Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 760 The Huang Family, Destroyed

Chapter 760 The Huang Family, Destroyed

The immortal monarchs and kings of all the powers watching frowned when they heard "revenge for the Bai family", and suddenly remembered the third-rank family Bai family that was destroyed ten thousand years ago.

It is rumored that the Bai family obtained a treasure only after suffering heavy casualties in a secret place, but it was wiped out by the Huang family together with the Xue family and the Gao family before it was overheated.

They were also very curious about what that treasure was, but since the Huang family got it, they had never used it.

Everyone was very open-minded. Queen Mo Yuan said that she wanted to avenge the Bai family. Maybe it was just an excuse, and the real purpose was also for the treasure.

They couldn't help being even more curious about that treasure. What kind of treasure could Queen Mo Yuan personally snatch?

The Immortal King of the Huang family couldn't help showing a sad smile on his face. In order to win the treasure, the Huang family promised many benefits to the Xue family and the Gao family. After the Bai family was destroyed, the original Bai family's territory was basically distributed to those two, and the Huang family received very little benefit.

As for the treasured Taiyi diamond ring, the Huang family has studied it for ten thousand years but has not found a way to use it.

To put it bluntly, it can only be viewed but not used, which is equivalent to a waste treasure.

It was not long ago that the fairy of the Huang family escaped death and revisited that secret realm, only to learn that the Bai family got two treasures back then, and the other one that matched the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture" was taken away by the remnants of the Bai family.

They just started to re-investigate the few sins of the Bai family who escaped back then, and finally found a clue that the Yun family of the Poyang Star Tianchong Island is the descendant of the Bai family, and the "Taiyi Xianjing" is in their hands.

The Immortal King of the Huang family looked at the charming Queen Mo Yuan, who suddenly aged a lot. He laughed miserably, took out the Taiyi Diamond Ring, and said, "I can give the Taiyi Diamond Ring to the Queen, so how about the Queen stop here?"

Queen Mo Yuan's strength made him feel deeply powerless, and only by taking the initiative to hand over the Taiyi Diamond Ring can the Huang family be saved.

Besides, the Taiyi Diamond Ring cannot be used, so keeping it is a waste treasure.

Queen Mo Yuan giggled and said, "This king has said that he is here to avenge the Bai family. After the Huang family is destroyed, the Taiyi diamond ring will naturally be my king's."

Her words made everyone in the Huang family tingle and tremble.

Seeing that the situation was not right, more than a dozen members of the Huang family wanted to take advantage of the chaos and escape.

Queen Mo Yuan stretched out her hand and turned into shadows of dragon claws to grab them and tear them to pieces.

The Immortal King of the Huang family said angrily, "Although the queen is powerful, our Huang family is not at the mercy of others. The queen will have to pay a price if she wants to destroy the Huang family; besides, the territory of the mermaid clan is in Boyang Star. Even if we destroy our Huang family, The major forces of Mirage Star will not allow the Merman Race to get involved in the territory of the Huang Family, as long as the queen stops here, the Huang Family can pay tribute to the Merman Race every year in the future."

The immortal monarchs and kings of the major forces also nodded one after another, especially some nearby forces, they would never allow the power of the mermaids to expand to the Mirage Star.

The Huang family can be destroyed, but the territory vacated by the Huang family must be taken over by local forces like them, and at most they will pay some benefits to the Merman Race.

Queen Mo Yuan smiled coquettishly, "This king never thought of expanding his power to Mirage Star."

As soon as her words came out, all major forces were also relieved, and they didn't want to confront the Mermaids head-on.

"It's just..." Queen Mo Yuan smiled evilly, "Back then, your Huang family could unite with the Xue family and Gao family to destroy the Bai family. Could it be that this king can't unite with the forces of Mirage Star to destroy your Huang family?"

After her words fell, a ray of immortal light flew over, and a Nine Realm Immortal Lord appeared in the void.

The Immortal King of the Huang family looked at that person, his pupils said, and said in surprise, "Uncle Yuanju."

Uncle Yuan Ju looked at the Immortal King of the Huang family coldly, and said, "Huang Shixun, you never thought that the Huang family would have today, right?"

When everyone saw Taishu Yuanju, they all breathed a sigh of relief, which was unexpected and reasonable.

Because the relationship between the uncle's family and the Bai family has always been good, it is reasonable for him to invite foreign aid to avenge the Bai family.

Grand Uncle Yuanju also had mixed feelings in his heart at this time, it was true that he was the Queen Moyuan he joined forces with.

When the Bai family was destroyed, the Taishu family was also ready to help, but the three major families were powerful, and the Bai family's strength was not yet [-]%, after weighing the balance, the Taishu family could only helplessly watch the Bai family fall.

Uncle Yuanju has a close relationship with the original Patriarch of the Bai family, and he blames himself for the destruction of the Bai family. He has also been secretly investigating what the treasure that the Huang family took from the Bai family is.

Knowing that the Huang family was going to deal with the descendants of the Bai family on Tianchong Island, they asked Queen Mo Yuan to rescue them.

However, his original purpose was to save the descendants of the Bai family first, as for revenge, he still needs to take it easy.

Unexpectedly, Queen Mo Yuan directly killed Huang's family.

The Patriarchs of the Xue family and the Gao family trembled when they heard Queen Mo Yuan's words. They were also involved in the extermination of the Bai family back then, and they were afraid that Queen Mo Yuan would also seek revenge from them.

But at that time, the two of them were more to contain and frighten the uncle's family, and it was the Huang family who really took the initiative to destroy the Bai family.

Moreover, the Great Uncle's family swallowed one Huang's family is already the limit, if they swallowed the three of them at once, the other second-rank forces would not agree.

Thinking of this, the two Patriarchs felt relieved a lot.

Swish - Swish - Swish -

A ray of immortal light descended, and along with it came warships.

All the immortals and battleships of Taishu's family came and besieged Huang's family.

They were still hesitating whether Queen Mo Yuan could suppress the Huang family, but now they were completely relieved.

Everyone in the Huang family was ashamed. If they broke through with all their strength just now, Queen Mo Yuan would not be able to keep them all.

But just before the critical moment, how could they run away?
But it was too late to escape now.

The Immortal King of the Huang family laughed miserably, knowing that the Huang family would be destroyed today, he held up the Taiyi diamond ring and said ferociously, "This Taiyi diamond ring and the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture" on the queen are related to ancient inheritance. Aren't you afraid of getting burned?"

When everyone heard the ancient inheritance, they were all moved. The complexions of the several fairy kings changed, they exchanged a look with each other, and showed their figures.

The avatars of the five immortal kings walked over at the same time, and the immortal king of the Huang family showed ecstasy when he saw the five people appear.

He just intentionally mentioned the ancient inheritance, so that these immortal kings who watched the battle would compete.

Even if the Huang family is finally destroyed, Queen Mo Yuan will not get the ancient inheritance.

Queen Mo Yuan just glanced lightly at the five clones of the immortal kings approaching, and giggled, "Who said that this king will monopolize the ancient inheritance? The domain master's 30-year birthday is approaching, and this king is preparing to use these two The treasure is presented to the domain master as a birthday gift."

Her words made the footsteps of the five immortal kings stop at the same time. This is a birthday gift dedicated to the domain master, how dare they snatch it?
The avatars of the five immortal kings dissipated into the void at the same time, and the immortal king of the Huang family looked deathly. When Queen Mo Yuan told this reason, no one would dare to stop her from destroying the Huang family.


The tragic war broke out. Under the control of Queen Mo Yuan, the uncle's family wiped out the entire Huang family, and no one escaped. Even the fairy king of the Huang family was suppressed and killed in the void by Queen Mo Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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