Chapter 846 Sha Kun
Yuan Tie and Sha Kun sacrificed the treasures of the Jinshi clan and the King Kong clan to block Huang Xing's fatal blow for them.

There are also two top-ranked Golden Feather Clan monsters who also have heavy treasures on their bodies, barely blocking the attack.

The evildoers of the other three races were not so lucky, they were all stabbed through by a single shot.

Even the battleship of the evildoers of the three tribes was shot through by Huang Chen, and none of the evildoers hiding inside were spared.

In the blink of an eye, the situation reversed.

The human race in the sword formation seemed to be dreaming.

They thought they would die this time, but the battle of the Second Saint turned things around, and only four of the hundreds of monsters from the three tribes died in an instant.

Although the four people who survived the catastrophe were not killed by a single shot, they could not escape, and they did not have the courage to fight. They all knelt down and begged, "Second saint, please forgive me. We surrender and are willing to sign a master-servant contract. Please don't kill me."

"I can give you a chance to survive." A sneer appeared on the corner of Huang Xing's mouth.

When the four of them heard that they could survive, they thanked him with tears of gratitude, "Thank you for not killing the second sage, thank you for not killing the second sage."

"But only one of the four of you can survive." Huang Chen said coldly, "I ask a few questions, and whoever answers the fastest among you will be given a chance to live."

These four people could survive under his gun, apart from the fact that they were protected by heavy treasures, it was more because of Huang Xing's mercy.

When the four of them heard that only one of them could survive, they hurriedly said, "If the saint has any problems, the villain must know everything."

Looking at the four of them kneeling at Huang Chen's feet like dogs and begging for their lives, Long Aotian couldn't help feeling that the Second Saint was not only powerful, but also sophisticated.

In order to compete for the only chance of survival, the four of them will definitely scramble to tell all the secrets.

No one dared to lie to him, otherwise the other three would definitely point it out for him immediately, and they all wished that the other party would die first.

Huang Xing asked, "What treasure is in the center of the secret realm? Who won it?"

Calculating the time, Mo Yunchi should have come to them after arriving at the center of the secret realm.

"The treasure is a seven-colored divine fruit, which was won by Chi Huoxiao of the Fentian Clan."

The four people scrambled to answer, almost in unison.

They didn't dare to hesitate or hide anything, for fear of answering slowly or wrongly, and being slapped to death by Huang Xing.

One of the monsters of the Golden Feather Clan said as if presenting a treasure, "The seven-color divine fruit does not condense the Dao Yun. According to the guess of the Holy Son, that seven-color divine fruit is an innate spiritual fruit, and it has a miraculous effect when used to temper the seven souls."

Huang Xing nodded in satisfaction with him, and the other three evildoers secretly hated him for losing the opportunity.

In particular, another evildoer of the Golden Feather Clan was very annoyed. He had also heard the Holy Son talk about the efficacy of the Seven-Color God Fruit, so why didn't he say it first.

Next time you answer, you must draw inferences from one instance and tell all the relevant information you know.

Huang Xing continued to ask, "How many ancient ten clans have entered in Zijue Secret Realm? How many evildoers are in the top fifteen?"

The four replied almost simultaneously, "In addition to the Celestials and the Golden Feather, there is also Michael of the Celestials."

Yuan Tie from the Vajra Clan said first, "Michael is very strange. He saw that the treasure in the center of the secret realm is a seven-colored fruit, so he left with the monsters of the Celestial Clan."

Huang Xing frowned slightly, Michael is the third monster, if she fights for the colorful fruit, Chi Huoxiao and Mo Yunchi may not be able to snatch her.

Why did she just leave?Does she know that there are more precious treasures than the seven-colored fruit in other places?
Huang Xing asked, "Which direction is Michael leaving?"

Sha Kun of the Jinshi tribe quickly said, "Go east."

Huang Xing then asked some about the situation of the various races, and the four of them rushed to speak out everything they knew, including what they knew about their respective races.

They were all afraid that they would not say less, so they told Huang Xing everything they knew and heard.

Just uttering this information, a whole day passed without knowing it.

The four of them are outstanding figures of their respective races, and they have already started to step onto the stage of history. They got in touch with some secrets of the clan, and let Huang Xing know a lot about the secrets of the Jinyu clan, the Jinshi clan, and the Diamond clan, as well as the current situation of the ancient universe. , let him have a new understanding of the strength of the ancient ten clans, and now it is almost impossible to use the human race to fight against the ancient ten clans alone.

There is still a long way to go for the rise of the human race, and we need to discuss with Ji Ran, Wudi Qiang, and Emperor Qin.

Invincible Qiang temporarily fell into a deep sleep because of the exhaustion of helping him resist the power of the void, and he had no way of knowing what the colorful fruit was.

Many treasures in the ancient ruins have been lost for a long time, and the evildoers of all races are almost unknown, so they can only be named according to their appearance.

After the four of them told all the secrets, they looked at Huang Xing eagerly, waiting for his sentence.

Huang Xing looked embarrassed and said, "You all performed very well, I don't even know which one to keep."

The hearts of the four tensed up, they were all afraid that the Second Saint would shoot three of them to death in the next moment.

After about ten breaths, Huang Xing still didn't make a move, as if he was still considering it.

Sha Kun said tremblingly, "My lord, why don't you keep the four of us to serve you, we will do our best for you."

He felt that he didn't tell the most secrets, and he might not be the one who survived. It would be better to take the risk and let the second saint keep them all.

The other three also quickly echoed, "My lord, spare our lives, we will definitely do our best to do things for you."

Huang Chen looked at them with a half-smile, and suddenly said coldly, "Forgive you, how can you be worthy of the dozen or so brothers who died?"

Long Aotian and the others have returned to the Qingdi battleship to heal their wounds. There are 55 people in the human race, 23 people died in this battle, and the remaining few people are seriously injured.

If they hadn't desperately delayed the three clans to buy him precious time to come out, Jiuding might have been shattered.

Not killing them all is not enough to vent his hatred.

After hearing Huang Xing's words, the four of them had a bad premonition in their hearts, and hurriedly said in fear, "My lord said that he would spare one of us, please forgive me."

The higher the cultivation base, the more important the promises made are. This is a causal connection in the dark, which will affect one's own luck.

They are like ants in front of the Second Saint, and they are not worthy of him breaking his promise for himself.

So they don't doubt the promise of a second knife.

And they don't dare to doubt, they don't want to doubt.

No matter how slim the odds are, it is also their only life-saving straw.

"Of course I will keep my promise." Huang Chen said with a sneer, "You three die first."

"Fight him." The three evildoers who were sentenced to death by Huang Xing shouted fiercely, and violently resisted with all their strength.

Huang Chen shot three shadows with one shot, and the three terrifying spear shadows killed the three monsters without any suspense.

Only Sha Kun of the Jinshi tribe was left kneeling on the spot, trembling with fright, kowtowed and begged, "My lord, please forgive me, the villain still has some status in the Jinshi tribe, and I am willing to sacrifice my soul to my lord. Acting in secret."

The second saint has murderous intentions. If he is not killed directly, he is not necessarily safe. Only by proving his worth can he have a better chance of surviving.

"I won't kill you after I said that I will give you a way to survive. This way of survival depends on whether you have the ability to survive." Huang Chen said with a sneer, "You do one thing for me, as long as you succeed, Not only can you survive, but you can also get a great opportunity."

Sha Kun asked anxiously, "What does the master want the villain to do?"

He knew that this matter must be dangerous, and he was close to death.

But as long as there is a glimmer of life, it is better than the three people who died just now.

Looking at the black sea that was gradually calming down, Huang Xing said lightly, "You will find out later."

Sha Kun didn't dare to ask more questions, so he could only wait anxiously.

The movement of the Black Sea became smaller and smaller, and eventually it became a dead sea.

After a while, four figures flew out from the black sea, creating circles of water waves.

The four of them flew into the Qingdi warship, and they were Ji Ran's four daughters.

To be precise, it should be five people, and the unconscious Sky Demon Carp was carried out together by Luo Tianheng in his arms.

Huang Xing asked, "Have you killed them all?"

Ji Ran replied, "It's been killed."

Then he glanced at Sha Kun and asked, "How is the situation here?"

Huang Chen shook his head and said, "23 people died."

Luo Tianheng and Su Xiu couldn't help showing sadness on their faces, and half of the more than 50 people died in one fell swoop.

A cold light flashed in Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen's eyes, they would never let 23 people die in vain.

Huang Xing said to Ji Ran, "Jiuding can be removed now."

Ji Ran nodded and asked, "What about that purple dragon?"

Zilong is transformed by the power of Zihai in this area, so far they haven't found a way to directly use the power of Zihai.

The purple seas in other places are pure purple seas, there is no sea of ​​emptiness that hides the ancient ancestors.

Huang Xing pointed to Sha Kun and said, "You introduce Zilong into his body."

"My lord, the villain's strength is low, and I'm sure I can't bear Zilong's power. I'm afraid it will spoil the big business of my lord." Hearing this, Sha Kun turned pale with fright.

Only then did he understand what the second sage kept him alive!
How can Zilong's strength be something he can bear?

What is the difference between a dead end and a dead end?
Huang Chen said coldly, "Either lure Zilong into the body, or I kill you, you choose one yourself."

Sha Kun's face was uglier than crying, he hesitated and struggled for a few seconds, bit his teeth and said, "The villain is willing to lure Zilong into his body."

At least there is still a ray of life to lure Zilong into the body, and the second saint will surely die if he kills him.

Needless to say, I know how to choose.

Ji Ran took Sha Kun to the Qingdi battleship and used his supernatural powers to take back the nine cauldrons. Zilong roared and rushed northward, wanting to escape.

"Come back." Ji Ran sneered, stretched out his hand to grab Zilong, and the manifested Zhetian Su hand suppressed the endless emperor's prestige on Zilong's neck, grabbed it and grabbed it back.

Sha Kun watched Ji Ran grab Zilong, his pupils shrank, why are the evildoers of the human race more terrifying than each other.

"Go." Ji Ran grabbed Zilong and pulled it to Sha Kun's body to let go, playing a series of laws to guide Zilong into Sha Kun's body.

"Ah——" Sha Kun had been prepared for a long time, but as soon as Zilong entered his body, he felt the endless corrosive power rotting his body. His strength could not resist it, and his physical body could not bear it at all.

Sha Kun's body seemed to be splashed with sulfuric acid, rotting from the inside out, becoming so terrifying that people dare not look directly at it.

His mind, soul, and will were still awake, and he felt that his flesh, tendons, skin, and spirit veins had been corrupted, and then regenerated into a strange purple color.

Amidst Sha Kun's shrill screams, his whole body was slowly decomposed and reborn inch by inch, until his whole body turned purple.

The evildoer who was less injured in the human race heard the screams and walked out of the cabin, watching in horror that Sha Kun was corroded by the whole person, and then slowly grew a purple Sha Kun in front of them.

Huang Xing shot a black light into Sha Kun's body, and then the purple color turned into a normal color.

Sha Kun returned to his original appearance.

If there were no shrill screams in their ears, they all suspected that what they had just done was an illusion.

Is the current Shakun still the original Shakun?

Huang Chen looked at Sha Kun fiercely and said, "I bestow everything on you, and I will be your master from now on."

"Meet the master." Sha Kun knelt down on one knee and shouted respectfully.

"From now on, you will be Sha Kun, and you will be the only Sha Kun in the world from the beginning to the end." Huang Xing said in a voice full of magic.

A cold light flashed in Sha Kun's eyes, and he flew out of the battleship to leave.

Everyone watched the strange scene. The methods of the Second Saint and the Great Zhou Shaodi were unpredictable, making it difficult for them to figure out.

After this battle, the evildoers of the three major camps of the human race really united together.

They understand that only when the human race is united can there be a chance of survival.

"You all go back to heal your wounds." Huang Xing said to everyone.

"Yes, Saint." Everyone returned to the cabin, only Huang Chen, Ji Ran, and Xiao Qingchen were left on the deck.

The two women stood beside Huang Xing, one on the left and one on the right, facing the lavender sunlight and the sea breeze blowing across their faces.

Ji Ran pulled back her messy blue hair, and said worriedly, "After this battle, I'm afraid other saints have begun to doubt your identity."

This battle has already caused a shock in the ancient universe.

The eighth evildoer, Mo Yunchi, was removed from the list of ancient evildoers, and the ranking of the second-best saint of the human race skyrocketed again, replacing Mo Yunchi as the eighth evildoer.

Now in the top ten of the ancient list of monsters, the human race has occupied three positions.

The second evildoer, "Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas" Xiao Qingchen.

The seventh evildoer, "The Young Emperor of Great Zhou" Ji Ran.

The eighth evildoer, the second sword of the "Sage of the Underworld".

The fall of Moyunchi this time was even more sensational than the fall of Guiluo Wuhuang last time.

All races speculate that Guiluo Wuhuang died at the hands of Ji Ran.

It is normal for the eighth evildoer to kill the seventh evildoer.

But killing Mo Yunchi with the second knife seemed incredible.

The gap between the two dare not be said to be vastly different, but it is by no means something that can be easily achieved.

The other saints of the human race saw that the ranking of the second blade suddenly soared to the eighth place. They were not too surprised, but felt a little bit suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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