Chapter 774
Both Huang Xing and Ji Ran were very energetic, and they were very afraid of the strangeness of the stone room.

Huang Xing pushed open the stone door again, this time there was no five-color divine light rushing out.

"I'll go in first, you follow me." Huang Xing said to Ji Ran not daring to be careless.

"En." Ji Ran was not hypocritical and accepted Huang Xing's protection.

Although she is already the Emperor Qing, she still enjoys Huang Xing's protection very much.

But if there was real danger, she would not let Huang Xing face it alone.

When Huang Xing walked into the stone room, his face suddenly changed, feeling that the endless laws of time and space were about to send him away.

Universe in the palm of your hand.

Huang Xing made a decisive decision and cast the universe in his palm. The black ball wrapped him and Ji Ran, so that he was not involved in the endless laws of time and space.

The black ball was thrown out of the stone room, both Huang Xing and Ji Ran looked at the stone room with the stone door wide open with lingering fear.

Ji Ran asked in shock, "How can there be a torrent of time and space here?"

She didn't even feel surprised that five-color divine light came out of the stone room just now.

The five-color divine light is the natal supernatural power of Kong Xuan, the great power of the wild, and evolved from Kong Xuan's five natal feathers, which are divided into five colors: green, yellow, red, black, and white. Within the five elements, there is nothing that cannot be brushed and nothing that cannot be broken.

Since the "Taiyi Immortal Scripture" and the Taiyi King Kong Ring appeared in the secret realm here, it is not so strange that Kong Xuan's five-color divine light appeared again.

But the torrent of time and space is different. It is formed naturally and cannot be arranged by human beings.

This shows that there was a torrent of time and space here before descendants established this secret realm here.

Because the strength of the Bai family and Huang family is limited, they haven't really found out the mystery here.

Huang Xing originally thought that this might be the site of a secret realm left by Daoist Taiyi, but now it seems that it may not be that simple.

Being able to create a secret realm with the torrent of time and space should be the work of a sage.

But if it is a secret place left by the saint, what is the purpose?

"I'll take you out first." Huang Xing said to Ji Ran.

Ji Ran's pupils shrank, and he asked, "Are you going to enter the torrent of time and space?"

Huang Chen nodded and said, "This place is likely to be arranged by Yuanshi Tianzun, I want to go in and find out."

Ji Ran said softly, "I'll accompany you in."

The torrent of time and space is extremely dangerous, even the fairy kings can't avoid it, but what they do is against the sky, no matter how dangerous they are, they have to face it.

She just hoped that she could face it with Huang Xing.

Huang Chen shook his head and refused, "I don't know where the end of the torrent of time and space is. I don't know when it will come out. You still have to sit in the world, and you can't leave for too long."

The situation in the Great Thousand World is not stable, and it is necessary for the Qing Emperor to sit in and stabilize the situation.

If he and Ji Ran enter the torrent of time and space and are trapped in it for too long, I am afraid that the world will change.

"I'll wait for you to come back." Ji Ran also understood Huang Xing's worry, looked at him softly, reached out to touch his face, his eyes were full of reluctance.

Huang Xing sent Ji Ran out of the secret realm, and then returned to the end of the secret realm.

Ji Ran stood outside the secret realm, looking at the entrance of the secret realm gently.

After a long time, he reluctantly left and returned to Longting Tianyu.

Leaving Huang Xing, Ji Ran's aura was unparalleled, and he returned to the mighty Great Zhou Tianting Young Emperor.

Po Jun guarded her side and sighed silently in his heart.

Although Shaodi and Huang Xing were together, she finally had a feeling of being raped by a pig.

But she could see that when beside Huang Xing, the young emperor was happy from the bottom of his heart.

Now for the sake of the great plan of the human race, the two in love have to get together less and leave more.



Huang Xing returned to the stone door, looking solemnly at the torrent of time and space inside the stone door.

It's just a door, but it's two worlds.

No one knows where the torrent of time and space will be teleported.

But Huang Xing was fearless.

The sky and the earth are so big that everything he can reach is his path.

The Tao cannot be restrained, and the law cannot be restrained.

Happy world, roam the sky.

Huang Xing walked into the stone room, did not protect himself with the power of the universe in his palm, and let the torrent of time and space drag him into the vortex of time and space.

He also entered the space-time vortex with the Daoqiao of Tianji ancient coins.

But the space-time vortex power of Tianji Ancient Coin is not comparable to the current space-time vortex at all.

The air of time and space surging within it is so violent that it can tear everything apart.

Such a terrifying space-time vortex, even if the Immortal King entered it, he would be torn to pieces.

Huang Xing only felt the force of tearing at the moment of being involved, but after entering the vortex, the force of tearing disappeared instead.

The space-time tunnel formed by the vast galaxy in front of me has no end in sight.

Walking in the space-time tunnel for three months, every step is to cross the long river of time and space.

In three months, I don't know how far I have traveled.

There is no time in the starry sky, the reason why Huang Xing can accurately know that he has gone for three months is because his system refreshes the quota on time every day.

When the light reappeared in front of his eyes, Huang Xing walked out of the space-time tunnel and came to a new world.

Sensing the changes in the laws around him, he frowned slightly. The laws here are still the laws of the universe.

He thought that the space-time tunnel was enough to let him go out of the Great Thousand World, but unexpectedly he was still in the Great Thousand World.

"As expected of a sage." Invincible's voice rang in Huang Chen's ears, "This is using the power of the torrent of time and space to build a time and space tunnel, cross the sea and hide it, and send it to Yinsi Tianyu at a fixed point."

Huang Chen also admired, "Tianji Yimai used the method of Tianji to establish a teleportation between the major heavenly domains, but now the situation has changed, and the heavenly domains led by the sages of the heavenly way have all closed the space. If I forcefully teleport in, the sages of the heavenly dao will I can feel it; the power of the torrent of time and space is the origin of space. The six sages of the human race have long expected that the sages of heaven will close the heavens, so they have already left behind. I am afraid that not only the Yinsi Tianyu, but also other heavens should be left behind. The teleportation point of the torrent of time and space."

Mietian Zhandao relying on their current strength is of course not enough, they need to gather all the strength of the 36 heavens.

After Emperor Qin slaughtered the Tianzhao saint, the remaining thirteen saints felt that something was wrong, and directly closed the thirteen heavens they commanded.

After pacifying the deep sea and the sky, Huang Xing and the others are planning to lure the gods out of the cave and let the thirteen heavenly saints leave the dojo; on the other hand, they are also secretly starting with the four great immortal emperors to win their power.

Various plans are being carried out in secret, and they cannot be completed overnight, and it may take years, decades, or even hundreds of years.

Huang Xing came up with various means, but his cultivation level was too low, and he originally planned to retreat and practice for a period of time to improve his cultivation level with peace of mind.

Now that the torrent of time and space has come to the heaven of the Yin Division Saint, as long as it is used well, it may be disintegrated from the inside.

If the Yin Division Tianyu falls again after the domain is closed, it will have a devastating blow to the hearts of the Tiandao Saint camp.

However, Huang Xing will also face greater danger at the same time.

This is outside of his plan, there is no help here, no back-up, once found out, it will be close to death.

(End of this chapter)

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