Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 745 The Tribulation of the Yun Family

Chapter 745 The Tribulation of the Yun Family
Huang Chen took the Yun family ship to Tianchong Island on the way.

Everyone in the Yun family respects Huang Xing as a lifesaver, especially after seeing the second master's strength with their own eyes, they know that he is a great king.

Every meal, Yun Bai personally brought it to the second master's guest room, and asked about his health, for fear that the second master would be dissatisfied with the living room.

The vast sea is boundless, and it took half a month for the Yun family's ships to arrive at the port of Tianchong Island.

Everyone was excited when they saw the safe return.

Although half a month has passed, they still have lingering fears about the extremely explosive vortex, and they feel the joy of surviving after a catastrophe.

Yun Bai respectfully knocked on Huang Chen's door, walked in and said respectfully, "Second Master, you have arrived at Tianchong Island."

Huang Xing stood up, nodded slightly and said, "Thank you, Young Master Yun, for entertaining me all the way, so I bid farewell."

"Second Master, please slow down." Yun Bai hurriedly called to stop him when he heard that Huang Xing was about to leave.

Huang Chen stopped in his tracks and asked, "What else can Young Master Yun do?"

Yun Bai bowed his hands and said, "Second Master saved the lives of hundreds of people in Yun's family, Yun Bai has not repaid, please Second Master to stay at Yun's house for a few days, let Yun Bai appreciate Er Ye's life-saving grace."

Huang Chen shook his head and said with a light smile, "Young Master Yun has already paid for his hospitality all the way, so there is no need to mention the matter of repaying your kindness."

Seeing that Lu Chen had no intention of going to Yun's house, Yun Bai said anxiously, "Mother personally taught Yun Bai that the kindness of dripping water should be repaid by the spring. Even if the second master doesn't want things from the Yun family, please invite the second master to come to the Yun's house and let Yun Bai did his best to be a landlord."

Seeing his sincerity, Huang Chen nodded and said with a smile, "Young Master Yun has a heart, so I'd rather be respectful than obedient."

When Yun Bai heard that the second master agreed, his face showed joy.

The ship docked, and Huang Xing boarded the pier with everyone from the Yun family.

The planet where Tianchong Island is located is called Boyang Star, which belongs to the eighth-level planet, and is in the Mirage Star Domain in the Deep Sea Sky Domain.

The eighth-level planet can be used as the ruling star in the ordinary star field, but the mirage star field is the place where the domain master of the deep sea is located. With the ninth-level planet, the status of Boyang star is lowered.

Tianchong Island is one of the largest islands in Boyangxing, with a length and width of more than 100 million miles.

Tianchongmen is the fourth-level power that governs Tianchong Island.

The pier is very lively, people come and go, bustling.

As soon as everyone arrived on the shore, there was a sudden strong wind, and the waves rolled into the sky. The strong wind rolled the huge waves and rolled towards the coast, and the ships moored in the port were swaying.

Looking at the turbulent sea, Huang Xing saw a huge warship approaching the coast. The huge ship was surrounded by more than a dozen ships, each of which was bigger than the main ship of the Yun family. Like a warship.

The giant ships headed by the seventh-level warship guards should belong to the eighth-level middle-grade according to Huang Xing's guess.

"It's the Yuren's fleet, why did they come to Tianchong Island?" Seeing the logo on the fleet, Steward Zhang took a breath and said doubtfully.

The human race in the Great Thousand World does not just refer to "pure human beings", but generally refers to all creatures born in the Great Thousand World.

For example, the body of the Great Qin Emperor is the Zulong, which belongs to the demon, but is also called the human race.

Those ancient great gods were all born in heaven and earth, and they are not "pure human beings", but they are still considered as human races in the universe.

Mermaids live in the sea, and they rarely communicate with humans, and there are frictions from time to time. Now they come to Tianchong Island with great fanfare, which makes people feel strange.

Huang Xing just glanced at the Shark King's fleet indifferently, then looked away, not interested.

Yun Bai said in a low voice, "Don't worry, let's go back to Yun's house."

Everyone withdrew their gazes and took out the flying magic weapon to fly to Yun's house.

The next day, when he was about to arrive at Yun's house, Huang Xing seemed to have noticed something, and asked with frowned eyebrows, "A thousand miles to the left ahead, is it Yun's house?"

"En." Yun Bai nodded and replied, he frowned slightly, not knowing why Second Master would suddenly ask, and asked, "What's the matter, Second Master?"

Huang Xing said, "The Yun family's defensive array is activated, and someone is breaking through the array."

His divine sense is comparable to that of an immortal, and he discovered from a distance that the Yun family's formation was opened, and the outside was surrounded by heavy troops.

Yun Bai was shocked and said, "The Yun family's defensive array is activated? Let's hurry back to reinforce!"

Everyone in the Yun family showed horror on their faces, who is attacking the Yun family?
Huang Chen stopped him and said, "The one who broke the formation was a high-ranking immortal, and if you rush over there, you will die."

He couldn't help but feel a little strange, the aura of the high-ranking fairy who broke the formation seemed to be stronger than that of Palace Master Longxiao, and he might be a fairy of the eighth level.The guard around Yun Bai had the highest level of cultivation, but Steward Zhang, who was in the Seventh Realm of True Immortal Realm, and that fairy was trapped outside the formation. It seemed that the background of the Yun family was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Everyone heard that the one who broke the formation was a high-ranking immortal, and their faces were ashen.

Yun Bai's face was pale, he looked at Huang Xing, as if he had caught a life-saving straw, he knelt down and begged, "Second Lord, please save the Yun family."

The second master can suppress the extremely explosive vortex, his strength is unfathomable, and only he can save the Yun family.

"Don't be impatient, he won't be able to break through the formation in a while." Lu Chen frowned slightly and said, "The Yun family's formation can keep high-ranking immortals at bay. I'm afraid it's not as simple as it seems?"

Yun Bai lowered his head, hesitated for a moment, thinking that now that he is begging the second master to save the Yun family, it is impossible to hide it anymore, and said, "Actually, the Yun family was a third-rank power ten thousand years ago."

Steward Zhang and the Yun family's guards were shocked when they heard that the third-rank forces could already control a star field, but they didn't know that the Yun family still had such a glorious history.

Yun Bai narrates the history of the Yun family—the Yun family was originally a third-level family of the Bai family of the ninth-level planet Mirage, but because a treasure was destroyed, only a few people escaped. Grandpa is also one of them.

Yunbai's grandfather fled to Boyangxing, concealed his identity on Tianchong Island, and changed his surname from "Bai" to Yun.

The treasure had already been robbed by the other party, so he didn't continue to hunt down the escaped members of the Bai family, and this matter was gradually forgotten.

The situation has changed for thousands of years, and Yun Bai's grandfather took root in Tianchong Island, forming the current Yun family.

Yun Bai's grandfather passed away 3000 years ago, and his father also passed away a few years ago, the Yun family is now entirely supported by his mother.

Seeing the orphans and widows of the Yun family, the surrounding forces eyed the Yun family covetously and wanted to annex it.

But those are just low-level forces whose strength is similar to that of the Yun family, and it is impossible to attract high-level immortals.

After hearing this, Huang Chen's face became serious. The Yun family's reputation in Tianchong Island is not obvious, it's just a small family of seventh grade, and the conflicts are just some forces with similar strength. This high-ranking fairy can't possibly come from Those small powers.

He probably came from the forces that once wiped out the Bai family!

(End of this chapter)

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