Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 776 Wind and Cloud Inn

Chapter 776 Wind and Cloud Inn
"No, please let me stay for another day."

There are still two days before the auction starts. After entering the ancient deserted city, Huang Xing first came to Fengyun Inn to stay.

Before entering the store, I heard hoarse wailing from inside.

Huang Chen's divine sense scanned the surroundings, and found that there were many people hiding outside the Fengyun Inn, all of them were staring at the Fengyun Inn, as if they were waiting for someone to come out.

There was a wailing sound, and among them, three real immortal monks showed fierce eyes, grinned cruelly and sneered, and they appeared, and gathered around the door of the inn.

The first one is at the fourth level of true immortality, and the other two are at the third level of true immortality.

"I gave you so many fairy stones, you can't drive me out and let me stay for another day, please."

The wailing sound got closer and more piercing.

"I don't have money to stay in any store, get out."

I saw two guys walking out of the gate of Fengyun Inn, carrying a middle-aged man, throwing it directly on the ground, and said disdainfully.

Three true immortal monks surrounded the middle-aged man who was recognized by the buddy, with a murderous aura exuding from his body.

"Brother, spare me, don't kill me."

When the middle-aged man saw the three of them, he was frightened out of his wits, and knelt down to the monks in the fourth level of true immortality to beg for mercy.

One of the third-level real immortals spat angrily, "Hey, you took the brothers' money and killed your sister-in-law. Now that the money has been cheated, you still have the face to beg for mercy?"

The True Immortal of the Fourth Realm shook his head, with an angry expression on his face, and said, "Third brother, I have already said that as long as you return all the money, I will spare your life; now that the money is gone, I will Can I still forgive you?"

The middle-aged man is full of regrets now, he was obsessed with ghosts, not only took away all the money, but also raped and killed his sister-in-law.

Because of this, he was hunted down and had no way to escape. After hiding in the Fengyun Inn, the elder brother asked him to return all the money that was taken away, so that his life could be spared.

But he raped and killed his sister-in-law, how could he believe that his elder brother would let him go?
Moreover, the money to stay in front of Fengyun Inn is not expensive, it is a drop in the bucket for him.

He kept procrastinating, and the pre-order every day became more and more expensive.

The more money he spent, the less he dared to go out.

One day can be delayed.

Seeing the money getting less and less, others slowly began to collapse.

Spent every last penny today and got kicked out.

He knew he was doomed.

The True Immortal of the fourth level looked at the third child coldly, and sighed in his heart.

The money stolen by the third child was earned by the brothers who worked hard.

For this business, many of them died, but they were swept away by the third child.

His injured wife also died in humiliation.

At that time, he thought, if the third child could walk out of Fengyun Inn, return the money and distribute it to his brothers, then he could really spare his life.

It's not that he doesn't want to avenge his wife, but the widows left by those dead brothers are still waiting for money to pay for the aftermath.

However, the authorities were obsessed, the youngest lived in the Fengyun Inn, dragged on for a day, was boiled in warm water for frogs, and there was not a single fairy stone left.

"You want me to die, and I want to drag a back."

The third child knew that he was bound to die, so he made a sudden move and attacked one of the three real immortal realms.

"Looking for death." The boss and the other two real immortals shouted angrily, and attacked the third child together.

Boom, boom, boom—

The four true immortals fought outside the Fengyun Inn.

The third child is also in the Third Realm of True Immortal Realm, but in the end he took all the valuable immortal treasures on his body to Fengyun Inn, just asking to stay one more day.

Even the talisman of life has been pawned, and the combat strength is not yet [-]%, knowing that it is difficult to escape from the hands of the three.

He was just putting all his eggs in one basket, desperately fighting for a chance of survival.

After making a quick attack, he tried his best to resist the attacks of the other two and fled.

There was a cold glow in the eyes of the three of them, and they surrounded them again. How could they let him escape?

"Go away."

Even if the chances were slim, the third child would not give up. He suffered two blows, and finally sprayed blood, and tried his best to escape, but found the direction of escape, which happened to be blocking one person.

He didn't dare to do three seven and twenty one, and directly slapped the person blocking the way.

It was Huang Xing who blocked the third child's way.

He didn't deliberately block the way, he just ignored the fighting of the four and walked directly to the gate of Fengyun Inn.

As a result, just as they came here, the third child also flew towards this side, blocking the way.

Huang Xing looked at the third child indifferently, the hideous scar on his face made him look unkind.


Huang Xing drew his saber out of its sheath, and slashed at the third child who was slapped with his palm.

One cut and two paragraphs.

The third child's body was divided into two parts, the head of the upper body was still twisted, and he looked at Huang Xing in disbelief.

The aura exuding from his body when he drew the knife just now was just a fairyland, how could he not be able to avoid that knife?

The aura exuded by each realm is different.

The astonishing strike made everyone stunned.

Although the third child was injured and escaped in a hurry, and he didn't have a magic weapon to protect his body, he was in the third level of the real fairyland, and was chopped into two pieces by a celestial fairyland, and he didn't even react.

"What a quick knife."

Everyone was amazed when they saw Huang Chen's knife.

This should be the Tianjiao evildoer in the fairyland.

The three real immortals landed beside the body of the third child, looked at the body that had been cut in two, and remained silent.

The boss bowed his hands to Huang Xing, and praised, "What a fast knife, thank you friend for your righteousness, may I ask your friend's name?"

Although they could keep the third child without Huang Chen's action, but no matter what, the third child died in Huang Xing's hands, so a word of thanks is also appropriate.

The more important thing was that he was terrified by the cold aura on Huang Xing's body, and he didn't even see the knife clearly just now, so he didn't want to offend Huang Xing.

"Second knife." Lu Xing put the knife back into its sheath indifferently, announced his name in a cold voice, then ignored the boss, and walked directly into the gate of Fengyun Inn.

"Second knife." The boss gently read Huang Chen's name, which was obviously not his real name, more like a title.

"Bah, it's just a fairy, what's the big deal."

Seeing that Huang Xing was ignoring their boss, a true immortal in the third level spit in a low voice.

"Seventh child, don't make trouble." The boss taught, "He can kill the third child with a single knife. His strength should not be underestimated. He is probably a monster in the fairyland."

The so-called evildoers are not only extremely talented in cultivation, but also have amazing combat power, and can fight across borders.

The last thing ordinary monks want to offend are these monsters, because it is difficult to estimate their true strength.

Lao Qi didn't really want to offend Huang Xing, so he didn't dare to break his mouth in a low voice until he entered Fengyun Inn.

After the boss finished speaking, he looked at the third child who was broken in two, and sighed. Although the door was cleaned up, the loss was irreparable.

The grievances and hatred between the four did not cause too many waves.

This kind of thing happened from time to time in front of the Fengyun Inn, but it was Huang Xing's stunning knife that left a deep impression on everyone.

"Guest officer, please come inside."

When Huang Xing walked into Fengyun Inn, a waiter greeted him with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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