Chapter 830
The other end of the vortex is connected to the ancient ruins. Huang Xing brought the evildoers from the saint camp into the vortex, and suddenly felt the world change. The space-time tunnel was compressed sharply on him, almost annihilating him into pieces.

"What a terrifying law of time and space!"

It was just a moment, and it seemed as long as a century, the vortex disappeared, and Huang Xing had come to a new world, feeling the strength of the time and space laws of the ancient vortex channel with lingering fear.

If the ancient law distorts time and space the moment they enter the vortex, I am afraid that everyone will die.

The other 38 evildoers also looked at Huang Xing in shock. After they calmed down, they sensed the laws around them, and found that the laws here were very disordered, and the time and space were also very unstable, as if they would break apart soon.

"Is this the ancient ruins?" a monster in the seventh level of the fairy king asked suspiciously.

Everyone also looked at Huang Xing with doubts, they knew nothing about this place, and the next goal was to focus on the second strike.

Huang Xing didn't answer, but unfolded his spiritual thoughts, and the terrifying power of the soul swept across the surroundings, seeing the situation in a radius of one hundred thousand miles.

With his current strength of mind and soul, if in the great world, one thought can sweep thousands of miles away.

But the power of law here is stronger than that of the great world, and the soul can only penetrate thousands of miles.

For a radius of one hundred thousand miles, there are ruins, like a crumbling world.

Huang Chen withdrew his divine thoughts, and said solemnly, "I came to the ancient ruins not only to find the ancient heritage, but also to deal with the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the eighth Great Zhou Shaodi who are ranked second on the list of evildoers; the next action, If you follow me, you must obey my orders, and all the resources you get will be allocated by me. Of course, I will also protect your safety; or if you want to act alone to find opportunities, I will not stop you."

More than 30 evildoers looked at each other, and after thinking for a while, more than 30 of them said in unison, "We are willing to follow the saint and let the saint send us."

Huang Xing looked at the remaining four people who did not express their views and asked, "Are you going to act alone?"

The four nodded and said, "We want to find opportunities alone."

They are the top evildoers from the four sage realms, and they are very confident in their own strength.

The second sword is certainly much stronger than them, but the more people there are, the bigger the target will be. Moreover, they have to face the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Great Zhou Shaodi. They are afraid of becoming cannon fodder.

The most important thing is that following the second knife, the resources obtained are all allocated by him, and he can only follow the soup.

They all have their own ambitions, and they want to try their luck. If they can get the resources against the sky, they will belong to them alone.

After the four left, Huang Xing said to the remaining 34 people, "You should familiarize yourself with the rules here first."

I don’t understand the power of the laws of the ancient ruins and the laws of the Great Thousand World. There are some differences in the use of immortal power and the mobilization of the laws. If you don’t get familiar with the laws here, when you fight against the enemy, the moves and secret skills you use are not as powerful. The estimated state will be very dangerous.

After listening to Huang Xing's words, everyone calmed down, and began to operate the immortal power and mobilize the avenue, and slowly adapt to the laws here.

There are also sun, moon and stars in the ancient ruins. Now all the evildoers who enter the ruins are headless chickens. They don't know anything about the situation here, so they can only take one step at a time.

Huang Xing looked up at the starry sky, his eyes narrowed, and he flew up into the sky, floating in the void.

"The way of heaven borrows power."

The holy power from his body spewed out, the sound of thunder rolled in the sky, and the endless power of the law of heaven poured into his body.


Huang Xing punched out, the void shook, and a long hole was blasted out.

He restrained his breath and fell to the ground again.

Everyone was terrified by Huang Xing's sudden display of strength. The power of this punch was equivalent to that of a half-step immortal emperor.

I'm afraid that with so many of them joining forces, they couldn't block that punch.

Huang Chen was just trying to see if he could borrow the power of heaven in the ancient ruins.

Sure enough, although the laws here are different from those of the Great Thousand World, you can still borrow the power of Heaven from the Great Thousand World.

The ancient law is like a big tree in the sky, and the heavens and myriad worlds are the branches on it.

The ancient law can accommodate all the laws of the heavens and the world.

Three days and three nights passed in a blink of an eye, and everyone was almost familiar with the ancient law. Huang Xing sacrificed the flying warship and led them northward.

After flying for more than ten days in a row, they passed through the vast universe, and there were ruins everywhere they passed, making everyone doubt whether such a broken world really had the existence of heaven-defying chance and ancient inheritance.

"what is that?"

Just when everyone started to panic, a faint blue light shone in front of the battleship.

It was the first time they saw the light beyond the gray-black ruins.

The battleship moved towards the blue light, and it didn't take long before it arrived in front of the blue light, which was a huge blue vortex.

Everyone looked at the blue vortex, and their souls seemed to be drawn into it. Suddenly, the introduction of the voice of the ancient times came in their minds: there are ten entrances to the secret realm of Lanjue; the level of the secret realm: Hong level.

In an instant, the four levels of the secret realm in the ancient ruins appeared in their minds: the universe is prehistoric.

The universe-level secret realm is the highest level, and the yellow-level secret realm is the lowest.

A bit of doubt flashed across Huang Xing's face. The levels of secret realms in the ancient ruins were actually divided by "cosmic prehistoric", and the first era of the human race was called the prehistoric era.

When everyone heard that this vortex was the entrance to the Lanjue Secret Realm, their eyes showed excitement. They finally found a secret realm, and they didn't know what kind of inheritance it contained.

Although it is only a third-level secret realm, the inheritance of the ancient times should not be too bad, and everyone's faces are full of expectations.

"Enter." Huang Xing ordered to the evildoer who controlled the battleship.

boom - boom -

The battleship started and sailed into the blue vortex.

The terrifying space-time power flooded the battleship, and the next moment, they were already in a blue ocean.

Looking down from the battleship, the blue sea water is undulating and constantly surging.

But if you look closely, you will find that this place is not a real ocean, but countless densely packed blue vines intertwined together, like blue waves.

"What kind of plant is this?" an evildoer asked involuntarily.

They had never seen such a blue vine.

Another evildoer said excitedly, "It's normal if you haven't seen it. Our world is only one of the heavens and myriad worlds. It's normal to see things in the ancient ruins."

"Hey, look quickly, it looks like a wreck of a battleship." An evildoer saw a black thing in the blue vines.

Everyone followed the direction the man pointed and saw the wreckage of warships scattered on the ground thousands of miles away.

These wreckages of warships are almost submerged in blue vines, only part of the top is exposed. If you look closely, you can see that they look like warships.

Before they found it, Huang Xing found the wreckage of the battleship among the blue vines.

It was a level nine top-rank battleship. Judging from the wreckage, the damage of this battleship did not take too long, and it would not be left over from ancient times.

In this way, it is very likely that the evildoer who entered the ancient ruins found this secret realm before them, but the battleship was directly destroyed, and the evildoer on the battleship was much more terrifying.

Everyone also noticed that the battleship didn't look like an ancient thing, they all looked at Huang Xing, and said in horror, "Saint, these blue vines are probably very dangerous, there are already people in danger ahead."

Vine life forms are very difficult to entangle, their attacks are overwhelming, once they enter their attack range, there is no way to escape, as long as they are entangled, they are close to death.

"Raise the battleship first." Huang Xing ordered.

His delusion-breaking eyes can see more clearly than others, and he knows how terrifying the ocean-like blue vines on the ground are. Every vine is at least the attack of a high-ranking fairy, and there are also main vein branches It is equivalent to the Immortal King Realm, densely packed like waves, if they attack together, one can imagine how terrifying it will be.

The evildoer who controls the battleship obeys the order and raises the battleship.

The sky above the Blue Absolute Secret Realm is filled with a faint blue air flow, the higher the battleship rises, the thicker the blue air flow becomes, sticking together like a barrier.

What's even more frightening is that blue-black lightning flashes in the blue airflow.

"Saint, you can only go up here, and the battleship can't bear it anymore." The battleship stopped at about 7000 meters, and the evildoer who controlled the battleship said nervously.

Even at an altitude of 7000 meters, everyone can hear the roar of lightning striking the battleship's shield. They can all feel the battleship shaking. If the sound goes up, the battleship's shield will be directly bombarded by the blue-black lightning. break.

"Get out of the range of the vines first." Huang Xing looked down at the blue ocean of vines, but he didn't find any hidden treasures inside, so there was no need to waste his strength and fight recklessly with the vines.

The higher the rise, the greater the resistance, and the speed of the battleship also becomes very slow.

After flying for about two hours, they still haven't flown out of the range of the blue vine ocean.

Huang Xing's divine sense searched a hundred thousand miles and did not see the edge, but he found a battleship ahead of them approaching their direction.

This battleship didn't rise very high, and it was only about 3000 meters away from the blue vines. It is estimated that it was not as horrible as the blue vines.

"It seems to be a battleship of the Kanshan clan." Luo Tianheng also found that the battleship in front of him was obviously different from the battleship of the human race.

And before these monsters entered the ancient ruins, the saint passed on the information of the ancient ten thousand races that they knew.

The battleship in front looks like the No.13 Kanshan warship.

It was the first time she met a foreign race, and she was very curious, and she didn't know the difference from the human race.

Judging from the information given to them by the sage, the gap between the primordial tribes is not very large.

They are basically in human form, and some races are almost indistinguishable from human races in appearance, except for the difference in some laws and bloodlines.

Huang Xing nodded, and said lightly, "They are in danger."

With his delusion-shattering eyes, he could see that the blue vines under the Kanshan battleship were about to move, ready to attack at any time.


Just as Huang Xing finished speaking, there was a violent sound of piercing through the air, and blue vines shot at the battleship of the Kanshan clan.

The speed of the vines was so fast that the battleship had no time to dodge, and was directly entangled, more and more entangled, densely wrapped.

"Damn it, it's a vine from Immortal King Realm, run away."

With a scream, seven immortal lights flew out.


The moment they flew out, the battleship was torn apart by the vines, and the wreckage scattered all over the ground.

They were so frightened that their minds were split, and they flew up into the sky desperately.

It's just that the speed of the blue vines is faster than them, and three evildoers of the Kanshan tribe whose cultivation base is only in the realm of the fairy king were dragged down by their legs.

"No!" One of the evildoers screamed, and cut off his legs decisively, but it was too late, the other vines had already entangled his body, even if he burst out with all his strength, he couldn't Fighting over the blue vines, the whole person was tied up like a rice dumpling.


The bodies of the three monsters in the Immortal Monarch Realm were directly torn into pieces by the blue vines, and the flesh and blood on the blue vines gave off a strange red light, which was absorbed by the vines and became their nutrients.
The remaining four monsters of the Kanshan tribe tried their best to rise up. All four of them were in the Immortal King Realm, and their speed was barely faster than that of the vines.

They climbed up desperately, trying to escape the pursuit of the vines.

Suddenly, countless bolts of lightning struck the flying tallest evildoer.

He only cared about running away, he flew too high, was bombarded by the lightning in the blue air current, and fell straight down.

The blue vines that were being chased directly wrapped them up and tore them into pieces.

There were only three fairy kings and evildoers who were desperately fleeing, and at the same time burst out with all their strength and blasted towards the blue vines that were chasing them.

But the blue vines are densely packed, and even if they are bombarded by them, there will be other vines to fill their places in an instant, and some of the vines in the Immortal King Realm are so tough that they are bound to tear them to pieces.

If the thunder rolls above, it will be shot down by lightning if it is not careful, the three of them dare not continue to rise.

Even so, the lightning in the blue air current they were in was constantly bombarding them. Although the strength was still within their tolerance, if they didn't escape quickly, their strength would be exhausted sooner or later.

"There are warships there, let's go there."

They found that Huang Xing's battleships were all flying towards the direction of the battleships at high speed, and the blue vines behind them all chased after them.

"Damn it, they brought the blue vines here." A monster scolded with eyes wide open.

Originally, the height of their battleship kept a distance from the vines, so that they would not attract their attacks.

But now that the vines are chasing and killing the three monsters of the Kanshan tribe, their warships will inevitably be attacked. When the tide of blue vines attacks them, it makes people shudder to think about it.

Lu Chen looked coldly at the monsters of the Kanshan clan flying towards the battleship, and ordered: "Bomb them directly and leave south."

The evildoer who controls the battleship has long been furious. Hearing Huang Xing's order, he activated the battleship's god-killing cannon without hesitation.

A huge gun muzzle like a black hole protruded from the battleship and blasted at the three Kanshan tribe monsters flying towards them.


The three monsters of the Kanshan tribe roared in fear. It was not difficult to avoid the God-killing Cannon with their strength.

But now the thunder is rolling in the sky, and the power of lightning is not something they can bear.

The dense blue vines behind him pursued, there was no way to go to the sky, and there was no way to go to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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