogs.

The saint of heaven and earth is not the darling of heaven and earth, and in the eyes of heaven and earth, he is just a dog.

With power comes great responsibility and risk.

"The Sea of ​​Clouds Starfield has been renamed the Great Qin Starfield, the Far East Star has been renamed the Longya Star, and the Great Qin Heavenly Court has established its capital in Xianyang."

The voice of the Great Qin Emperor spread throughout the nine heavens and ten places, echoing on hundreds of planets in the Sea of ​​Clouds Star Field.

The remaining elders and disciples of Yunhai Xianmen were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders were torn apart, fearing that the Great Qin Heavenly Court would settle accounts after the break, they all shouted in panic, "Long live the Emperor of Heaven, long live, long live."


With the establishment of the Great Qin Heavenly Court, the golden dragon soaring above Longya Star rushed down and drilled into the ground, becoming the dragon vein of the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

The Jiuding that suppressed the altar of heaven and earth flew out to guard the dragon veins and luck of the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

Long Yaxing trembled violently, and the fairy energy gushed out frantically, and everyone was bathed in the fairy light.

Boom, boom, boom—

The entire Longya star began to expand from the depths of the earth, and did not stop shaking until it became ten times larger.

The subjects of Longya Star were still terrified after the earthquake stopped, and suddenly found that the surrounding immortal energy was several times stronger than before.

Everyone was shocked to find that Far East Star, no, now Longya Star, has been directly promoted from level [-] to level [-]!

The entire Longya Star took on a new look and became full of fairy spirit.

Countless monks and civilians knelt down on the ground, cheering non-stop, "Long live the Emperor of Heaven!"
The Great Qin Heavenly Court was established, and the heaven and earth altar at the feet of the Great Qin Emperor also disappeared.

He stepped into the city of Xianyang, full of awe-inspiring aura.

Under the leadership of the eight generals, the Black Armored Army quickly set up defenses to guard the entire city of Xianyang.

The Four Immortal Emperors looked at the Great Qin Tiandi who had returned to Xianyang City, their eyes fluctuated.

The four of them glanced at each other and disappeared into the void together.

Those supreme giants couldn't cast their gazes into Xianyang City, they all stopped checking with their supernatural powers, and fell into deep thought one by one.

When all the dust settled, Lu Buwei couldn't hide his excitement. He looked at Ji Ran, bowed his hands and said, "I don't know what the general's name is?"

Pojun prestige introduced, "This is our emperor's direct disciple, Young Emperor Jiran."

Lu Buwei's face was shocked. He just woke up and knew little about the affairs of the Great Thousand World. However, he saw the military power of the Pojun Legion, and the Heavenly Emperor praised the Qing Emperor. It can be seen that the strength of the Great Zhou Heavenly Court is not inferior to the Great Qin Heavenly Court.

This woman turned out to be the Young Emperor of the Heavenly Court of the Great Zhou, she was of a noble status, below one person, above hundreds of millions of people.

Even Po Jun didn't know that Ji Ran was Qingdi and Qingdi was Ji Ran.

It's just that Ji Ran's strength has not yet returned to its peak. If it is rumored that she is the Qing Emperor, I'm afraid she won't be able to easily walk outside the Longting Tianyu.

That's why he got the name of the successor of the Qing Emperor, the Young Emperor of the Heavenly Court of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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