Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 750 News of Taiyi Daoist

Chapter 750 News of Taiyi Daoist

Lu Chen knows everything, and the Yun family's defensive formation has been bombarded by Hongze Xianjun, so he can directly penetrate the defensive formation with starlight projection without any effort.

Mrs. Yun was full of doubts. She didn't know why Huang Xing would help, even at the expense of killing two eighth-level immortals of the Huang family and offending a third-rank force.

The power of the third rank is so powerful that if it is not in the Mirage star field where the sky master is located, he can become the master of the star field in other star fields.

She couldn't help guessing that Huang Xing probably came for the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture", otherwise, how could he not hesitate to offend the Huang family?

Mrs. Yun lamented in her heart: It's not a crime to conceive a jade. The "Taiyi Immortal Scripture" is not something that the Yun family can have. Keeping it in their hands will only lead to the extinction of the family.

"You can call me Second Master." Huang Xing looked at Mrs. Yun, his pale face showed a resilience, dignified without losing integrity.

He ordered, "Pack up your things and move with your family, and I will send you to sea."

Mrs. Yun was taken aback, didn't he come here for the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture"?

Huang Chen saw her doubts and explained, "I was entrusted by Yun Bai to rescue the Yun family, and he will be here soon."

After he killed the Huang Family Xianjun, he summoned Yun Bai and the others to come over.

Madam Yun exclaimed in surprise, "Bai'er is back?"

When she heard the news of her son's return, she was both surprised and happy. She never thought that the second master's rescue would have something to do with his son.

Madam Yun realized that she had lost her composure, and apologized to Huang Xing, and said, "You don't need to clean up, you can leave at any time."

With the determination to die, she distributed all her family's wealth to everyone in the Yun family, and there was nothing left to do.

She is a decisive person. Knowing that the two immortals of the Huang family have fallen, the crisis is only a temporary solution. The Huang family will retaliate frantically and snatch the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture" in the future. There is only one dead end if they stay here.

After a while, Yun Bai's flying magic weapon appeared in their sight.

Yun Bai and the others felt trembling just now from the battle between Huang Xing and the two great eighth-layer immortals, and the destructive power made them feel that Tianchong Island was about to sink.

After receiving the second master's message, they rushed over immediately.

Mrs. Yun happily closed the defensive array, and said to Huang Xing, "Second Master, please follow me downstairs."

She led Lu Chen to the square of the Yun family, and all the Yun family members who stayed behind gathered together, and bowed to him cautiously, with gratitude and fear in their eyes.

The flying magic weapon also landed on the square, Yun Bai led the crowd out, and excitedly shouted to Mrs. Yun, "Mother."

Mrs. Yun nodded to him in satisfaction.

Yun Bai turned around and knelt down in front of Huang Chen, kowtowed gratefully and said, "Second Lord saved the Yun family twice, and Yun Bai has nothing to repay. From now on, as long as Second Master orders, Yun Bai will go through fire and water, and will not hesitate."

"Get up." Huang Xing said calmly, "If you have nothing to pack, I'll send you out to sea right now."

Yun Bai stood up, and said to Mrs. Yun, "Mother, I have already promised the second master to give him the treasure of the Yun family, and I ask mother to fulfill it."

Madam Yun's complexion changed, and she said in a deep voice, "That treasure is an inheritance from the Yun family, how can it be given to others? The Yun family will naturally repay the second master's life-saving grace in other ways."

"Mother..." Her words made Yun Bai's face stiff, and he looked at Mrs. Yun in disbelief.

Everyone in the Yun family was also very surprised, their wife was not such a kind person.

Hearing this, Lu Chen felt a little cold in his heart, but Mrs. Yun's voice of apology came from his ears, "There are too many people talking, if the treasure is passed on to the second master, it will bring death to the second master. At that time, Suhua will present the treasure again."

Although the second master killed two eighth-level true immortals of the Huang family with one blow, and his strength was unfathomable, but the third-rank Bai family was wiped out because of the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture", so she didn't want to bring another misfortune to the second master.

Now the second master is also feuding with the third-rank Huang family. If it is spread that the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture" is on him, more than one Huang family will hunt him down.

Hearing this, Huang Chen's anger dissipated, and he couldn't help but look up at Mrs. Yun a little bit. No wonder everyone in the Yun family is so loyal. Mrs. Yun's way of being a person is indeed worthy of praise.

He also said secretly, "I am not short of treasures, just keep them for yourself."

Whether it's exercises or treasures, he never lacks them.

The treasure in the eyes of others is nothing but vulgar things in his eyes, how can it compare to the treasures in the system store?

Mrs. Yun said dejectedly, "The treasure of the Yun family is a volume of the eighth-level middle-grade "Taiyi Immortal Scripture". My husband and I have both studied it. With our aptitude, we can't practice it, and only a peerless evildoer like the second master can practice it." .”

She laughed in her heart and said miserable, the Bai family was wiped out because of it, and the Yun family also suffered disaster because of it, but the ridiculous thing is that this "Taiyi Immortal Scripture" is so profound and unpredictable, since getting it, no one has been able to practice it.

When Huang Xing heard that the treasure was "Taiyi Immortal Scripture", he frowned slightly, stretched out his hand and said, "Show him to me."

Mrs. Yun was taken aback, Huang Xing didn't say it through sound transmission, but said it directly.

Huang Xing knew her worry, and smiled confidently, "Don't worry about causing me trouble."

What he did was destroying the sky and slashing the way, so this little trouble doesn't matter.

Only then did Mrs. Yun take out the brocade box, held it in both hands, and handed it to Huang Xing respectfully.

It was only then that everyone realized that Mrs. Yun had some concerns about what she said just now.

Lu Xing opened the brocade box, and the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture" lay quietly in the box, the celestial light condensed and did not disperse.

"Sure enough, it's Master Taiyi's technique." Invincible Qiang's voice sounded in Huang Chen's mind, and said, "There should be news about Master Taiyi in the secret realm where the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture" was obtained."

Taiyi real person, one of the six sages, one of the twelve golden immortals under the seat of Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Taiyi Immortal Sutra" is the cultivation method of Taiyi True Immortal. As soon as Mrs. Yun said it, Wudiqiang's attention was attracted, so she asked Mrs. Yun to take it out on the spot.

Lu Chen picked up the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture" calmly, and said with a faint smile, "I will accept this treasure."

His voice was not concealed in the slightest, and countless immortals who paid attention to this place could detect it.

Mrs. Yun looked at Huang Xing gratefully. What he did was tantamount to bringing disaster to himself.

Huang Xing put away the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture" and said, "I'll send you out to sea."

Everyone in the Yun family didn't need to pack their things, they all got on the flying magic weapon and flew to the port.

The whole journey was calm and calm, with Huang Chen intimidating, no one dared to stop the Yun family's flying magic weapon.

On the way, he also asked Mrs. Yun where the Bai family obtained the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture".

Mrs. Yun told Huang Xing everything she knew, that the secret place was in Mirage Star, and she didn't know the exact location, but from the clues left behind, the Huang family also knew where the secret place was.

(End of this chapter)

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