Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 767 Happy Birthday

Chapter 767 Happy Birthday ([-])

How many people in the world can bear the lord of a domain's apology?

Everyone looked at Young Emperor Da Zhou, thinking that the Lord of the Deep Sea Region had already made amends, so she shouldn't make trouble anymore, right?
Ji Ran leisurely picked up the wine glass and played with it in his hand, and said with a slight smile, "This young emperor is just talking casually, the Lord of the Deep Sea, don't be too far-fetched, I will also offer you a glass of congratulations on the Lord's 30-year birthday."

The Lord of the Deep Sea raised his wine glass flattered and said, "It's my honor for the young emperor to come to celebrate his birthday."

After drinking a cup, Ji Ran turned to look at her immortal monarchs and kings, glanced around, and said with a smile, "Everyone, don't be so nervous, this young emperor is just here to celebrate his birthday, I think you are the same, right?"

Whether it is the fairy king sent by the four great fairy emperors, or the fairy king sent by the sage of heaven, or the fairy kings and kings of the major forces in the deep sea and heaven, no one dares to meet her eyes, and they all agree with her with smiles. , "Yes, yes, yes, we are also here to celebrate the birthday of the Lord of the Deep Sea."

The Lord of the Deep Sea region still looked at Ji Ran with a smile on his face, he knew that the young emperor of Great Zhou must have a plan for appearing on Sea God Island.

But no matter what her purpose is, she, Po Jun and one hundred and eight personal guards alone can't cause a storm in Sea God Island.

He put his posture so low because he didn't want to tear himself apart with Da Zhou Tianting.

No one would look down on him because of this, not even the Four Great Immortal Emperors and Heavenly Dao Saints dared to confront the Great Zhou Heavenly Court head-on, he would be a real fool if he were to be this early bird.

Of course, it is also difficult for the Great Zhou Heavenly Court to truly threaten the Deep Sea Heavenly Territory.

There are still a few heavenly saints' heavens between Longting Tianyu and Shenhai Tianyu, and the army of the Qing Emperor Legion cannot directly conquer the Deep Sea Tianyu.

Besides, Emperor Qing has long been targeted by Tiandao, if she dares to stay away from Longting Tianyu, she will be besieged and killed by the sages of Tiandao immediately.

Now everyone is waiting and watching, whether it is the sage of Heavenly Dao who makes the first move, or the Qing Emperor who makes the first move.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that Qingdi's side has already started to act.

Emperor Qin Tu Tianzhao re-established the Daqin Heavenly Court and occupied a star field in the Beiman Tianyu;
Ten Thousand Buddhas Paradise changed hands with lightning speed;
Now it seems that their next goal is the deep sea sky.

The Lord of the Deep Sea sneered in his heart, he wanted to see what God-defying means the Great Zhou Emperor had to break the situation.

He was confident in himself, but he didn't dare to let his guard down.

If she can be established as the young emperor of the Heavenly Court of the Great Zhou Dynasty and travel in the Nine Dragon Emperor's car instead, if anyone underestimates her, she will probably die a miserable death.

Ji Ran glanced at the immortal kings and kings, and said with a smile, "Since everyone is here to celebrate birthdays, let's have a banquet."

The birthday banquet began, and the maid brought up delicacies from mountains and seas.

Although it is not dragon liver and phoenix marrow, it is also a high-level rare animal fairy material, which ordinary immortals can't usually eat.

The fairy mist is misty, and a group of fairies are dancing in the central square.

The toasts were staggered, and the birthday banquet was full of joy.

As time went by, the Deep Sea Territory Master became more and more cautious, guarding against any changes that could come at any time.

Ji Ran always had a calm and calm look. If someone offered her a toast, she would always come to her. It seemed that she was really just here for the birthday banquet.

Queen Moyuan anxiously waited for Lu Chen's arrival, she knew that it was just the calm before the storm, and the storm was coming.


The birthday banquet was coming to an end, when suddenly there was a loud bang, and the entire Sea God Island was shaken like an earthquake.

The banquet was overturned and it was in a mess.

"Here we come." The Lord of the Deep Sea, the Sage of Heaven, the envoy of the Four Great Immortal Emperors, and Queen Mo Yuan thought at the same time.

The master of the deep sea looked at Ji Ran with lightning-like eyes, and saw that she was still calm and unrestrained, as if everything that happened had nothing to do with her.

"For those who have forgotten their ancestors, what face do you have to celebrate your birthday? Today's birthday will be your death anniversary next year." Yizheng's sonorous voice came from a distance, making everyone tremble.

"Where are you bastards, dare to make trouble on the domain lord's birthday."

With a burst of shouting, a third-level fairy king among the guests rushed into the sky, wanting to sweep away the troublemakers.


A whip shadow pierced through the air and drew towards the fairy king.

A sense of fear suddenly rose in the heart of the Third Realm Immortal King, and he tried his best to dodge, but the whip shadow followed him like a shadow, and he couldn't dodge it no matter what, it lashed at him and pulled him back to his original position.

Although he wasn't injured, he was still in shock. When he looked up, he saw that it was the whip of the woman driving the Nine Dragon Emperor floating in the air.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help looking at the Great Zhou Shaodi.

Ji Ran smiled calmly, "Everyone just said that they are here to attend the birthday banquet, so don't mind your own business. I believe that the Lord of the Deep Sea can handle this small matter by himself. Let's just watch the fun together."


Everyone took a breath of air, what does Young Emperor Da Zhou mean by this?
This is to prevent all parties participating in the birthday banquet from helping each other, not only the Immortal Kings sent by the Four Great Immortal Emperors and the Heavenly Dao Saints, but also the Immortal Monarchs and Immortal Kings sent by the various forces in the Deep Sea and Heaven Domain.

And the Great Zhou Heavenly Court, the Great Qin Heavenly Court, and the Ten Thousand Buddhas Heavenly Territory will not take action against the Lord of the Deep Sea Territory.

Besides these three forces, who else can deal with the Lord of the Deep Sea?

In fact, the major forces in the Deep Sea Region who came to participate in the birthday banquet were not direct descendants of the Lord of the Deep Sea Region, but vassal forces.

Only the Deep Sea Corps is his true direct lineage.

The Lord of the Deep Sea looked at Ji Ran, laughed loudly, and said, "Young Emperor is right, you are here to attend this king's birthday banquet, how can this king let you outshine the host, everyone wait a moment, wait for this king to solve it to make trouble Young people, let’s re-open the banquet to entertain you.”

He understood what the Great Zhou Emperor meant, that the Great Zhou Heavenly Court, the Great Qin Heavenly Court, and the Ten Thousand Buddhas Heavenly Domain would not attack him, but the Heavenly Dao Saint and the Four Great Immortal Emperors could not help him either.

Otherwise, it will cause a great war that will spread to the entire Great Thousand World.

Are the thirteen heavenly saints and the four great immortal emperors ready?
How many of the Four Great Immortal Emperors are on the side of the Heavenly Dao Saint, and how many are on the side of the Qing Emperor?
Obviously, the Heavenly Dao Sage and the Four Great Immortal Emperors are not ready yet, and the Deep Sea Sky Territory is not worthy of their decisive battle.


There was another violent earth shaking, as if something was hitting Sea God Island.

Everyone is either a fairy king or a fairy king, with extraordinary eyesight, they have already seen through thousands of miles.

I saw a huge sea island colliding with Sea God Island like a living thing.

What is it?
After everyone saw it clearly, they couldn't help but feel horrified. The huge island looked like a turtle, not a dragon, like a snake, with four legs like pillars. The whole giant island was his body.

The Lord of the Deep Sea looked at Turtle Island, his eyes flashed coldly, and he stepped forward and came to Turtle Island.

Immortal lights flew out one after another, and the Immortal Sovereign and Immortal King who belonged to the Lord of the Deep Sea also flew over, followed by the mighty Deep Sea Regiment.

(End of this chapter)

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