Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 810 Killing Until You Admit You Are Trash

Chapter 810 Killing Until You Admit You Are Trash

Tian Kaiji was able to survive among hundreds of thousands of evildoers in the Yin Division Starfield until he finally became one of the ten disciples of the saints. He was definitely not an arrogant and ignorant person.

He was arrogant because he had the capital to be arrogant, but he couldn't become arrogant in front of the approaching swordsman.

Just now Heng Gu's boundless saber intent was earth-shattering, even though he had seen the ancestor of the Tian Family Immortal King make a sword, he didn't seem to have the feeling of Heng Gu.

The more ancient something is, the more powerful it is. This is a consensus in the cultivation world.

Not to mention the opponent's strength, even with the Soul Eater on his back, he would not dare to swipe his front.

He has already seen how terrifying the soul-devouring knife of the ninth-level mid-level is, and the knife intent that automatically emanates when there is no owner almost swallows him.

Now under the control of its master, the sword intent inspired will definitely be even more terrifying.

Tian Kaiji was afraid of Huang Xing's strength, but the four immortals behind him didn't know it.

Their violent attack just now was blocked by Luo Tianheng, and the repressed anger in their hearts had nowhere to erupt. Seeing Huang Xing's insulting words to Tian Kaiji, he immediately shifted his target, vented his anger on him, and shouted angrily, "Stinky boy, dare to disrespect Mr. Tian, ​​are you impatient?"

The four of them couldn't see Tian Kaiji's expression behind him, otherwise they wouldn't dare to provoke the evil star Huang Xing.

When Tian Kaiji heard that the four of them continued to provoke Huang Xing, his expression changed drastically.

There was a cold light in Huang Chen's eyes, the scar on his face danced like a little dragon, and the Soul Eater knife on his back was suddenly unsheathed, and the terrifying knife intent was released, making the world pale.


The saber intent on Tian Kaiji's body burst out instantly, and the power of the sixth-level fairy gushed out, forming a whirlpool of saber sea around him.

The Soul Devouring Knife slashed at the sea of ​​swords, only to hear a series of roaring sounds, it cut open the vortex of the sea of ​​swords, and cut Tian Kaiji in the center of the vortex into two halves.

The remaining power of the scattered sword will also kill the four immortals behind him.

A knife.

With just one blow, he beheaded an evildoer of the sixth level of the fairy king and four evildoers of the lower level of the immortal king.

At this time, a lot of people had gathered at the stairway, all of them came down from the upper floors to watch the excitement.

When they saw Huang Chen's knife, they all shuddered.

If that knife came towards them, they would have no power to resist!
"Trash." Huang Chen looked at Tian Kaiji's corpse contemptuously and snorted coldly, then walked up to Luo Tianheng and said, "Thank you Miss Luo for saving them."

"You're welcome, it's because of me that they suffered an innocent disaster." Luo Tianheng said with a soft smile, "Besides, even if I didn't take action, they wouldn't be able to hurt your friend."

The six members of the Lin family still had lingering fears, only then did they come to their senses, and quickly thanked Luo Tianheng, "Thank you, Miss Luo, for your rescue."

Luo Tianheng smiled gently at them.

The corpses of Tian Kaiji and the four immortals came back to life under the influence of the Saint Academy's laws.

The five got up and looked at Huang Xing with fear.

Tian Kaiji was startled and terrified in his heart, he thought that even if he couldn't beat the opponent, he would not be defeated easily, but the knife just now left him without the slightest resistance.

Not only does the other party have a ninth-level mid-level soul-eating knife, but the knife just now seems to be a treasure-level sword art, and it is likely to be a ninth-level Dao of the Sword Immortal Technique!
The highest one in Saint Academy is the eighth-level Dao of the Sword Immortal Art "Sura Saber Jue". The sword intent of the other party just now is not Shura's sword intent. Where did he comprehend that sword?

"Do I have the right to call you trash now?" Huang Xing looked at Tian Kaiji who had just got up, and asked contemptuously.

Tian Kaiji shuddered all over his body. Although he knew that he would not really die here, but at the moment he was slashed by the soul-devouring knife, he really felt the fear of death, the feeling of stepping into the gate of hell with one foot. It was not good, and even though he was resurrected now, he could feel that he was very weak at this time, and he could not recover to the peak stage in a day or two, and it was almost impossible to practice in this state.

He looked around and saw that many evildoers had gathered to watch, all of them seemed to be laughing at him, making him admit that he was trash in front of so many people was more uncomfortable than killing him.

Tian Kaiji shouted with grief and indignation, "Don't bully people too much!"

Huang Chen said coldly, "Since you don't admit that you are trash, then I will kill you until you admit it."

After finishing speaking, he slashed at Tian Kaiji again.

Without any suspense, Tian Kaiji was beheaded again.

When Tian Kaiji came back to life again, Huang Chen made another stab with a murderous intent.

"I'm trash, I'm trash, don't kill me!"

After killing seven times in a row, Tian Kaiji fell to the ground as soon as he was resurrected, screaming in a mental breakdown.

He is really afraid of being killed!
Although there is not much difference between dying once and dying a hundred times in a row, the feeling of dying every time makes him almost collapse, especially the soul-devouring knife's blade intent engulfs his soul, making him feel bit by bit It's like eating away, this feeling is like death.

Huang Chen said with a sarcasm, "I thought you were not afraid of killing, and I was planning to challenge you to the life and death platform next month. Since you admit that you are trash, I won't be like trash."

When Tian Kaiji heard the words, he was frightened out of his wits.

It's a good thing that school hasn't officially started yet, and the Life and Death Platform hasn't opened yet. It's a good thing that I admit that I'm trash, and I saved my life!

Otherwise, if the opponent sends him a life-and-death challenge, how can I have any chance of surviving?
He could only withdraw from Saint Academy to avoid the battle, but he would be reduced to a joke of the entire Netherworld and a disgrace to the Tian family, and life would be worse than death.

"Remember my name, the second knife." Huang Xing said domineeringly, "Where I am in the future, no garbage like you is allowed to appear, otherwise I will kill you every time I see you. Get out."

Tian Kaiji escaped from the Immortal Treasure Pavilion as if he had received an amnesty, and he didn't want to appear in front of him without Huang Chen's reminder.

The other four immortals also fled after Tian Kaiji in shock.

The many evildoers who were onlookers firmly remembered the name "Second Sword", and they must not provoke him in the future!Don't provoke the people around him either!

It's not that Tian Kaiji is not strong, but that the second knife is too abnormal!
It's just that Xianjun refined the soul-devouring knife of the ninth-level mid-level in the first stage, and even the immortals in the sixth-level realm couldn't stop him.

Whoever provokes this evil star is courting death!
The six members of the Lin family are used to being domineering with the second knife, and there is nothing that he can't solve with a single knife.

If it can't be solved with a single blow, then - I must have misread it.

Huang Chen took back the Soul Eater and smiled at Luo Tianheng, "In order to express my gratitude to Miss Luo, when she chooses a cave next month, Miss Luo can directly choose a heaven-level cave. If anyone dares to compete with Miss Luo, I will challenge them to life and death."

Then he turned to the six members of the Lin family and said, "It's the same for you, just choose a heaven-level cave directly."

(End of this chapter)

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