Chapter 791
Huang Chen is not omniscient, and he didn't know that the Lin family actually had an ancestor of the Dao of the Sword at the seventh level of the Immortal Sovereign.

He said, "So, the Lin family agreed to hide the matter of the seventh-grade sword soul for me, because they are planning to lure me to the Lin family to catch a turtle."

The ancestor of the Lin family nodded without denying it.

Huang Xing then asked, "Is this what you mean, or is it Lin Zongming's scheme?"

He regards Lin Zongming as a friend. If he counts against him from the beginning, he can only say that he does not know people well.

In fact, with his eyesight, he can be sure that Lin Zongming treats him sincerely, and asking more questions at this time is just to reassure himself.

The ancestor of the Lin family said gently, "Zong Ming doesn't know my existence."

When he was testing Huang Chen just now, he was sharp with a sword, but now he is like an ordinary honest old man, amiable and amiable.

Only a few people in the Lin family knew of his existence.

Lin Zongming didn't know his existence, so naturally he wouldn't set up a conspiracy.

"Sit." The ancestor of the Lin family pointed to the table in front of him and motioned Huang Chen to sit down.

Huang Xing sat cross-legged opposite the ancestor of the Lin family, and the old god asked, "The ancestor didn't ask me to come here just to tell me about your conspiracy to snatch the seventh-rank sword soul?"

The ancestor of the Lin family picked up the teapot and poured tea into the cup in front of Huang Xing, and said, "Your talent in the Dao of the Sword is far above mine, and your future achievements will definitely surpass mine, and you even have a chance to hit the realm of the Supreme Immortal King."

Immortal King, for ordinary monks, is indeed the supreme realm.

Although the ancestor of the Lin family was an immortal king of the seventh level, he was still far away from the immortal king, and he never had the idea of ​​attacking the immortal king.

Huang Chen looked at the ancestor of the Lin family, with a firm look in his eyes, and a sharp sword intent on his body, he said forcefully, "I will definitely break through the realm of the fairy king."

"If you can enter the Saint Academy and obtain sufficient resources, there is a great possibility to break through to the realm of the Immortal King in the future." The ancestor of the Lin family said, "But with your current strength, it is still a bit difficult to enter the top ten of the Tianwu Starfield." reluctantly."

He said with emotion, "I have been to Tianwu Star before, and the cultivation resources there are not comparable to that of Langya Star. The seventh-rank sword soul is a peerless immortal treasure on Langya Star, but it is not so precious on Tianwu Star. In the selection contest of Saint Academy, those third-rank and fourth-rank forces will definitely use all available resources for the younger generation to use, and let them compete for that spot."

The higher you stand, the more you know the hierarchy of the world.

The second knife can be unsurpassed in Langya Star, but looking at the entire Tianwu star field, there are still some evildoers who can rival him, and those evildoers have strong support behind them, and the resources mobilized are not comparable to the second knife.

Huang Xing knew that the ancestors of the Lin family didn't just see him for the purpose of hitting him, but for other purposes.

He kept silent, quietly listening to the ancestor of the Lin family continue talking.

Sure enough, the ancestor of the Lin family went on to say, "You originally wanted to show off your talents in Dao of the Sword and join the Heavenly Sword Sect, but besides looking for opportunities to avenge, the greater purpose is to use the sixth-level top-rank Dao of the Sword Immortal Technique "Badao Jue" of the Heavenly Sword Sect, right? "

Huang Chen pretended to be surprised, and said, "Old Zu's eyes are as bright as a torch. At that time, he didn't know that there was a seventh-rank sword soul in the half-cut sword. He wanted to go further in the selection competition, and he really wanted to seek the Heavenly Sword Sect." "Bao Dao Jue" and resources poured in."

The ancestor of the Lin family said, "Although you occasionally get a seventh-grade sword soul, the level of immortality you practice is too low. With the blessing of a seventh-grade sword soul, you can't see the difference in dealing with ordinary evildoers, but you can't see the difference against ordinary monsters. Monster, your low level of immortality will make you suffer a lot."

Huang Xing fell silent, his face was serious, he seemed a little worried, then he looked at the ancestor of the Lin family and said, "The ancestor asked me to come to see you, is there a way to help me?"

The ancestor of the Lin family nodded, and asked with a kind smile on his face, "The major forces can vaguely guess that I am still alive, but no one knows my Dao of the Sword realm, do you know why?"

Huang Chen said in shock, "Could it be that the ancestor didn't practice the way of the sword before he retired?"

If Gu Changfeng knew that the ancestor of the Lin family was in the Dao of the Sword realm, he would not have proposed to hand over the seventh-grade sword soul from Lin Zongming to Xianwu Auction House for auction.

"That's right." The ancestor of the Lin family said secretly, "I had never practiced Dao of the Sword before I went into seclusion. Later, I accidentally dug out a fragment of Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Dao of the Sword that appeared from it. Dao realm, and thus broke through from the sixth realm of Xianjun to the seventh realm."

Huang Xing said in horror, "Is it possible to cultivate to such a level with just the fragments?"

The ancestor of the Lin family said, "At that time, I was only a true immortal of the seventh level when I got the fragmented scroll, and I couldn't comprehend it, so I didn't pay much attention to it. A fragment of the Supreme Treasure Immortal Law."

The Supreme Treasure Immortal Technique will be smashed by various forces on high-level planets. Although it is a fragment, once it is leaked, it will definitely bring disaster to the Lin family.

At this time, the ancestors of the Lin family told the second knife about the most precious immortal method, and the meaning is self-evident.

The ancestor of the Lin family took out half a roll of bamboo slips and said to Huang Xing, "I can pass on the fragments of the Dao of the Sword to you, but you have to swear with your soul that you will protect the Lin family in the future."

Lu Chen looked at the half-rolled bamboo slips with piercing eyes, and said seriously, "Okay, I promise you, as long as I'm here, I will guarantee the prosperity of the Lin family forever."

Lu Chen sacrificed his soul to swear, and then the ancestors of the Lin family handed over the fragments of the celestial law to Lu Chen contentedly, and said, "My end is approaching, and I can rest assured that you will protect the Lin family."

He knew that his lifespan was approaching, and the rest of the Lin family was no more than a fifth-layer fairy king. He was afraid that if he died, the Lin family would decline.

The second Dao of the Sword talent is astonishing in the world, the soul of the seventh grade of the sword plus the most precious treasure of the Dao of the Dao of the Sword, can definitely become a saint's disciple, with him protecting the Lin family, who would dare to provoke the Spike.

The ancestor of the Lin family went on to say, "My talent in the Dao of the Sword is limited, and I have only grasped one-twelfth of the remaining scrolls of immortal arts. It is even more impossible for the rest of the Lin family to comprehend the remaining scrolls of immortal arts. Only in your hands can they display the most precious immortal arts I won’t teach you at this half-baked level, you take it back and study it carefully, I believe it can make your Dao of the sword more refined.”

Huang Xing took the fragments of the fairy art, and hungrily read it on the spot.

He only read a few paragraphs of the formula, and he knew that this was originally a nine-level mid-level Dao of the Sword Immortal Technique.

If it is the full version, even the fairy kings will fight for it.

The fragmented scroll in his hand is probably less than one-fifth, but it is also strong enough.

After Huang Xing flipped through the fragments, he sank into it.

The patriarch of the Lin family looked at Huang Xing as if he was looking at an unsheathed magic knife.

The knife is not out of the sheath, but as long as it is out of the sheath, it can cut off the world.

(End of this chapter)

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