Chapter 771

There are only a handful of people in the world who can block the fatal blow of the Half-Step Immortal Emperor (Peak Immortal King of the Nine-Level Realm).

The Lord of the Deep Sea made an angry move, hoping to kill him with one blow, and not give Huang Xing any chance to breathe.

But it was blocked by the delicate and white palm.

He wouldn't be surprised if it was Young Emperor Da Zhou or the commander of Pojun standing in front of Huang Xing.

And the person who blocked his blow was none other than Queen Mo Yuan of the Merman tribe who had presented him with a gift at the birthday banquet just now.

That's just the Immortal King of the first level, he can suppress it with a flip of his hand.

But at this time, he easily blocked his blow.

Queen Mo Yuan's charming appearance revealed endless evil spirits.

This evil spirit erupted from her body, like a beast that devoured the sky, ferocious, bloody, and cruel.

Queen Mo Yuan licked the corners of her mouth, Lian Lian's beautiful eyes released a fierce light, and said hoarsely, "I have forgotten my ancestors after counting the classics, and I believe that the thief is the master. I will tear you apart."

The voice is gloomy and gloomy, and the gloomy male voice from the delicate Queen Moyuan finally makes people feel terrible.

The Lord of the Deep Sea felt his scalp go numb, thinking of a possibility, shrunk his scalp, and shouted in horror, "You are the water god Gonggong!"

The water god Gonggong was suppressed by the killing god Poseidon at the foot of Mount Buzhou and sealed off with a trident. Even if the seal is broken by Huang Xing's Dinghaishen needle, his body can't recover all of a sudden, and he can't exert his full strength.

Then there is only one possibility, Queen Mo Yuan is a descendant of the Gonggong family, and the water god Gonggong temporarily borrowed her body.

Using a bloodline body of a descendant of a first-level fairy king is enough for him to use [-] to [-]% of his strength.

"It's my god."

Queen Mo Yuan raised her head to the sky and let out a long roar, and revealed the main body of Gong Gong, with a huge human face and fish body, rushing towards the Lord of the Deep Sea.

The faces of all the supreme giants who watched the battle changed drastically. Unexpectedly, the Gonggong clan still has blood in the deep sea and sky.

The thirteen sages of the Dao of Heaven all had livid faces, knowing that the general trend of the deep sea and sky domain was over, and they were about to get out of their control.

They had no intention of watching the battle, and turned their eyes to Huang Xing who was lying on the mud of the deep sea, and kept calculating his identity.

But no matter how they deduced it, they couldn't see the origin of Huang Xing's identity clearly, and it was a mess.

A shocking battle broke out in the deep sea, and half of the sea water in the entire deep sea was evaporated.

The immortal kings and kings of all the major forces who came to the birthday banquet were terrified.

This was the scariest battle they had ever seen.

The land lord of the deep sea and Queen Mo Yuan, possessed by the water god Gonggong, shattered the world, and Ji Ran walked down from the void into the deep sea.

The fairy kings sent by the thirteen heavenly saints trembled and looked at each other. One of them boldly said, "Young Emperor Da Zhou, we just agreed that we will only watch the fun and not interfere with this matter. Do you want to Break the contract?"

They thought that Emperor Zhou wanted to intervene in the battle between the two, and the thirteen immortal kings all looked at Ji Ran nervously.

If there was a real fight, I'm afraid they would all fall here, but Shaodi Da Zhou and Po Jun would never even think about returning to Longting Tianyu.

"The winner has been decided. This young emperor is going to pick up my man. Who dares to stop me?" Ji Ran's eyes sharpened, and he looked at the thirteen fairy kings domineeringly, then ignored their reactions and continued walking towards the deep sea .

Everyone took a breath, and the young man who fell on the bottom of the sea turned out to be the man of Emperor Zhou Shaodi!

Those young evildoers who still had illusions all looked ashen and looked at Huang Xing with envy.

Of course, with their strength, they still can't see deep into the bottom of the sea.

The thirteen Immortal Kings looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't dare to make a move first. They looked at the Immortal King sent by the Four Great Immortal Emperors, as if they wanted them to express their views.

The Tiandao Saint camp and the Qing Emperor camp are in the same situation, and they are life-and-death enemies.

The attitude of the four great immortal emperors is very important, and their standing in line played a decisive role.

It can be said that if the four great immortal emperors were clearly on the side of the sage of the heavenly way, then the sage of the heavenly way would have sent his troops to conquer the Great Zhou Tianyu long ago.

He thought that the strength of the Great Zhou Heavenly Court would definitely not be able to stop the alliance between the Heavenly Dao Saint and the Four Great Immortal Emperors.

It's just that the four great immortal emperors haven't made a clear statement yet, so the sage of Tiandao dare not fight the Qing emperor in the final battle.

One of the Immortal Kings sent by the Four Great Immortal Emperors said flatly, "The Young Emperor of Great Zhou did not affect the battle of the Lord of the Deep Sea, so it is not considered a breach of contract."

His words revealed their position. The thirteen Heavenly Dao Saints and Immortal Kings all had their eyes darkened, and by going down the steps, they no longer obstructed the Great Zhou Shaodi.

Ji Ran walked into the deep sea, and Po Jun followed her like her shadow, guarding behind her.

The battle in the deep sea was earth-shattering, every drop of sea water carried the power of destroying the world, Po Jun waved the Tian Ge and Halberd in his hand, split the sea and divided the water, the violent sea water was forcibly cut out a path by her.

Ji Ran didn't care about the battle between the Lord of the Deep Sea and the Queen of Mo Yuan, and dived anxiously into the bottom of the deep sea. When she looked at the weak and fallen Huang Xing on the black mud, her eyes were sour and tears rolled in her eyes.

She thought of the battle between Confucianism and the Blood Alliance on Earth, and Huang Xing also did his last bit of strength for her.

"Don't hurt yourself so badly in the future." Ji Ran squatted down, helped Huang Xing up, leaned on his body, and said softly, "I will feel bad."

Po Jun stood on top of them, goosebumps all over his body, it was too sensual.

Huang Chen smiled palely and said, "There's no injury, it's just that I've used too much force and collapsed, and I'll recover after a short rest."

"I don't care, anyway, I won't allow you to do this in the future." Ji Ran said domineeringly.

"Girl." Lu Chen pinched Ji Ran's face with his dirty hands deep inside, rubbed the black mud on her face, and scolded with a smile, "Young emperor who has been a few days has started to become a shrew, I don't know You thought I was your little boy."

Ji Ran recovered the memory of Emperor Qing, although his character was still the same as before, but subtly, it also became a bit more domineering.

Po Jun watched Huang Xing lying weakly in Ji Ran's arms, the corners of his mouth twitched, he wanted to laugh but tried not to.

This look really looks like the little boy of the Shaodi family.

It's just that before she could laugh, Huang Chen pulled Ji Ran into his arms domineeringly, and became the young emperor of their family, leaning shyly in Huang Chen's arms.

Lu Chen smiled cheaply, "This posture is the right one."

He pinched Ji Ran's little face and said, "I'm just pretending to be dead, to see if there are any big fish hooked, and to slaughter a saint for my little daughter-in-law; but it seems that those old guys are more courageous than mice Small."

Two of the fifteen Heavenly Dao Saints have died, and the remaining thirteen Heavenly Dao Saints are hiding in their respective ashrams, not daring to leave half a step.

Ji Ran knew that Huang Xing was fine, so he was relieved, curled his lips, and said disdainfully, "If you're not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, how can you be a running dog?"

(End of this chapter)

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