Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 856 The Battle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 856 The Battle of the Secret Realm ([-])

When Qiqiong Luoyang saw the heart of the ice dragon flying towards him, he had a sinister smile on his face.

If you want to use the heart of the ice dragon to head-on with his gate of purgatory, you will only end up being swallowed.

The heart of the ice dragon in the shape of a dragon ball flew close to the gate of purgatory, and Qiqiong Luoyang suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

This coolness is not the danger I felt from my heart.

It's the cold from the outside in.

The biting cold penetrated into his body from every pore on his body, making him shiver with cold.

what happened?

Why does the ice dragon's heart get colder the closer it is to the gate of purgatory?
As the onlookers watched the battle outside the arena, they could clearly see that Qiqiong Luoyang's body was gradually covered with a thin layer of frost.

At first, the eyebrows and hair were covered with little ice crystals like hoarfrost, and then more and more became whiter, until the eyebrows and hair became as white as snow.

The evildoer who was the leader of the ten ancient clans couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and his face changed——

How could the Sky Demon Race give the "Ice Dragon Heart" to the Sky Demon Carp to bring it into the ancient ruins!

The "Heart of the Ice Dragon" they thought of at this time was not the "Heart of the Ice Dragon" in the ordinary sense, but the real treasure of the Sky Demon Clan - the "Heart of the Ice Dragon".

That is the background of the entire clan of the Sky Monster Clan, and it is usually handed over to the supreme leader of the clan.

The supreme status of each race, if compared with the human race, is equivalent to the way of heaven in the universe!
The inner treasures brought in by the evildoers of various clans are actually imitations of the town clan treasures.

Whether it is the gate of purgatory where the ghosts fall in the wild, or the gate of purgatory where the setting sun is extremely poor, they are all imitations of the treasure "the gate of purgatory" of the Suppressing Prison Clan.

It can be said that the treasure of the clan is related to the survival of the clan, and it is generally in the hands of the supreme of each clan, so how could it be handed over to the younger generation of evildoers.

Although the evildoers of the younger generation are strong, they are far inferior to those of the older generation who are at the pinnacle.

If it is taken away, it will reduce the foundation of the whole family.

Of course, even if it is an imitation, it can still be called the supreme treasure, stronger than ordinary innate spirit treasures.

The "Ice Dragon Heart" sacrificed by Tian Yaoli at this time was actually the real "Ice Dragon Heart" at that moment, not a fake.

The Tianyao clan actually trusted the Tianyaoli so much that they entrusted her with all the treasures of the clan to bring them into the ancient ruins.

Aren't they afraid that the Sky Demon Carp will fall into the ancient ruins and the treasure of the clan will be taken away?
Qiqiong Luoyang also found that the heart of the ice dragon was different from what he thought.

The level of the Gate of Purgatory is higher than that of the Ice Dragon's Heart. If the imitation Ice Dragon's Heart is close to the Gate of Purgatory, it will definitely be swallowed slowly.

But the former heart of the ice dragon actually gradually froze the black hole formed by the gate of purgatory.

"You—how could the Tianyao Clan hand over the treasure of the clan to you?" Qiqiong Luoyang roared in disbelief!

Even if it is a monster who is full of ghosts, it is impossible for the prison-suppressing clan to hand over the real gate of purgatory to him.

Not to mention the ghosts, even with the strength and identity of the Demon Emperor Luohu, it is impossible for the Heavenly Demons to let him bring the treasure of the clan to the ancient ruins.

Even the town treasures of various ethnic groups will not leave the territory of each ethnic group.

That is the foundation of the clan, and it will not be used easily until the disaster of extermination of the clan.

He really couldn't figure out why the Tianyao clan would give the treasure of the clan to the Tianyaoli!
Not only he can't figure it out, but all the evildoers can't figure it out.

Even Huang Xing looked at Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen in dismay, feeling very unbelievable.

This is equivalent to Su Xiu going to a dangerous secret realm for experience, and Huang Xing entrusting her with the Invincible System to bring it in.

Although he spoiled Su Xiu, it was impossible for him to do so.

"Could it be..." Huang Xing thought of a possibility and said, "She stole the town's treasure from the Sky Monster Clan!"

He only thought of this possibility, it wasn't that the Sky Yaozu took the initiative to give the heart of the ice dragon to the Sky Yaoli, but she stole it!
With Tian Yaoli's desperate approach, it is really possible to do this!
Bring the treasure of the town clan into the ancient ruins, so that you have a better chance of obtaining the heaven-defying inheritance in the ancient ruins.

Usually it is impossible to steal the treasure of the town clan, but there may be a chance when the light of the ancient times guides her into the ancient ruins.

As for whether the treasure of the clan will be lost because of this, perhaps in her opinion, it doesn't matter whether the Sky Monster Clan has the "heart of an ice dragon".

Anyway, they are all affiliated clans of the prison-suppressing clan. As long as the prison-suppressing clan is still there, other races will not dare to invade the sky monster clan with great fanfare.

For the prison-suppressing clan, it doesn't make much difference to them whether the Tianyao clan has the clan-suppressing treasure or not.

Even if there is the treasure of the town clan, the sky demon clan does not dare to resist the prison clan, and can only obediently donate their clansmen to feed the demons in purgatory.

"Since I have decided to betray the Sky Demon Clan, of course I got the Ice Dragon's Heart." The Sky Demon Carp roared ferociously, telling everyone that they were puzzled.

Her voice was hysterical, full of madness, resentment, and unwillingness.

She loves the Sky Demon Clan deeply, but she can only love in this extreme way.

From the number one evildoer of the Sky Monster clan revered by the people, to the traitor of the Sky Monster clan that everyone despises.

Her heart is bleeding.

As Huang Xing guessed, Tianyao Li used his status as the number one evildoer of the Tianyao clan to secretly find out the location of the real "Ice Dragon Heart".

At the moment when the ancient light led her into the ancient ruins, the imitation "cold heart" and the real "ice dragon heart" resonated, and with the power of the ancient light, she forcibly broke the restriction, and the "ice dragon heart" "Grab it.

In normal times, the moment she snatched the "Ice Dragon Heart", she would be captured by the Supreme of the Sky Demon Clan.

But because of the guidance of the ancient light, the Supreme of the Sky Demon Clan was beyond his reach, and could only watch helplessly as the Sky Demon Carp snatched away the clan's treasure "Ice Dragon Heart".

The Supreme of the Sky Monster Clan made a decisive decision and ordered all other evildoers of the Sky Monster Clan who were on the list to give up the chance to enter the ancient ruins.

If the news that the "Ice Dragon Heart" was on the Sky Demon Carp was leaked in the ancient ruins, monsters from other races would definitely snatch it.

Although he didn't know why Tian Yaoli would snatch the "Ice Dragon's Heart", it was better to have it on her than to be snatched by a foreign race.

Except for the Tianyao carp, all the evildoers of the Tianyao clan who entered the list gave up the chance to enter the ancient ruins.

Therefore, after the major forces joined forces, the Prison Suppressing Clan did not see any other monsters from the Sky Demon Clan, and the Sky Demon Carp was alone.

All kinds of evildoers felt chills when they heard the roar of the sky demon carp. Such crazy behavior made them feel a surge of fear in their hearts.

Qiqiong Luoyang looked at the crazy Tianyao carp and felt fear in his heart.

Chill from the outside in, from the inside out.

The whole body is ice-cold.

After Tian Yaoli admitted that the one was the real "Ice Dragon Heart", he knew that he would definitely die.

The strength of the Tianyao carp itself is slightly better than him, and coupled with the treasure of the Tianyao clan, he has no chance to resist at all.

"I admit defeat, I admit defeat."

When the "Heart of the Ice Dragon" froze the black hole in the gate of purgatory, Qiqiong sunset roared in fear.

But the contest between them had already triggered the deathmatch rules, and the Immemorial Light did not pass him out of the ring.

In his scream of fear, the whole person was frozen into an ice sculpture.

The sound was also frozen and solidified, and the world was completely silent.

The protective barriers around the arena disappeared, which meant that the contest between Tian Yaoli and Qiqiong Sunset had ended, and the next challenger could take the stage.

The ten thousand miles of ice receded, and the arena was as clean as washing, except for the sky demon carp that had turned into a human body, there was no trace left behind.

Qiqiong Luoyang's name was also erased from the list of ancient monsters.

Seeing the disappearance of Qiqiong Luoyang's name, the supreme ruler and emperors of the Prison Clan turned pale.

It is a great loss and a great shame to the Prison Clan that the two evildoers have fallen one after another.

Tian Yaoli stood on the ring, with a strange expression on his face, which made people feel inexplicably scared.

The evildoers who are the leaders of all ethnic groups are all frowning, no one came up to challenge.

Although their strength is stronger than Tian Yaoli, but she has the heart of an ice dragon, and it is very difficult to defeat her.

Luo Hu is confident that even if the Sky Demon Carp has the heart of an ice dragon, he can suppress it.

But unless it was a death fight, even if he defeated her, he would not be able to kill her, nor would he be able to snatch the ice dragon's heart, and there would be no benefit if he won. There was no need for him to do such thankless things.

His biggest target is the three evildoers of the human race, and he needs to maintain the strongest state to deal with them.

There was a moment of silence, no one came up to challenge the Sky Demon Carp.

Soon after half a stick of incense time, the voice of the ancient times came to everyone's ears, "If no one comes to challenge for a stick of incense, the Sky Demon Carp will successfully defend the ring and become the final champion of the orange ring."

The faces of the leaders of all ethnic groups changed.

There are only seven arenas in the center of the secret realm, and each one is very precious. If one is taken away, one will be missing.

If no one came to the stage again, let Tian Yaoli take the final champion in vain.

If you want to compete for the treasure of the universe-level secret realm, you must become the seven final champions to have a chance.

Huang Chen looked at the leaders of all the evildoers with a half-smile, and there was a Tian Yaoli who took the lead, saving him a lot of trouble.

The evildoers who were the leaders of the eight camps looked at each other, as if they were discussing something.

After a while, they stopped communicating, and they should have reached an agreement.

"The heart of the ice dragon, let me see if it can stop my burning fire."

A cold and stern voice sounded, and a person from the Fentian Clan came out.

He was surrounded by burning flames, like a monarch in flames.

The sixth evildoer of the ancient times, Chi Huoxiao from the Fentian Clan.

Although the innermost treasure he brought was just an imitation and not as good as Ice-cold Heart, his strength was much stronger than the Sky Demon Carp, and he was confident that he could suppress her.

The battle between ice and fire.

Fire and water are incompatible.

Tian Yaoli looked at Chi Huoxiao who walked into the ring with a stern expression, showing a bit of fear in his eyes.

Chi Huoxiao can be ranked the sixth evildoer in the ancient times, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Except for the combat power of the three major monsters of the human race, which cannot be estimated by ranking, the rankings of other monsters of all races are relatively accurate.

Chi Huoxiao's ability overwhelms Guiluo Wuhuang to become the sixth evildoer, and his combat power must still be higher than Guiluo Wuhuang.

She is very aware of Guiluo Wuhuang's strength, even if she uses the Ice Dragon's Heart, she may not be his opponent.

After all, she snatched the icy heart, but only using the power of blood to activate it, it can only exert [-]-[-]% of its power.

Against Chi Huoxiao now, there is not much chance of winning.

Ice and Fire face off in an orange arena.

The independent space of the arena became half of blue ice crystals and half of purple flames.

Everyone couldn't help but feel hot and cold for a while.

Su Xiu felt a chill, shrank slightly, looked at Huang Chen and asked, "Master, sister Li'er has a [-]% chance of winning against Chihuoxiao?"

She found that the master was like a prophet who could see the outcome in advance, so she couldn't help asking curiously.

Huang Xing smiled lightly, and said confidently, "[-]%."

Su Xiu suddenly felt hot for a while, as if being submerged by a rolling heat wave, she asked curiously, "Sister Li'er is facing No. 14 Qiqiongsetun, the master said she is somewhat dangerous, why do you treat her?" Chi Huoxiao, who is ranked sixth, will the master be more confident?"

With a wave of his hand, Huang Xing dispelled the heat wave on Su Xiu's body, and said with a smile, "Because he took something he shouldn't have taken."

Su Xiu suddenly felt cool, neither cold nor hot, very comfortable. She didn't know that the seven-colored fruit that Chi Huoxiao obtained in the Zijue secret realm was the fruit of good and evil, so she continued to ask curiously, "What is it?"

Huang Xing said lightly, "The fruit of bad luck."

Su Xiu's expression changed, this name is not a good thing, anyway, if the master said he would lose, then he will definitely lose.

Chi Huoxiao didn't dare to be careless in the face of the Sky Demon Carp who had the heart of an ice dragon. The moment he entered the ring, he sacrificed his inner treasure, the imitation Skyfire God Dragon Cover.

The sky fire dragon cover is a tower-shaped magic weapon, like a fire dragon coiled on the tower.

The flame is a strange golden flame, as if it can burn everything.

hold head high--

Suddenly, the fire dragon on the hood of the Sky Vulcan God let out a roar, shot up from the tower, instantly burned the void into a sea of ​​flames, and then turned into densely packed flaming meteors and fell down.

The Sky Demon Carp frowned slightly as it looked at the falling flame meteor.

Although these flaming meteors densely covered the entire arena, their power did not seem to be strong. It is estimated that even the icy mist emanating from the ice dragon's heart could not break through.

Are these flame meteors not as simple as they appear?
The sky demon carp didn't dare to be careless, and carefully blocked the flame meteor, always guarding against its mutation.

The evildoers of all races who fought on the outside of the arena thought the same way, thinking that Chi Huoxiao's Flame Meteor still had a backup.

But time passed by every minute and every second.

Until all the flame meteors fell, the sea of ​​fire in the void was extinguished, and the fire dragon disappeared.

With a sound of "clang", the dragon cover of the Sky Vulcan God fell from midair to the ground, made a "clank, clang" sound, bounced a few times on the ground, turned a few half circles, and then stopped.

In fact, it should not be called the Skyfire Dragon Cover at this time, because the flame dragon on it has disappeared, leaving only a bare iron tower.

Everyone looked at the iron tower on the ground in astonishment, some didn't react, and couldn't help but think again: What the hell is Chi Huoxiao doing?

Chi Huoxiao also looked at the iron tower that had lost the power of flame with a confused face. When he sacrificed the dragon cover of the sky fire god just now, he suddenly found that this treasure of foundation was not stable, and he felt like a thing that could collapse at any time. Waste treasure.

In the end, it really became a waste treasure!

(End of this chapter)

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