Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 854 The Battle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 854 Battle of the Secret Realm ([-])

Seeing the appearance of the Colorful Martial Arts Field, the major forces all turned grim.

This is the highest space-level secret realm in the ancient ruins, and the rewards must be extraordinary.

Either an ancient treasure, or an inheritance against the heavens.

They have already gained a lot of benefits from the previous secret realms.

After entering the colorful secret realm, he went all the way to the central area, and his strength also improved a little.

Those who can come to the center of the secret realm alive are all evildoers among the evildoers, and none of them ranks beyond one thousand.

Every team lost soldiers and lost generals. Except for the team led by Demon Emperor Luo Hu, which had a full ten people, none of the other teams had ten people.

Most of them were killed by ferocious beasts blocking the road.

Of course, there are also people like Huang Xing who didn't have enough ten people.

The same should be true of the Olympus Protoss. They originally only had seven evildoers who entered the secret realm.

After Huang Xing and Luo Hu stopped, they noticed the seven monsters of the Olympus Protoss.

Although the leading Hades is only the fourth evildoer, Michael specially reminded him to be careful.

Even the devil emperor Luo Hu and Michael didn't specifically remind Huang Chen and the others, as if he knew that Luo Hu couldn't take advantage of him in the hands of Huang Chen, Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen.

It can be seen that Hades is more terrifying in Michael's heart than the devil emperor Rahu.

Michael also reminded the other monsters of the Olympus Protoss.

The ancient No.14 evildoer, the "God of Sleep" Hypros, the ancient No.15 evildoer, the "God of Death" Thanatos.

They are already very powerful alone, and what is even more frightening is that the two are twin brothers, and their combined strength is no less than that of emperors.

There is also an evildoer, the most weird.

That is Pandora, which ranks [-].

Why do you say weird?
Because more than 2000 evildoers have fallen in the ancient ruins, it stands to reason that Pandora was originally ranked [-], and it should have been promoted to [-] or [-].

But no matter how many monsters make up the list, Pandora always ranks at the bottom [-].

This is very weird.

When Huang Xing heard that the Fruit of Good and Evil was sealed in Pandora's Box, he wondered if this Pandora was the Pandora at the bottom of the list.

The ancient monster list only includes monsters under 3000 years old. Could it be that she is in the same situation as Ji Ran?

Michael didn't tell him this question with certainty, because she didn't know much about Pandora either.

This name has never been heard among the monsters of the Olympus Protoss before.

It was after the appearance of the ancient monster list this time that they caught their attention.

But time is running out, and we haven't had time to investigate clearly.

Michael guessed that there should be a relationship between the two Pandoras.

All in all, the strength of Demon Emperor Luohu can be seen on the surface, so he knows it well.

However, several evildoers of the Olympus Protoss are hidden, and they need to be dealt with more carefully than Demon Emperor Luohu.

There are only 140 two evildoers in total for the nine camps.

The Terran camp has the smallest number of people, only six people.

But no one dared to underestimate the Human Race camp.

With the second, seventh, and eighth evildoers in charge, plus the No. 13 evildoer Tian Yaoli, the number of peerless evildoers is the first among all major camps.

The camp with the least number of peerless monsters is the Celestial Race camp.

Because Michael's Angel Legion did not arrive, only No. 12 Robert supported the overall situation, which seemed weak.

Robert's face was very gloomy, and he was very dissatisfied with Michael's absence.

Fortunately, Feng Xiaoyao from the Shura tribe joined forces with him, and he barely had a top ten evildoer in charge.

Each of the nine camps occupies one side, and the colorful round platform in the middle becomes a competition arena.

The competition arena burst out with colorful lights, and everyone felt that it had turned into seven overlapping spaces, and one arena had become seven arenas.

The cold Voice of Immemorial said, "The seven-color arena is open, and finally seven people will pass. Seven arenas, seven masters, whoever can persevere to the end will be eliminated. Death or surrender will be eliminated. Everyone has one chance to be eliminated. After the first challenge fails, you can freely challenge any challenger again. If you fail the second challenge, you will be eliminated. When there are seven people left, that is, seven challengers, those seven challengers will pass the level."

When the evildoers of various races heard the rules, their expressions immediately changed. They didn't expect that the center of the secret realm was actually a ring challenge.

Especially the evildoers of the Prison Clan and the Golden Feather Clan, they resented the Human Race to the extreme, and they were planning to wait for the opportunity for all the clans to join forces to deal with the Human Race.

Now that there is a colorful arena, it is most beneficial to the human race.

If it is about fighting alone, the human race has three major monsters, occupying the upper hand.

The remaining evildoers of the Zhenyu Clan took refuge in the camp of the Xueming Ancient Clan, led by Qiqiong Luoyang.

Qiqiongluo was originally the No.15 evildoer. After Guiluo Wuhuang was killed by Ji Ran, he was automatically promoted to No.14.

He looked coldly at the Tianyaoli from the human camp and shouted, "Tianyaoli, you are so brave, you dare to mix with the human race! Don't you know that the human race is the mortal enemy of the prison-suppressing clan, so leave quickly , so as not to bring disaster to the Sky Monster Clan."

Tian Yaoli's face darkened when he heard the threat of Qiqiong Luoyang, and said, "I have decided to leave the Tian Yao clan and join the second saint, so don't use the Tian Yao clan to blackmail me."

When everyone heard that Tian Yaoli had left the Tian Yao clan, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the second saint in shock, who actually subdued Tian Yaoli.

The evildoers of the Prison Clan are furious.

Tian Yaoli is not only the number one evildoer of the Tian Yao clan, but also the fiancée of Gui Luo Wu Huang.

Now Guiluo Wuhuang was killed by the human race, and his fiancée returned to the human race, making the Zhenyu clan lose face.

Qiqiong Luoyang yelled angrily, "Do you think the second sage can protect you? He can't protect himself, you just wait for death."

"What are you, the one who dares to threaten me." Huang Chen's eyes shone coldly, and he looked at Qiqiong Luoyang and said coldly, "Do you dare to come out and fight with me?"

Qiqiong Luoyang's face was ashen, the second saint can kill Mo Yunchi and subdue the demon carp, his strength is absolutely terrifying, he still doesn't want to be this early bird.

He took the lead in attacking the human race in order to arouse all races to join forces to deal with the human race.

The evildoers of all races looked at Huang Xing and the five girls covetously, thinking whether to clear the human race out of the giant first.

After all, in the group arena, the human race has an advantage.

"Self-fighting is prohibited during the Colorful Arena Challenge." The cold voice of the ancient times sounded, and a barrier of laws was lowered to separate the monsters of the nine camps.

The emergence of the law barrier made the various races eliminate their plans to join forces to clear the human race out of the game.

"Only seven people can pass."

The expressions of the evildoers of all races became very dignified.

A total of 140 evildoers gathered here, only seven of them could pass the test, and the remaining 130 or [-] were eliminated.

They have a total of nine camps, and none of them can get a quota.

The situation is very serious.

None of the evildoers of any race was the first to enter the ring.

The first one to enter the ring is definitely the one who suffers the most, and has to stay in the ring until the end.

Luo Hu is very confident to defend the next ring.

But he was worried that he would go to the arena first, and the three great monsters of the human race would avoid him and go to other arenas.

He looked at Huang Xing coldly, and was going to wait for him to go to the ring first, and then suppress him in front of all kinds of evildoers and humiliate him severely.


When the evildoers of various races were thinking about each other, suddenly, seven ancient lights flew out from the seven rings and enveloped the seven people, leading them to the ring and becoming the first ring masters to enter the ring.

Among the human race, Luo Tianheng was also selected as the leader of one of the rings.

"It's really unlucky to be forced to become the ring master."

"Forget it, anyway, if you can't beat it, you can still admit defeat. Let me meet the evildoers of various races for a while, and sharpen my own strength."

The seven evildoers who were selected for the ring had different expressions, but they quickly calmed down.

Their strength is only moderate among the crowd, and they know that it is absolutely impossible for them to become the final champion, so they regard this as a tempering exercise.

Anyway, it's not a life-and-death fight, if you can't beat it, you can admit defeat, don't worry too much.

The leading evildoers glanced at each other, knowing that they didn't intend to act immediately, and ordered a few words to the evildoers around them, planning to give them a chance to sharpen, and at the same time, to find out their own details.

Luo Tianheng was drawn into the arena by the light of the ancient times. He was a little nervous at first, but he calmed down soon.

If it comes, it will be safe, and she also wants to meet the monsters of various races for a while.

"Haha, there is no one in the human race except for the three evildoers? Take you, a waste from the Immortal King Realm, into the universe-level secret realm! Let me teach you a lesson, and let you know that the ancient ruins are not places that your human race can get your hands on."

An evildoer from the third level of the Immortal King flew out from the camp of the Ancient Blood Ming Clan and landed on the ring where Luo Tianheng was, his voice was full of provocation.

He is an evildoer of the Prison Clan. The reason why he provokes Luo Tianheng is to anger the three evildoers of the human race. After he defeats Luo Tianheng, they will come up to challenge him.

When the time comes, he will directly admit defeat, and the three great monsters of the human race who come up to challenge will become the masters.

The sooner you become the ringleader, the more disadvantageous you will be, and the easier it is to expose your cards in advance.

The evildoers of all races basically looked at the arena where Luo Tianheng was. Compared with the competitions in other arenas, they paid more attention to the performance of the human race.

"The realm of cultivation does not represent the full strength, otherwise the ghosts of your clan would not have died in the hands of Ji Shaodi." Luo Tianheng said calmly, "Compared with the young master and the others, I am indeed a waste, but it is also worthless. It is enough to defeat you, because you are even worse than trash."

Luo Tianheng's voice was very calm, without any sharp aura, but his every word was serious. He first exposed the shortcomings of the prison-suppressing clan, and then slapped him in the face.

Hit people without slapping their faces, and curse people without revealing shortcomings.

The evildoer of the prison-suppressing clan was furious when he heard this, and said sharply, "I want to defeat me with just a fairy king, dreaming!"


He shot directly, and struck out with a palm, pressing against Luo Tianheng with a mighty force.

He is an evildoer at the third level of the Immortal King, and the ordinary sixth level of the Immortal King is no match for him. Luo Tianheng, who does not believe in the Immortal King, can defeat him.

Luo Tianheng calmly drew out his sword, and the Tai Chi Dao Tu was alive and well, blocking the attack of the evildoers of the Zhenyu clan.


The evildoer of the prison-suppressing clan missed a single blow, and then attacked several times in a row. Each palm was overwhelming and powerful. It caused loud noises on the Taiji Dao map, but it could not be shaken by half.

During this period of time, Luo Tianheng comprehended the true martial arts sword intent and made rapid progress. His strength was much stronger than before. Even if he didn't join forces with Su Xiu, it would not be a problem to block an Immortal King at the third level.

All kinds of evildoers looked at Luo Tianheng solemnly. This time, in the ancient ruins, the strength displayed by the human race was astonishing.

Not only because there are three human races among the top ten monsters.

What's even more frightening is that these three human monsters are all young, less than 30 years old, and they can all leapfrog to fight, and their combat power is terrifying.

Monsters of their level always beat others by leapfrogging, and they have never been defeated by leapfrogging.

But both Guiluo Wuhuang and Mo Yunchi were six or seven small realms higher than the second sage and Great Zhou Shaodi, but they were still killed by leapfrogging.

The human monster in the arena is also very young, and it should be Luo Tianheng who suddenly soared to the top [-] monsters.

She was only 23 years old, and her cultivation was at the seventh level of the fairy king, but she lightly blocked the attack of the monsters at the third level of the prison-suppressing clan fairy king.

Lu Xing calmly watched Luo Tianheng fight against each other, very satisfied with her progress, looked at Su Xiu who was at the side and asked, "How are you and Tianheng Shenwu's attacking skills practicing recently?"

Luo Tianheng used to take the way of not killing, which only focused on defense and had almost no means of attack.

Now she is taking the way of protection and began to practice the art of attack, because she understands that killing is to protect life, and kindness to the enemy is cruelty to the human race.

Xiao Qingchen knew that Luo Tianheng wanted to practice attacking techniques, so he gave her and Su Xiu a few tricks.

Su Xiumei said with clear eyes, "Sister Tianheng's comprehension is very good, and she has already practiced to seventy to eighty percent."

Huang Xing nodded, [-]% to [-]% is enough to defeat the opponent.

The monsters of the prison-suppressing clan couldn't attack for a long time, and they were out of breath. A majestic third-level fairy king couldn't even suppress a seventh-level fairy king. Wouldn't it make people laugh, confirming her sentence - trash is not as good as it!

"Dragon elephant is destroyed."

With a roar, he performed his unique move, manifesting a lifelike giant dragon elephant, whose strength instantly multiplied several times, and blasted towards the Tai Chi Dao Diagram.


With a loud bang, under the bombardment of the dragon elephant, the Taiji Dao map was instantly torn layer by layer.

"True martial arts."

At the moment when the Taiji Dao map was about to be completely smashed, Luo Tianheng turned from defense to offense, and his soft real martial arts sword intent instantly became fierce and savage, cutting open the dragon elephant with one sword, and directly attacking the monsters of the Prison Clan.

"I surrender!"

The evildoer of the Prison Clan felt a chill in his heart. When he used the Dragon Elephant True Destroyer, it was also when his defense was weakest. He couldn't block the sword at all, and he gave up in fright.

The True Martial Sword pierced half an inch into the body of the evildoer of the Zhenyu Clan, his body was wrapped in the light of the ancient times, and he flew back to the camp of the Ancient Blood Ming Clan.

Luo Tianheng withdrew the real martial sword regrettably, this was the first time she had murderous intentions, the first time she wanted to kill someone.

But there is no way, she can be rescued by the ancient light in an instant, her sword is not faster than the opponent's mind.

Although the evildoer of the prison-suppressing clan survived, the half-inch blood hole pierced in his chest was enough to scare him out of his wits.

If he didn't admit defeat in time, he would definitely die under this sword.

The evildoers of all races looked at Luo Tianheng blankly, she really defeated the third-level evildoers who were one level higher than her.

If this allowed her to continue to grow, she would become a peerless evildoer in the human race.

(End of this chapter)

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