Chapter 802 Unruly

The six of Lin Zongming looked at the Tianwu Starfield Master with trepidation.

After seeing the strength of those evildoers, they also know the gap between their own strength and the real evildoers. They are indeed not qualified to enter the Saint Academy where there are so many evildoers.

To be able to save their lives in the Ten Forbidden Places is already a great fortune, and they do not expect to really be able to enter the Saints Academy.

Even if the Tianwu Starfield Master deprived them of their places to enter the Saint Academy, they would have nothing to say.

"They lived to the end according to the requirements of the assessment, so why are they not eligible to become saint disciples?" The second knife questioned, and said, "Could it be that the Starfield Lord wants to change the order and cancel their quota?"

The second collision made the six members of the Lin family and the three immortal kings who survived by chance sucked in a breath of air.

He is so brave, he dared to contradict the Lord of the Tianwu Star Region!
The Lord of the Tianwu Starfield turned cold, and looked at the second knife and said angrily, "How does this gentleman decide? It's not your turn to talk."

In fact, the ten forbidden lands were not written by him, but the sage of the Yin Division personally refined the space treasure, and the assessment requirements were also set by the sage of the Yin Division. He did not disqualify Lin Zongming from the six places.

But he didn't know the real purpose of the sage of Yin Division in selecting the disciples of the sages. He thought it was a once-in-a-million-year opportunity. If the six members of the Lin family entered the Saint Academy on behalf of the Tianwu Starfield, wouldn't it make people laugh at him that there was no one in the Tianwu Starfield?

Huang Xing was not intimidated by the aura of the Tianwu Starfield Lord, but continued to argue, "If the number of people who pass the assessment can be changed at will, then why is there a need to hunt for the ten absolutes? Just let the Starfield Lord appoint Ten people become the saint's disciples."

"Looking for death." Seeing that the second knife dared to contradict him again and again, the master of Tianwu Starfield shouted angrily, and slapped it with his palm, and the giant hand that shrouded the sky came to suppress Huang Xing.


The saber intent burst out from Huang Chen's body, and his aura was already in the fairyland!

Just now, he killed the five great immortal kings with a single blow, absorbed the "death energy" power from them, and his cultivation directly broke through to the realm of immortal kings.

In fact, his actual cultivation is only at the eighth level of immortality, but he restrains the power of good fortune, allowing the power of "dead energy" to melt into his body, making his cultivation seem to be at the realm of immortal kings.

The power of "death energy" is not his real power, but "loaned" to him by the sage of the Yin Division, just like the power bestowed by the Heavenly Dao to the Sage of the Heavenly Dao, the sage of the Yin Division can take it back at any time.

It's just that the "death energy" has reached Huang Xing, so it's not certain whether he can take it back at that time.

The power of "death energy" merged into the sword intent, and the gloomy and dark blade intent was extremely terrifying, and it slashed towards the suppressing giant hand that shrouded the sky.

The three great immortals and evildoers trembled when they sensed the aura of the immortals on the second knife.

It's just that the real fairyland can kill them with a single blow. How terrifying it would be to break through to the fairyland now!
When they saw the Tianwu Starfield Master make the second strike, a ferocious look of excitement suddenly appeared on their faces.

If there is a second knife, they will never have a bright future.

Born in the same era as him, it is the sorrow of all monsters.

But no matter how strong the second knife is, can it be stronger than the star domain master of the half-step fairy king?

"Killing God, cut with one knife."

The knife that killed the evil spirits of the five great immortals appeared again, and it was even more terrifying, more than ten times stronger!
There was a loud "boom".

The black saber intent slashed at Zhetianju's hand, and the scattered power caused the entire "Death Knife Peak" to collapse.

A sixth-level middle-grade fairy knife.

Seventh Grade Sword Soul.

Ninth-level middle-grade immortal method.

The Realm of Immortals.

The limit of the second knife still didn't cut through the giant hand that shrouded the sky, but only offset nine out of ten of his strength.

Zhetian's giant hand slapped the knife intent, and slapped the second knife with one palm until he spit out a mouthful of blood, and barely stabilized his figure with the knife on the ground.

The Master of the Tianwu Star Region looked at the second sword coldly and said, "This palm is a lesson for your talkativeness, if it weren't for the fact that you are only young and vigorous, this palm of this king will kill you. "

He said so, but he didn't dare to kill the second time.

Just now, the power of the Ten Forbidden Lands automatically kept Ouyang Chongtian and the three of them. He could see that there were ten places, no one more, no one less.

He didn't have the courage to go against the will of the sage of the underworld to kill the second time.

Lu Chen stood up firmly, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Tianwu Starfield Master coldly and said, "I'll ask the Starfield Lord for advice on this palm when I come back from Saint Academy."

The eyes of the master of Tianwu Starfield turned cold, he originally just wanted to hit the second knife, but who knew that the other party was so rebellious.

He said coldly, "You think I dare not kill you?"

Huang Chen sneered, "I have passed the assessment of the siege of the ten absolutes, and now I am a saint's disciple. The star domain master wants to kill me, so he doesn't take the sage of the underworld seriously?"

"Okay, okay, I underestimated you, you have learned how to pretend to be a tiger so quickly." The Tianwu Starfield Lord laughed angrily, "Don't think that you can ignore me by becoming a disciple of a saint. Come back alive and say such things to me again."

He said coldly, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, the cruelty of competition in Saint Academy is no less than that of Shijue Siege."

The strength of the second knife made him feel afraid, but he was too arrogant, and this kind of character would never survive long in the Saints Academy.

Lu Xing confronted each other and said, "Don't worry, Starfield Lord, I will definitely come back from Saint Academy alive to ask you for advice."

The Tianwu Starfield Lord snorted coldly, and then said to everyone, "You have passed the assessment, and you will leave for Saint Academy tomorrow."

Originally, there was no need to send them to the Saint Academy in a hurry, but the second knife was unruly, he couldn't restrain him, he could only see it out of sight.

Originally, he just wanted to scare the six members of the Lin family, and then give them the places to let them be grateful to him.

Who knew that the second sword would directly compete with him for their quota, completely ignoring himself as the star domain master.

He originally had some doubts about the identity of the second knife, but now he has no doubts. This is an unruly evildoer.

This is also the purpose of Huang Xing to confuse the Tianwu star domain master and the underworld sage.

He believed that the Tianwu Star Territory Master would definitely investigate his identity, and as he climbed step by step in the Saint Academy, the Yin Division Saint would also investigate his identity.

They didn't have time to prepare, early the next morning, the ten people of Lu Xing boarded the battleship and flew to You Yunxing, where the Saint Academy is located, which is the planet where the ashram of the Yin Division Saint is located.

The six of Lin Zongming boarded the battleship in a trance, and becoming disciples of saints was like a dream, which was unimaginable before.

Ouyang Chongtian, Shui Wuhen, and another evildoer named Zheng Qiu all tremblingly boarded the battleship with Huang Xing.

(End of this chapter)

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