Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 78 Move 1 Step, I Lose

Chapter 78 Move One Step, I Lose

The identity of the woman in the yellow shirt is not simple, she is known as one of the evildoers who have the best chance of becoming a master among the younger generation, and even his master Yang Ye, the head of the Wanxiang Sect, will treat her with courtesy when he sees her.

Now she gave Qin Guanlan her sword, the Falling Star Sword, to tell everyone that she is very optimistic about Qin Guanlan's future.

This time, Master Jiusong invited Master Gu of Jianzong to be the witness of the apprenticeship ceremony, but such an accident happened, which made them unexpected.

Qin Guanlan not only refused to join the Wanxiang Sect, but instead joined the Jianzong.

The Vientiane Sect was disgraced in front of the major families, but there was nothing they could do about it.

In the world of martial arts, there are 23 sects of four saints and nine sects.

Among them, the Four Great Sacred Grounds are the strongest, followed by the Nine Sects, and the next is the 23 Sects.

The Wanxiang Sect is also ranked at the bottom of the 23 sects, so naturally it can't do anything to Jianzong, one of the nine sects.

However, Master Gu also gave Wanxiang a lot of face, letting him teach Qin Guanlan a lesson at will, and even trample him in the face to humiliate him.

But this alone is not enough. After all, Qin Guanlan's cultivation base is too low, and he comes from the Guwu family, which is lower than him. Defeating him is not enough to restore the reputation of Wanxiangmen.

Shangguan Yunfei cast his eyes on Huang Xing who was in the audience.

Huang Xing was the purpose of his visit this time.

Only by defeating the geniuses who are also from the ancient martial arts sect, is it enough for the Vientiane sect to stand up.

Huang Xing also noticed Shangguan Yunfei's gaze, and looked at him with a faint smile.

With a provocative look on Shangguan Yunfei's cold and stern face, he said to Huang Chen, "Brother Lu, please come to the stage and explain."


Everyone looked at Huang Xing one after another, the duel between the two dark geniuses was about to begin.

Who will win between Huang Xing and Shangguan Yunfei?
Everyone is looking forward to it.

Under everyone's attention, Huang Xing stood up, and walked slowly towards the martial arts stage step by step.

"Hehe." Wang Shao, who was in the audience, saw Lu Xing coming to the stage, and said to his companions with a sneer, "Just wait and see Shangguan Yunfei teach Lu Xing a lesson."

"That's right." The companion beside him echoed, "Shangguan Yunfei is really too strong. Just now he suppressed his cultivation base to the first level of dark energy. Beating Qin Guanlan is like beating a child. Lu Xing will suffer."

Seeing that his words were agreed with, Wang Shao looked at Huang Xing triumphantly, as if he had defeated him.

He then looked at Qin Guanlan again, his eyes filled with jealousy.

That Qin Guanlan was favored by Master Jiusong, and he refused without knowing what was good or bad, but he was only taught by Shangguan Yunfei, and did not hurt the root cause. Instead, he joined the more powerful Jianzong. Give him the Falling Star Sword, one of the seven famous swords of Jianzong.

This kind of encounter made Wang Shao deeply jealous.

Huang Xing stepped onto the stage and stood facing Shangguan Yunfei, and asked indifferently, "What advice do you have?"

"Shangguan Yunfei, the chief disciple of the Wanxiang Sect, I don't know what school Brother Lu is?" Shangguan Yunfei asked tentatively.

Huang Chen shook his head, and said flatly, "It's inconvenient to tell you the name of your teacher."

Both Master Jiusong and Master Gu frowned, they also wanted to know Huang Xing's school.

Shangguan Yunfei frowned, then smiled and said, "I've heard for a long time that brother Lu is very powerful, so I don't know if I can enlighten you."

He is very confident in his own strength, and believes that under Hua Jin, only the truly peerless monsters of the Four Sages and Nine Sects can defeat him.

"Please." Lu Xing stood facing the wind, Gu Jing said calmly.

The atmosphere in the martial arts arena became tense, making it hard to breathe.

Everyone wants to truly see the difference between the Anjin masters sent by the ancient martial arts and themselves, and whether there is an insurmountable gap under the same level of cultivation.

Shangguan Yunfei took the lead, what he was really good at was kicking.

Like lightning, he jumped up and kicked Huang Xing eighteen times in a row.

Beitang Mo, the Patriarch of the Beitang family, saw Shangguan Yunfei's kicking, his eyes were startled, and he stared at Shangguan Yunfei's kicking.

The Qin family's Split Wind Palm, the Chu family's Kongming Fist, and the Beitang family's Bei Po Lianhuan Kick.

Beitang Mo is also a master of kicking at the peak of dark energy. Now when he saw Shangguan Yunfei kicking his legs, he was shocked. It was several times better than his own kicking. He blurted out, "Lu Xing will definitely lose."




As soon as Beitang Mo finished speaking, he was immediately dumbfounded.

I saw Shangguan Yun kicking eighteen legs in the sky as fast as lightning, but Lu Xing stood still, either blocking with his hands, or bending over to dodge, his feet seemed to be stuck to the ground, unable to move even an inch shift.


"too slow."

Huang Xing easily parried Shangguan Yunfei's kicks, while commenting with a light smile.

After Shangguan Yunfei's [-]th leg came out, he rolled over and backed up, and landed six meters away, looking at Huang Xing with shock.

He actually saw through every kick he made, and easily blocked his kamikaze kick.

Everyone looked at Huang Xing in shock. They knew that Huang Xing was very strong, but they didn't expect him to be so outrageously strong. Shangguan Yunfei didn't force him to take a step back.

"Shangguan Yunfei must not have used his full strength." Wang Shao stunned and stammered with his mouth wide open.

Master Jiusong and Master Gu also looked at Huang Xing solemnly, trying to see his origin from his moves.

But Huang Xing didn't make any moves at all, he just saw through Shangguan Yunfei's kicks, and blocked and avoided them at will.

"Are you still coming?" Huang Xing smiled lazily, "Move one step, and I will lose."

Shangguan Yunfei knitted his brows into a straight line, the stronger the opponent, the calmer he is.

He no longer dared to be careless, treating Huang Xing as a real genius and evildoer, his toes twirled gently on the ground.

Chasing the stars and chasing the moon legs.

Shangguan Yunfei rose into the air again, leaving only the shadows of his legs kicking towards Huang Xing from all directions.

Huang Xing was still standing there calmly, Shangguan Yunfei, who was at the peak of dark energy, couldn't raise his energy at all.

His hands moved randomly, seemingly slowly but quickly, blocking Shangguan Yunfei's attacks one after another.

Boom, boom, boom.

The legs are faster, the hands are faster, and afterimages converge, leaving only the booming sound of hands and feet colliding.

Everyone was dazzled, and the ancient warriors of the major families in the audience were already stunned.

None of them had the confidence to retreat under Shangguan Yunfei's dense legwork, let alone block it like Huang Xing without moving a single step.

It's not that Shangguan Yunfei is weak, but that Huang Xing is too strong.

He didn't know how many legs he had put out in a row, Shangguan Yunfei's head was sweating, he was really tired and sweating.

Shangguan Yunfei withdrew his legs, turned around and landed on the ground. He felt his legs go limp, and he almost lost his footing and fell down.

The force of the collision of his hands and feet made both his thighs numb and he lost consciousness.

He had practiced his legs for more than ten years, but now he kicked until his legs were weak and did not let Huang Xing move a step.

Shangguan Yunfei felt endless sadness in his heart.

This is even more uncomfortable than Huang Xing defeating him head-on.

He knew that he was completely defeated.

Shangguan Yunfei retreated to Master Jiusong with a gloomy expression, watched him salute apologetically, and then retreated behind him.

He was already, powerless.

 the third
  Thanks to the local tyrant "Mingyue Ye" for becoming the first hall master of this book

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(End of this chapter)

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