Chapter 813
Luo Tianheng stared at the second knife firmly. This is the most terrifying evildoer she has ever seen. Not only is his strength suppressing a generation, but he also has a superior heart and a firm heart. He can't find any flaws in him. He wants to defeat him. It's almost impossible.

Her face regained her composure, and she said calmly, "Young master has great ambitions, and Tian Heng admires him very much. You are worried that I will affect your position as a true saint, so you want to destroy my Taoist heart, but now Tian Heng has learned the answer from you. It doesn't make sense to stay in the academy, so if you quit the Saint Academy, you don't have to worry about me affecting your true sage status."

Hearing what the second knife said, and staying to question the sage of Yinsi face to face to find the answer, nothing will change.

Withdrawing from the Saints Academy also prevented her from forcing her to kill and destroy her Dao Xin.

Huang Xing smiled and said, "You have a good plan, so wouldn't I help you for nothing? How can there be such a good thing in the world!"

He smiled evilly and said, "Forcing you to destroy your Dao heart to win you, it seems that my methods are not upright; then let's change the price——"

He stretched out his hand to grab Luo Tianheng's chin, lifted it up slightly frivolously, and said with a wicked smile, "Stay by my side and serve me as a maid in the future."

With a wicked smile, he leaned into Luo Tianheng's ear and whispered, "You can choose any of the two prices."

Luo Tianheng didn't avoid Huang Chen's claws, let him lift his delicate chin, and said in a calm voice, "Tianheng chooses the second one, but even if you get my man, you can't wait for my heart .”

Huang Chen was slightly stunned, and then laughed loudly, "Girl, you are too overestimating yourself, I just need a maid who serves tea and water, squeezes my waist and beats my back, even if you want to warm my bed, I will still Have to think about it."

An embarrassing blush flashed across Luo Tianheng's face, it turned out that he was thinking too much.

Seeing Luo Tianheng's blushing little face, Huang Chen was in a good mood, let go of her chin, turned to the group of trembling monsters and said, "According to your strength, the immortals above the fourth level can choose the mysterious cave and the cave. The seventh-level immortal method, and the rest of the people all choose the yellow-level cave and the fifth-level and sixth-level immortal methods."

When everyone heard Huang Xing's arrangement, they were already prepared in their hearts. The second time they asked them to return the cave and the immortal method, it must be to block their cultivation resources.

They were dissatisfied in their hearts, but fearing the cruelty of the second knife, no one dared to speak out against it.

Lu Chen glanced coldly at them, and then said, "If you want to obtain heaven and earth level caves and eighth or ninth level immortal arts, you should work hard to improve your cultivation and go to the Dragon Tower, as long as you pass through a hundred floors , I will reward him with an earth-level cave for cultivation; if he breaks through the 150th floor, I will reward him with an eighth-level immortal technique; if anyone can break through two hundred floors, I will reward him with a heaven-level cave and a ninth-level immortal technique. I will also conduct various assessments from time to time, and if I pass my assessment, I can also obtain better cultivation resources."

When everyone heard that they had the opportunity to obtain the world-level cave and the eighth-nine-level immortal law, their faces were full of excitement, and they said gratefully, "Thank you for your kindness, young master."

Especially those immortals above the fourth level, they thought that the second knife would block their cultivation caves and immortal methods, but he would reward them directly according to the number of levels of the Dragon Tower. Hardly any impact.

Because those evildoers who occupied the heaven and earth level caves and the eighth and ninth level fairy arts also discovered that their refining speed could not keep up with the gathering speed of the heaven and earth level caves. It is impossible to comprehend the immortal art at all, and the eighth-level immortal art is half-understood. I don’t know if I comprehend it correctly. Level immortality is more suitable.

Although it is more difficult to clear the Dragon Tower as you go to the back, but as long as you work hard to improve your cultivation, there is always hope that you can clear the [-]th floor.

Even among them, there are two evildoers who have passed a hundred levels, and they can directly get rewards from prefecture-level caves.

Huang Xing's haughty eyes swept over them, and he said with a flamboyant smile, "Although you are all rubbish in my eyes, you are still the top evildoers in every star field, and you are barely qualified to serve me. In the future, you all change your mouth Call me 'Young Master', if you don't want to be loyal to me, get out of Saints Academy now."

His voice suddenly became cold and said, "Also, without my permission, you can't launch the life-and-death challenge, otherwise you will be killed without mercy."

"Greetings to the young master, we swear our allegiance to the young master to the death." All the evildoers gathered in the Xianbao Pavilion were good-hearted and knelt down and shouted.

They have already understood the meaning of the second knife, which is to start to form their own team, paving the way for entering the big stage of Yinsi Tianyu after becoming the true biography of the saint.

After all, no matter how powerful his personal strength is, his background is still too weak. Without his own power, it would be difficult to control too much power of speech and resources in the entire Yin Division Tianyu.

Many of these evildoers come from the major forces in the Yin Division Tianyu. If they are used as their team, they can quickly establish their own forces.

This is also an extremely beneficial thing for them. They are not unique monsters in their respective forces.

All major forces are full of evildoers, they are only evildoers in the past 50 years, because of the hunting of the ten absolutes, they have quickly improved their cultivation base, but compared with those evildoers who have cultivated for thousands of years in the forces, they are still insufficient. Making meritorious deeds with two swords will instead increase their voice in the family.

There are disadvantages in allocating the cultivation resources of Saint Academy for the second time, but there are also great advantages.

They don't have to waste their energy to compete for the cave and the immortal law, especially the cultivation of the immortal law can continue forever, and they don't have to worry about being snatched away by others next month.

If the original competition rules were followed, only the top evildoers could guarantee to continue practicing the same book of immortality.

The immortal techniques practiced by other people are likely to change every month, so what can be practiced?

Even if he survived to graduate, most of his talent would be useless.

It is also normal to prevent them from launching a life-and-death challenge. Since they have all pledged their allegiance to the young master, they are in the same camp. Killing each other will only weaken his power.

Moreover, the law of the life and death table is the same as that of the ten forbidden grounds, killing the opponent can plunder the death energy on him.

If the stage of life and death is open to challenge, it will be difficult for the young master to control their cultivation.

The second knife has changed the college's Gu raising rules into the healthy competition rules of ordinary forces by himself. The chances of cultivating peak powerhouses are reduced, but it benefits everyone.

It is the best thing for everyone to be able to practice safely in the Saint Academy when there is no hope of competing for the true biography of the Saint.

Saint Academy is no longer a place of purgatory, but a real holy place for cultivation!
Looking at the more than 400 evildoers kneeling all over the ground, Huang Chen nodded in satisfaction, and then said to the nine evildoers who were punished to kneel at the door, "I let you kneel at the door until next month, it is a punishment for you, and it is also a punishment for you." Warn the latecomers to the fate of going against my will; if you want to continue to practice in the Saint Academy, you should be loyal to me, and don’t worry that I will hold grudges, because you are not worthy of my memory.”

"Greetings to the young master, we are willing to serve the young master." Including the son of Immortal King Yinyue, all the nine evildoers said excitedly.

They originally thought that they would be targeted by the second knife everywhere if they stayed in the Saint Academy, but they didn't expect that the second knife did not hold grudges, although the reason made them very embarrassed.

They themselves are the most powerful among the evildoers. Four of them have cleared the [-]-story Battle Dragon Tower, and they will be able to directly obtain the ground-level cave cultivation next month.

Standing behind Huang Xing, Luo Tianheng watched him calmly re-establish the rules of Saint Academy, and admired him even more in his heart.

Just now she only admired the invincible strength of the second sword, but now she admires his wrist even more.

Intimidate people's hearts with domineering, and subdue people's hearts with kingly ways.

The second knife pacified the Saints Academy with just a few gestures, and her request was fulfilled, and the speed and effect far exceeded her expectations.

In the Ten Forbidden Lands, she did not have the strength to prevent and change the killing, so she could only allow tens of thousands of Tianjiao and evildoers to kill each other, and in the end only ten people survived.

But in the Saint Academy, because of his own request, the second knife easily quelled the tragic killing that was about to happen, so that the competition for the Saint's True Inheritance ended before it even started.

What he said is right, only with strength can one have the right to speak and make rules.

Huang Xing said to the monsters kneeling in the Immortal Treasure Pavilion, "This is the end of today's business. You can choose the cave and the fairy method according to my requirements."

"Yes, young master." Everyone replied respectfully.

There are less than a hundred evildoers above the fourth level, and the mysterious cave and seventh-level immortals are enough for them to allocate.

There are so many immortal spells in the yellow-level caves and the fifth- and sixth-level ones, and there is no need to compete.

Huang Xing then said to the nine evildoers kneeling at the gate, "Go four of you and kneel in the Dongfu area. If a newcomer comes and doesn't understand the rules, you should teach him the rules set by the young master."

There are still about [-] evildoers who have not entered the Saint Academy, but the evildoers who have not yet arrived are also in the farther star field, and are relatively poorer, and their overall strength is definitely not as good as the evildoers who have arrived.

The nine monsters all looked cold and stern, and replied, "Don't worry, young master, we will definitely teach them the rules and make them loyal to the young master."

It is foreseeable that in the next few days there will be monsters arriving at the Saints Academy one after another. Seeing nine of them kneeling at the gate of the Immortal Treasure Pavilion, they will definitely be laughed at by those newcomers.

When the time comes, they will let those newcomers know that they are not yet qualified to laugh at themselves.

On the contrary, there were hundreds of evildoers present, they looked at the nine people kneeling at the door, there was no sneer in their eyes, but they were very jealous of them.

The nine evildoers have already shown their strength, the young master never blamed them for their disrespect, and treated them equally. These nine people are likely to overwhelm them in the future.

Moreover, being defeated by the young master's knife is nothing to be laughed at.

Two evildoers of the seventh level and two evildoers of the sixth level flew towards the Dongfu area. The young master didn't let them get up.

The rest of the son of the Yinyue Immortal King in the eighth level and the other four evildoers in the sixth level all knelt up straight with their heads held high. Lord's command.

After making arrangements, Huang Xing turned around and asked the six members of the Lin family, "Have you selected the exercises well?"

The six members of the Lin family came back to their senses, nodded and replied, "Okay."

They were already speechless by the series of thunderbolt methods of the second knife, and felt that the only thing the six of them could do when they came to Saint Academy was "shock", or "shock"!
Huang Chen said, "You go to the Dongfu District to pick a heaven-level cave to practice. I will go to the Dragon Pagoda first, and I will guide you to practice when I integrate the cultivation experience of the fairy kings and kings in it."

He knows all kinds of skills, and it is easy to instruct the six people to practice, but his current identity is just a peerless Dao of the Sword evildoer, refining the ninth-level immortal sword and comprehending the ninth-level Dao of the Sword are barely in the past, if he is also proficient in other Dao suspicious.

However, the rewards of the Zhanlong Pagoda are imprinted with the cultivation experience of the immortal monarch and the immortal king and the law of the great way. After the fusion, it is very normal to instruct them to practice the fifth-level immortal method.

The six members of the Lin family said gratefully, "Thank you, young master."

Lu Chen said warmly, "You don't have to be so polite with me. Without the help of the Lin family, I wouldn't be able to reach my current height, and it wouldn't be so easy to break through the siege. Revenge, revenge, these are what you deserve."

If he obtains the seventh-grade sword soul and Lin Zongming fights for it, many troubles will arise.

If the Lin family hadn't covered him, he wouldn't have walked out of the ancient city so easily.

If the ancestors of the Lin family hadn't allowed him to comprehend the fragments of the most precious fairy art, he would not be able to hunt one by one in Shijue Siege so easily.

The Lin family played a big role in his being able to sneak into the Saint Academy so easily and shine without arousing the suspicion of the Yin Division Saint.

Lin Zongming said with emotion, "The young master is serious. With the strength and means of the young master, even without the help of the Lin family, he will definitely be able to escape the deserted ancient city and the siege of Shijue."

The longer he was in contact with the second knife, the more he could feel the horror of the second knife.

Not only the strength is terrifying, but also the means are turning his hands into clouds and hands into rain, as if everything is under his control.

Huang Xing didn't refute, otherwise it would be too hypocritical.

Everyone looked at the six members of the Lin family with envy. Although they didn't know what happened between the young master and the Lin family, they could be sure that the Lin family was sending charcoal in the midst of the young master's dying days.

With this cause and effect, it will be difficult for the Lin family not to grow stronger in the future.

The six members of the Lin family were also included in the list that they must never offend.

Especially Tian Kaiji, he looked at the six members of the Lin family anxiously, thinking in his heart how to resolve the grievance just now.

The young master has a lot of knowledge that is different from his, but if the six members of the Lin family hold grudges, he will not be able to live a stable life in the Saints Academy in the future.

Seeing Huang Xing's care for the six members of the Lin family, everyone felt a little more fond of him, and they all felt more at ease in their loyalty to him.

Although the young master is rebellious and domineering, but there is a clear distinction between grievances and grievances, affection and righteousness, as long as they do their best to be loyal, they will definitely not treat them badly in the future.

The sage of Yin Division watched the second knife sweeping invincible expressionlessly in the Taoist scene, and re-established the rules of the Saint Academy.

The new rules disrupted his plans.

(End of this chapter)

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