Chapter 795
Tianwu star is an eighth-level planet, and the celestial power on it is not comparable to that of Spike.

The Tianjiao of Spike Star has never enjoyed such a pure fairy power, and everyone's face is flushed with excitement. If they can stay in Tianwu Star to practice, how much would it be!

Even becoming a saint's disciple and entering the saint's college to practice, you can get unlimited resources.

There is hope in their eyes, and they are full of expectations for the future.

When Tianwuxing's Tianjiao entered the valley, the battleship set sail and left with a bang.

Many Tianjiao looked at the warship flying farther and farther in confusion, feeling puzzled in their hearts.

They came to participate in the assessment, why they are still here, and no one told them what to do next.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, at a loss.

"Brother Dao, what's going on?" Lin Zongming asked Huang Xing suspiciously.

When he came to Tianwu Star, he was looking forward to it, but also feeling uneasy.

But fortunately, they have a second knife asylum.

With him around, the top talents of the Lin family are much calmer than others.

"Wait." Huang Xing just spit out this word lightly, then sat down cross-legged, racing against time to practice.

Lin Zongming and the others looked at Huang Xing and sighed in their hearts: I'm not afraid of being more talented than you, but I'm afraid of being more talented than you and working harder.

As long as it is not necessary, the second knife is not only practice, but also practice.

After hearing the words of the second knife, the six Tianjiao of the Lin family also sat down to practice and wait.

Lin Zongkuang looked at Huang Xing with a complicated expression, he respected and feared the second knife.

This time with Tian Wuxing, he didn't refuse the second sword, he was very grateful in his heart.

Only then did he realize how ridiculous his arrogance was.

"There's something weird here." Huang Xing sat down to practice, and an invincible voice sounded.

"En." Huang Chen agreed, "It's so deadly."

This huge valley looks very ordinary on the surface, but Huang Xing can detect a very strong death energy.

The death energy seems to be suppressed by some force, otherwise, if it bursts out, the arrogance of these Spike Stars will lose their souls if they touch a wisp of it.

Wudiqiang pondered for a while and said, "The layout here is very similar to an altar. If I guessed correctly, the assessment method this time is to sacrifice all the Tianjiao evildoers who participated in the selection and gather them on the strongest evildoer. The saints take their place."

"These saints really deserve to die." A coldness flashed in Lu Chen's heart. There are hundreds of qualified Tianjiao evildoers in Wolf Fang Star alone, and there are at least tens of thousands in Tianwu Star combined.

The entire Yin Division Tianyu is even more terrifying.

Even other saints in Tianyu are also conducting this selection, which can be said to wipe out all the arrogance and monsters born in the past 50 years in more than a dozen saints in Tianyu!
Fifty years is just a moment in the long history of the human race.

But these 50 years have carried the latest luck of the human race.

It can be said that it has cut off the luck of the human race for nearly 50 years, allowing the luck of the human race to go back 50 years.

On the third day, there was a bang, the clouds rolled in the sky, and the surrounding celestial powers were berserk.

Everyone was startled suddenly, and the scene of the sky and the earth changed slowly. After the shaking of the earth and mountains passed, they found that they were already in a strange space.

The space is vast, and there is nothing but people.

The people here are not only the arrogance of Spike Star, but tens of thousands of people appeared densely.

Each one is full of vigor, the arrogance and evildoer of the younger generation.

The Tianjiao and monsters of the entire Tianwu Starfield are gathered in this space.

"What's the matter? Where is this place?"

"We are here to participate in the saint's disciple assessment, why no one is here to guide us?"


The Tianjiao and evildoers from all over the place are noisy and discussing.

"This seat, Tianwu, welcomes you all to participate in the saint's disciple assessment." The deep voice echoed in the space and reached everyone's ears.

Tianwu, the name of the Lord of Tianwu Starfield.

They were originally curious to participate in the assessment, but why no one received them, and no one told them what to do.

Unexpectedly, the first one to appear was the overlord of the Tianwu Starfield.

The space instantly became quiet, and no one dared to make any noise in front of the Lord of the Tianwu Starfield.

"You are all young talents of Tianwu Star. They are the pride of our Tianwu Star and represent the future of Tianwu Star."

The voice of the Starfield Lord echoed in the space, without a lofty attitude, more like a kind-hearted elder.

Everyone was honored to hear Starfield Lord's praise, and they were full of expectations for their future.

"This time, the sage of the Yin Division sent Hong En to select the ten strongest evildoers from the Tianwu Starfield to enter the Saint Academy to practice. You may even have the opportunity to become the personal disciples of the Sage of the Yin Division in the future."

The words of the Tianwu Starfield Lord made tens of thousands of Tianjiao and monsters excited, as if they were the saint's disciples, and the saint personally passed them on.

The gentle voice continued, "This assessment is called the hunting of the ten absolutes, and the final ten winners will become the saint's disciples."

"The ten-jue siege is carried out in a forbidden area with a radius of [-] miles. The rules are very simple. Each of you is a hunter, and everyone is also a prey." The voice of the star field master said loudly, "The ten-jue siege, the hunter Not others, but any contestant other than you, the last ten survivors in the forbidden area are the final winners."

When everyone heard the rules, they were horrified and stunned. This is not to let everyone kill each other and decide ten people by raising Gu.

This rule is indeed very simple, but it is also very cruel, only kill, kill, kill.

After hearing the rules, Huang Xing's heart flashed coldly, as expected.

This time, the selection of the saint's disciples will almost wipe out all the arrogance and evildoers in the saint's Tianyu in the past 50 years.

The vicious intentions are second to none.

It's too late for him to stop now.

Even if he can stop the assessment of the Tianwu Starfield, but other starfields in the Yinsi Tianyu, as well as other Saint Tianyu, are beyond his reach, and he will only scare the snake away.

The best way now is for him to become the personal successor of the saint, and destroy the conspiracy of the saint of the underworld at the most critical moment.

"Master Starfield, can you withdraw from the assessment now?" A trembling voice asked among the crowd.

He just participated in the assessment with the idea of ​​seeing the world. Now that he knows that the assessment method is not through a martial arts competition, but a hunt of ten absolutes, he knows that he will definitely not survive to the end.

There are not a few people who have the same idea as him, and they all want to quit.


Tianjiao who asked if he could withdraw from the assessment suddenly exploded, blood and flesh flying everywhere.

The voice of the star field master became cold and said, "Cultivate together and go forward bravely. You are all the young generation of arrogance and monsters. You are the future and pride of the Tianwu Star Field. Each of you has the hope of becoming the strongest person standing at the peak of the Nine Heavens. Now that you have such a good opportunity for you, the trash who doesn’t know how to catch it doesn’t deserve to live?”

(End of this chapter)

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