Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 839 Alliance of All Races

Chapter 839 Alliance of All Races
Long Aotian saw that the young emperor of Zhou had said so, so he stopped forcing, and said with a smile, "A gentleman does not take what others like, then according to what the second sage said, I will take [-]% of the spoils."

Seeing Long Aotian's answer, Huang Chen looked at Ji Ran and said, "This time you have contributed more. I only get four of the eighteen ancient sacred flowers, and I get [-]% of the spoils."

"Okay." Ji Ran nodded and said with a smile, "Although the evildoers of the six races were basically killed by us this time, the second saint didn't take advantage of others' danger, so he distributed them according to your instructions."

Of the evildoers of the six races, only Xie Wusi died at the hands of the second knife. According to the equal distribution, Long Aotian and Huang Chen would not be able to occupy any of them.

But if they stand up, it's worth the spoils.

Seeing that none of the evildoers from the three camps had any opinion on the distribution of the loot, they decided on it.

Then began to receive their respective share of the spoils.

After Long Aotian won [-]% of the loot, he discussed with the other nine people about internal distribution.

The ten of them are more of a cooperative relationship than an affiliation.

After Huang Xing and Ji Ran accepted the spoils, they just took out some ready-to-use elixirs and treasures and distributed them to others, and put away most of the remaining spoils first.

Everyone has no objection to this, they have hardly contributed, and they are already very happy to be able to share the spoils.

After distributing the spoils, the three parties guarded one side, waiting for the [-]th Heaven Shadra flower to bloom.

Time passed quickly, and at noon the next day, the void suddenly shone with eighteen colored lights.

Red orange yellow green blue blue purple...

Each colored light shines on an eighteen-day chadra flower.

Everyone was attracted by the vision, and they all stopped to practice and looked at the Eighteenth Heaven Shadra Flower.

"Is the divine flower about to bloom?"

There was a fiery light in everyone's eyes, and the Eighteen Heavens Shadra Flower was a great temptation to every monk.

But they also know that these eighteen ancient divine flowers are not something they can get their hands on.

When all the colorful light shining in the sky is absorbed, the eighteen-day chadra flower blooms proudly.

The colors of the eighteen middle schools are overflowing with brilliance and beauty, which makes people amazed.

On each divine flower, there is an immemorial law flowing, which makes people unable to move their eyes away when they see it.

If you can comprehend the above ancient law, you will definitely be able to improve your strength by leaps and bounds.

"I've got these four." As soon as Huang Chen finished speaking, four more primordial divine flowers appeared in his hand.

When everyone looked at the four ancient divine flowers in Huang Xing's hands, they all gasped.

The speed of the second knife has exceeded what they can see with the naked eye, and they have picked off four ancient god flowers in an instant.

The knife of the second knife is terrible, and the speed is even more terrible.

It turned out that his real hole card was not the invincible Dao of the Sword, but the speed beyond the limit.

Ji Ran watched Lu Chen put away the four eighteen-day chadhara flowers, smiled lightly, and walked towards the divine flowers in a leisurely manner, and Qianqian gently picked off the remaining fourteen or so ancient divine flowers.

Everyone couldn't help but look dumbfounded. The beauty of the Great Zhou Shaodi was untainted by the mortal world, making all men's hearts flutter.

I don't know what kind of man can be worthy of such an amazingly talented woman.

The evildoers in the Qingdi camp know that not only the young emperor of the Great Zhou, but even the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas is also famous.

Moreover, the two magnificent daughters of Tianjiao actually belonged to the same man.

They were so jealous and envious of that mysterious man that they went crazy.

After Ji Ran plucked the [-]-day Shadra flower, the sacred tree withered instantly.

Huang Xing knew that Ji Ran knew that this flower was of great use since he was unwilling to give it to Long Ao, and he would definitely keep it.

When the time comes to gather eighteen divine flowers, they can be used to cut out the corpse of good thoughts.

Ji Ran put away the Eighteen Heavens Shadara Flowers, and said to Huang Xing and Long Aotian, "Since the three of us are ready to work together, let's work together to find opportunities in the ancient ruins and fight against foreigners, and the resources we get will be distributed according to our contributions." , what do you two think?"

"Okay." Long Aotian nodded, no objection.

Huang Xing just said "hmm" to agree.

Ji Ran went on to say, "This is the center of the Lanjue Secret Realm. This ancient divine flower should be the best treasure in the secret realm. The treasures in other places have basically been searched by the six clans. Now that it has fallen into our hands, we can already Leave the Blue Absolute Secret Realm to find a new secret realm."

Both Huang Xing and Long Aotian had no objection, and the three forces each drove their warships to the exit of the Blue Absolute Secret Realm.

This trip to the secret realm didn't hurt anyone, but it was very rewarding. Everyone was full of joy and smiles on their faces.

Moreover, there are such peerless evildoers as the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Great Zhou Shaodi, and the Second Sword, their safety is fully guaranteed, and they are full of expectations for the next exploration of the ruins.



When the evildoers of all races in the ancient ruins saw the names of the six clans disappear from the ranking list, they all frowned in thought, feeling very fearful in their hearts.

Once in a secret realm, an evildoer in the form of blood-colored bone wings said coldly, "Qiqiong Sunset, Guiluo Wuhuang of your prison-suppressing clan has fallen, do you still want to fight this son to the death?"

The evildoer Qiqiong Luoyang who confronts him is the same evildoer of the Prison Suppressing Clan as Guiluo Wuhuang, and his ranking is only slightly lower than Guiluo Wuhuang, ranking No. 15 on the ancient evildoer list.

Seeing Gui Luo Wu Huang's name disappearing from the leaderboard, Qi Qiong Luo Sun was shocked and stopped fighting with his opponent for a while.

He has fought with Guiluo Wuhuang for thousands of years, and he understands Guiluo Wuhuang's strength very well. He has lost ten battles with him and can only be ranked as the second evildoer of the prisoner clan.

With Guiluowuhuang's strength, even in the face of the emperor, there is hope of escape, but now he has fallen in the ancient ruins, which shows how terrifying the enemy he faces is.

Qiqiong Luoyang let out a cold snort, he was noncommittal to the words of the monster Gu Yi, but he did not continue to attack.

The opponent is the second monster, Ancient God Cliff, of the Xueming Ancient Clan among the ten ancient clans. He is ranked No. 20 and sixth in the ancient monster list. His combat power is only slightly inferior to him. To defeat the opponent, he has to pay a lot of price.

Gu Shenya said, "Gui Luo Wu Huang and the two hundred evildoers from the six clans died almost at the same time, which shows how strong the enemy we face will be. If our ten ancient clans still fight each other, it will only take advantage of that mysterious force in the end. "

Qiqiong Luoyang said, "How do you know that they died at the hands of foreigners, maybe they died in the forbidden world?"

In his heart, he couldn't believe that the monsters of the six clans died at the hands of foreigners, and would rather believe that they entered a terrifying secret realm and were forbidden to kill them.

Gu Shenya smiled and said, "The strength of Guiluo Wuhuang is already at the top of the list of monsters. If there is such a strong restriction in the ancient ruins, then the ancient law let us come to the ancient ruins not to find opportunities to inherit, but to let us Come to die."

Qiqiong Luoyang frowned. What Gushenya said was reasonable. Although the secret realm in the ancient ruins was dangerous, it should have a certain speed, and it was not enough to kill the top ten monsters.

Guiluo Wuhuang and the evildoers of the Six Clans could only have died at the hands of foreigners.

Qiqiong Luoyang's tone eased a little, and asked, "Then according to the opinion of the ancient sons, which clan did the evildoers of the six clans die at the hands of?"

"Human Race." Gushenya resolutely affirmed.

He continued to analyze, "The evildoer who can kill Guiluowuhuang must be the top ten evildoer on the ranking list. Although our ten ancient clans have fought with each other, most of them know the basics. If Guiluowuhuang meets Luohu and Michael , Hades and others will definitely not fight to the death, and it is not difficult to escape; and only when you meet those two evildoers of the human race, can you underestimate the enemy without knowing the details of the opponent, so that you can escape in the end. Can't escape."

Qiqiong Luori's pupils shrank, and he said in a concentrated voice, "Did Guiluo Wuhuang die at the hands of the two great monsters of the human race?"

Gu Shenya shook his head and said, "It should just die at the hands of the eighth evildoer."

Qiqiong Luoyang frowned, and Gu Shenya continued to analyze, "If the two evildoers of the human race join forces to deal with Guiluowuhuang, he will definitely be on guard, and will run away if the situation is wrong; it is very likely that it is only the eighth evildoer and When he fought, Guiluo Wuhuang would do everything he could to suppress and kill his opponent in the face of the Great Zhou Shaodi who was ranked lower than himself. In the end, he was killed by the eighth evildoer. And the evildoers of the other six races may have died in the first place. In the hands of the master of the two monsters and ten thousand Buddhas."

Qiqiong Luoyang asked suspiciously, "Then the No. 20 fourth sword replaced Xie Wusi, so what happened?"

Gu Shenya guessed, "The second knife is very likely to have joined forces with the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Great Zhou Shaodi."

Qiqiong Luoyang asked suspiciously, "It is said that the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Great Zhou Shaodi are human rebels, so how could the second knife, a human saint of heaven, join hands with them?"

When they entered the ancient ruins, the emperors of all races told them the information of each race in detail, but the human race was not connected to the ancient universe due to the ban of the six saints, so they could only know the general situation.

Gu Shenya said, "The sage of the human race can borrow the power of the heaven, but that power is not his own and can be deprived at any time. If the second sword is to use the power of the heaven to suppress and kill Xie Wusi, there is no way to replace him. , it is most likely because the second knife cooperates with the rebels, the heavens did not lend him strength, he has other cards to kill Xie Wusi."

He went on to say, "The second knife is only in his 20s. Unlike other sages of heaven who hate rebellious people to the bone, it is not impossible to temporarily join hands with rebels in the ancient ruins. After all, for the human race, other foreign races That's the real enemy."

Gushenya's analysis made sense, and Qiqiong Luoyang had already believed it to eight or nine percent. However, if the evildoers of the human race join forces, it will be a huge threat to any race.

Gu Shenya said with a cold light in his eyes, "If we still fight with each other, it will only be cheaper for the human race. Why don't we join hands to suppress the human race first, and then our ten races will decide the outcome. We must not let the human race bully us. Clan head."

Qiqiong Luoyang's eyes also flickered coldly, who would dare to offend the Ten Ancient Clans?
Now that the human race dares to kill the monsters of the prison-suppressing clan, they must all be suppressed and killed, and tell the other ten thousand races that the ancient universe is up to the ten ancient clans.

But he still said worriedly, "With the two of us working together, we may not be opponents when we meet the forces of the human race."

Gu Shenya said with a confident smile, "Brother Qiqiong, don't worry, I have sent a message to Shengzi, and we will rush to meet him together."

"Ancient magical powers?" Qiqiong Luoyang said in surprise, "Aren't you with him?"

Gu Shenya, as the second evildoer of the ancient Xueming clan, had a history of fighting with ancient supernatural powers.

Gu Shenya smiled and said, "Human saints and rebels can join forces, why can't we join forces? At that time, I will lobby the Holy Son to join forces with other evildoers of the ten races to suppress the human race first."

He said coldly, "If we want to fight, it is also between our ten ancient clans. If the human race wants to stand out, we have to ask our ten clans to agree."

In the ancient ruins, there are many cases of cooperation such as Gushenya and Qiqiong sunset.

With the fall of more than 200 evildoers from the six races, the evildoers of all races feel a great crisis.

If they don't unite, I'm afraid there will be no bones left that will be swallowed at any time.



Human race, Long Aotian's battleship——

Huang Xing took Luo Tianheng aboard Long Aotian's warship, and the other party, Ji Ran, Xiao Qingchen, and Su Xiu also boarded Long Aotian's warship.

The three parties joined forces, but the saint camp and the rebel camp are relatively hostile, and it is not suitable to go to any warship.

Long Aotian's neutral camp can just serve as a buffer zone.

Several people gathered together to discuss the next itinerary.

It was the first time for Luo Tianheng to have close contact with Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen, and he could feel their excellence even more.

Will the young master really want to face them life and death in the future?
If only they could live in peace!
"This must be Miss Luo." Ji Ran looked at Luo Tianheng beside Huang Chen and asked, and then said to Huang Chen with a half-smile, "The second saint is accompanied by beauty in the ancient ruins, so he is really at ease .”

Hearing the sourness in Ji Ran's tone, Huang Xing couldn't help muttering in his heart, "I didn't attack her."

He also felt somewhat apologetic in his heart for not being able to be by Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen's side, and after recovering his identity, he must make good compensation to them.

Luo Tianheng suddenly felt nervous, and said, "Tianheng has met the young emperor of Great Zhou. Tianheng is just a servant girl by the young master's side. It happens to be lucky to be able to enter the ancient ruins, so I come to serve the young master."

She didn't know where the tension came from, so she couldn't help explaining.

Ji Ran nodded slightly, and said lightly, "It's a good seedling."

Then he took out a long sword and handed it to Luo Tianheng and said, "This real martial arts sword will be used by you in time."

When Huang Xing saw the real martial arts sword, he couldn't help but think of Lu Xiaoke and the girls who stayed on the earth, and he felt nostalgic for a while, and he didn't know what happened to them.

Dragon Yin, Phoenix Blood, and True Martial Arts have a long history, and they are upgradeable fairy swords. After being refined by Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen, they are already nine-level top-grade fairy swords.

When Su Xiu left the earth, she brought Lu Xiaoke's True Martial Sword along with her.

Originally, she wanted to use her power of power to control the real martial arts sword, dragon chanting, and phoenix blood to form a sword formation.

Now seeing that Luo Tianheng's way is also compatible with the real martial arts sword, let her use the real martial arts sword first.

Looking at the True Martial Sword, Luo Tianheng immediately felt that it resonated with the Great Sword Dao in front of him. If he could use this sword to display the Tai Chi Dao Diagram, the defensive power could at least be doubled.

The Great Zhou Shaodi actually gave her such a precious fairy sword to use.

She really wanted to take over the real martial arts sword, but she still turned her head to look at Huang Xing first, and obeyed the young master's advice.

Huang Xing said, "Take it, our tripartite cooperation, no matter who's strength improves, it will be beneficial to the whole."

(End of this chapter)

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