Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 833 Great World Controversy, Human Race's Danger

Chapter 833 (Modified) Great World Controversy, Human Race's Danger
Huang Xing played with the half of the vine tail in his hand, it was wrapped around his arm like a small snake, trembling, making people feel very timid.

Invincible Qiang also couldn't tell the name of this purple-blue main vine. Its history is too long, and it was born in the beginning of the ancient times.

If you have to give him a name, let's call it "Zu Teng".

It is the ancestor of all rattan creatures.

Huang Xing cast the universe in his palm, a black ball appeared in his palm, Zu Teng trembled all over, as if he was summoned by something, he slowly climbed into the black ball and disappeared from the ancient ruins.

The universe in the palm can promote the evolution of Zu Teng, and perhaps allow him to evolve into a new Sky-reaching Vine.

"Master, you are really brave enough to cheat the sky and become a sage of the Dao of Heaven." Invincible Qiang laughed and said, "If the Dao of Heaven knows the truth and doesn't need us to take action, I will be so angry to death."

Huang Xing walked on thin ice alone in the Saint's Heaven, and his spirit was tense. Now he came to the ancient ruins and relaxed. He was chatting with Wudiqiang, and he was in a very comfortable mood. Human body, the sage of the underworld wants to take away my body, so I will take his sage position back."

Invincible said with emotion, "Originally, the system and I set a time limit for upgrading, thinking that the master would take hundreds of years to grow up at the earliest. Unexpectedly, in just five short years, the master has become a saint of heaven."

In order to slowly cultivate Huang Xing, the good fortune jade plate was divided into two parts, and half became invincible, and generally became a system.

Then slowly guide Huang Xing into training, the fastest upgrade speed is also limited by the daily quota.

Huang Xing is only at level seventeen now, and it will take ten years to upgrade to level eighteen, and more time will be needed to upgrade later.

As a result, he was stuck at level [-], but with his own strength, he surpassed the upgrade limit set by Invincible Qiang and the system.

This had to make Wudi Qiang feel that Huang Xing's evildoer was beyond his imagination.

Huang Chen smiled narcissistically, "If you wait for the system to be upgraded to level [-], all the flowers will wither."

"That's true." Wudiqiang agreed, "The system and I have set an upgrade period, just because we are worried that the master will use our power to upgrade too quickly, which will backfire. But the master has exceeded the level limit with his own strength. The set number of years is meaningless. As long as the master needs it, I and the system can be fused together immediately and restored to the Jade Plate of Creation."

When Huang Xing heard that Wudiqiang and the system could be restored to the Good Fortune Jade Disk, he felt a burst of anticipation in his heart.

This is the innate treasure of the ancient times, the original treasure that was born at the beginning of the world, and can be ranked in the top ten in the entire ancient times.

Its power is absolutely extraordinary.

But Wudiqiang quickly poured cold water on him and said, "However, if I integrate with the system and restore the good fortune jade plate, I am afraid that the supreme masters of the ten ancient clans will have a reaction, and they will definitely come to the world to compete for it regardless of the ancient covenant. Good fortune jade plate, with the master's current know..."

Huang Xing felt speechless for a while. Naturally, his current strength would not be the supreme ruler opponent of the ten ancient clans. It seems that he can only let the good fortune jade plate reappear in the world after he has the power to protect himself.

He believes that this day will not be too far away.

Huang Xing could only give up his plan to restore Wudiqiang and the system to the good fortune jade plate, and talked about the business, "Imperial law is suddenly listed on the ancient monster list, I don't know what is the reason?"

He lightly tapped the table with his fingers, made a crisp "dong dong" sound, and said, "According to other sages of Heavenly Dao, the ancient laws have not been ranked on the list of ancient evildoers in the past ten epochs. List, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Invincible Qiang pondered for a while and said, "Although the ancient evildoers list only lists evildoers within the past 3000 years, you can basically see the changes in luck of each race from the list. I looked at the evildoers on the list, and their overall strength is stronger than usual. Many, not only the fate of the human race has changed suddenly, but also the fortunes of all races are constantly condensing and rising. This is a sign of the Great World War, and the fortunes of all the ancient races will reach their peak in this life. In front of our eyes, all races will reshuffle their cards."

After listening to Wudiqiang's analysis, Huang Xing couldn't help frowning.

The sudden appearance of the ancient evildoer list made his plan to destroy the saint's conspiracy succeed, and he also took the opportunity to hide from the sky and become the new underworld saint.

But for the entire human race, the appearance of the ancient monster list is a disaster.

The unique luck of the human race was revealed prematurely, making the ten ancient races afraid, and they will definitely take countermeasures.

This time the experience of the ancient ruins, the human race may become the target of public criticism.

Especially Xiao Qingchen and Ji Ran, who ranked second and eighth on the list of ancient monsters, were the targets of snipers from all races.

Lu Chen took a sip of tea, and said suddenly, "The way of heaven in the great world is the shackles of the human race, so will the ancient laws be the shackles of all races?"

Where did the ancient law come from?

Why was the ancient universe born?

Is there a new world beyond the ancient world?

There are many doubts lingering in Huang Xing's heart. The higher he stands, the more he knows, the more he is full of fear of the unknown.

Wudiqiang was stunned for a moment, and said after a long silence, "No one can explain the secret of the ancient times clearly, even the old master tried to explore the secret of the ancient times but failed. Only in this way can we have more confidence in the upcoming Great Ancient War."


The warship headed south at full speed, all the way calm and peaceful.

Ten days later, the battleship finally flew out of the range of the blue vines, and as far as the eye could see, it was a vast plain.

Luo Tianheng had finished refining the essence of the purple electric liquid, and stood gracefully beside Huang Xing, looking at the plain in front of him, he could vaguely see hundreds of people facing each other thousands of miles away.

Those people were divided into three camps, two of which had about 50 people, while the other had only eleven people.

"Human Race." Luo Tianheng looked at the two stunning women who were leading the camp with at least 11 people, his pupils shrank, and he said in a concentrated voice, "The Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the Great Zhou Emperor?"

From the first time she saw Xiao Qingchen and Ji Ran, she was sure that they were the top ten peerless evildoers in the ancient evildoer list.

One is already a peerless beauty that can overwhelm the country and the city.

Standing together at this time, the two of them made the world pale and the flowers withered.

She claimed to be a beautiful woman, but compared with those two, she paled in comparison.

Not only the difference in appearance, but also in temperament.

The first time she saw Xiao Qingchen and Ji Ran, she was instantly shocked.

If there was a Taikoo beauty list, she believed that those two evildoers would definitely be number one and number two on the list.

When Huang Xing saw Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen from a distance, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at them with burning eyes.

Can't get enough of it.

The more you look at it, the more beautiful it is, and the more you look at it, the more reluctant to look away.

Luo Tianheng turned his head and glanced at Huang Xing, wanting to see what kind of reaction the young master would have when he saw the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Great Zhou Shaodi.

She was very entangled in her heart. The Young Master, the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and the Great Zhou Shaodi are all peerless evildoers that are rarely seen in the human race.

There is an unending position between them.

No matter which side loses, it will be an extremely heavy loss for the human race.

Seeing that there was no fighting intent or killing intent in Huang Xing's eyes, but burning eyes instead, she couldn't help thinking: The young master is fascinated by their beauty, right?

A thought came to her mind: If the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Young Emperor of Great Zhou both married the Young Lord, wouldn't there be a life-and-death battle between them?

Luo Tianheng was taken aback by his bold idea, and shook his head with a wry smile. Saints and rebels are incompatible enemies of life and death, how can they be together?
The battleship flew towards the evildoers of the three camps. They were maintaining a triangle confrontation, but when they sensed someone approaching, they all looked over.

The moment Xiao Qingchen and Ji Ran saw Huang Chen, the fiery gaze in Huang Chen's eyes turned cold, as if he saw an enemy.

The gazes of Xiao Qingchen and Ji Ran also focused on Huang Xing.

The three camps of the human race, the evildoers of the immortal emperor camp have information, and the saint camp has no information for the second knife because the saint's heaven is closed.

At this time, the evil spirits on the human battleship were not from the Immortal Emperor camp, so they must be from the Saint camp, and the leader was fierce and surrounded by holy power, so he must be the second sword who had just inherited the position of Saint.

They couldn't help looking at the second knife, trying to find traces of Huang Xing on him.

The appearance, demeanor and breath are completely different, and he is completely different from Huang Xing.

But when Xiao Qingchen saw Huang Xing's gaze, his eyes met, and his body couldn't help trembling slightly.

He must be Huang Xing.

There was a magical power of insight into everything in his gaze, which was exactly the same as Huang Xing's gaze.

At that time, she saw Huang Xing transformed into Xiong Er in the Fire Cloud Secret Realm, but she didn't recognize him, but felt that his eyes were very strange.

Seeing this look again now, she was very sure that the second knife in front of her must be Huang Xing.

She tried her best to calm herself down, and looked at the flying warship coldly. Before Huang Xing did not reveal his identity, she would not reveal his identity.

The same is true for Ji Ran, he is very sure that the second strike is Huang Xing.

Because Huang Xing's standing posture at this time is exactly the same as when they first met, but his aura is more stern.

The first moment they met was at the airport in Linjiang, and Huang Xing was waiting for him at the exit of the passage.

How could she forget the moment when the two met for the first time?
She didn't forget, and neither did Huang Xing, and immediately adjusted her stance slightly to the same as when they first met.

The evildoers of the other two camps saw Huang Xing's battleship flying towards them, and their eyes showed fear. This is a human race's battleship.

There were only 11 human races just now, but the strength of the first two peerless evildoers had already made them very afraid. Now that there are human races coming, it is even more difficult to deal with.

The ultimate position of the three camps is a camellia tree.

Every shape on the tree is green and verdant, and the clear lines on it have endless charm, which makes people know that they are not ordinary things at a glance.

There are eighteen camellias in bud on the tree.

The color of each camellia is different, and each represents an ancient law.

"Eighteen Heavenly Chadra Flowers." Wudiqiang exclaimed when he saw the eighteen camellias on the camellia tree, and then said solemnly, "Master, no matter what method is used, the Eighteen Heavenly Chadra Flowers must be taken away." If you can grab all the Luo flowers, you can't lose any of them."

It's hard for Huang Xing to see something that can make Wudiqiang's heart flutter, so he asked, "What's so magical about these eighteen flowers?"

Wudiqiang explained, "Each flower of the Eighteen Heavenly Chadra Flowers is pregnant with an ancient law, and a single flower is the supreme god. If the eighteen flowers are combined, they can be used to carry the 'three corpses'." The corpse of kindness in the body will be cut down."

People have three corpses, the corpse of good thoughts, the corpse of evil thoughts, and the corpse of obsessive thoughts.

Only by beheading the three corpses can one be sanctified.

After beheading the three corpses, it doesn't mean that there are no good thoughts, evil thoughts, or obsessions, but that you can control the good and evil obsessions as you like.

The Heavenly Dao Saint is just a false saint, who has the name of a Saint in vain, but is actually a lackey of Heaven and Earth.

Only the Master Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, Nuwa, Zhunti, and Jieyin can be called true saints.

There will be no saints in the human race in later generations, because they don't have the method of beheading the three corpses. If they can't behead the three corpses, they can't be holy.

The Eighteenth Heaven Shadra Flower can be used to cut off the corpse of kindness among the three corpses, and it can be called the supreme treasure.

No need to say more about Wudiqiang, Huang Xing will definitely win the Eighteen Heavens Shadhara Flower.

He looked at the other two camps, one was the Prison Clan, one of the Ten Primordial Clans, and the other was the Xieyue Clan, which was ranked fifteenth.

The appearance of the two races is not much different from that of the human race, but the bloodlines have more blood power from their respective races.

Huang Chen just glanced at the two major races, then looked away at Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen, and said coldly, "The Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Great Zhou Shaodi."

Xiao Qingchen looked at her coldly, as if strangers should not enter.

Ji Ranfeng said calmly, "Not long ago, the Heavenly Dao Sage changed positions, and you should be the second sword of the new Heavenly Dao Sage."

The monsters led by the Prison Clan and the Xieyue Clan breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Huang Chen was a sage of heaven.

Before they entered the ancient ruins, the ancestors of the clan told them that they must find a chance to eradicate the second and eighth monsters of the human race.

Moreover, the human race is not monolithic. The saint camp and the Qingdi camp are incompatible. They can also use the No. 20 No. [-] second knife to deal with the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Great Zhou Shaodi.

The evildoer who is the leader of the Prison Clan is the seventh-ranked Guiluowuhuang, a seven-level cultivation base of the Immortal King.

Just now he had already fought with Great Zhou Shaodi Jiran, and the two were tied.

Therefore, a three-party confrontation scene is formed.

But he thinks very highly of himself, and he doesn't even bother to take the second knife. He just waits for the Eighteenth Heaven Shadra Flower to bloom, and then uses his real strength to fight.

The leader of the Xieyue Clan is Xie Wusi, No. 17 on the list of ancient evildoers, with a cultivation base of the eighth level of Immortal King, and his strength should not be underestimated.

He was forced back by Xiao Qingchen's sword just now, and he was very afraid of her.

Seeing the second knife appear at this time, he became determined to drive away wolves and tigers, and wanted to use the evildoers of the saint camp of the second knife to deal with the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Great Zhou Shaodi.

(End of this chapter)

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