Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 867 One Language God King

Chapter 867
It was only then that everyone came to their senses that the ultimate goal of this battle for the ring was to fight for the seven places to enter the next level, and it was not the time to be competitive.

The second knife was able to defeat Gu Shentong and Death Sleeping God in a row, and he was not dazzled by the victory, but directly surrendered in a calm manner. It can be seen that his state of mind is extremely calm and terrifying, and such an opponent is even more difficult to deal with.

When Demon Emperor Luohou heard Huang Xing's words, it was like punching the air with a long-prepared invincible punch, and his heart was so stuffy that he panicked.

The second knife is right, as long as he avoids himself, it is easy to fight for the final champion of the ring.

On their side, there is still a possibility of winning the second sword, only Hades and the mysterious Pandora are left, but even so, there are a total of seven arenas, and the strength of the second sword can definitely qualify for one.

Moreover, there are Xiao Qingchen, the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and Ji Ran, the young emperor of the Great Zhou, who have not made a move on the human race.

Although the two of them haven't made a move yet, it can be guessed from their rankings that their strength must not be underestimated. Even if they are not as good as the second knife, they are not far behind.

It can be said that the current situation is very unfavorable to their various alliances, and the human race is likely to get three places in the seven arenas.

If they can only get four of the seven quotas from the Ten Ancient Clans, it will make the Ten Thousand Clans laugh out loud.

The scene fell into silence for a while, only the rustling sound of the breeze blowing.

Hearing Huang Chen's dissuasion, Xiao Qingchen nodded and said, "I'll take the other rings in the next fight."

"Okay." Huang Xing stroked her hair lightly, and said dotingly, "Be careful of Hades, king of the underworld."

"En." Xiao Qingchen replied softly, and then walked towards one of the rings step by step with the Phoenix Blood Sword on his back.

The evildoers of all races held their breath for an instant, and all looked at Xiao Qingchen intently.

This human evildoer ranks second on the ancient evildoer list, what is her strength?

With the lessons learned from the second strike, they no longer dare to underestimate the monsters of the human race.

Xiao Qingchen walked into one of the arenas. On that arena was a demon from the Celestial Race, who had just defeated his opponent.

They just regard the ring competition as an opportunity to practice, and they also know that the final ring has nothing to do with them.

When he saw Xiao Qingchen walking towards him, he thought inwardly that it was unlucky, why did he choose him.

His face darkened, he gritted his teeth, and said viciously, "Let me test your strength and see what qualifications you have to be ranked second on the list of ancient monsters."

Xiao Qingchen walked towards the arena step by step, neither sad nor happy, with no imposing manner on his body, but his cold demeanor made people afraid to approach.

When she walked into the arena, the aura on her body instantly became majestic, and the Buddha wheel behind her manifested, and a crisp voice proclaimed the Buddha's name, "Amitabha, turn around and be right."

Hearing the Buddha's name, the ferocious-faced demon of the Celestial Race suddenly knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Xiao Qingchen in repentance, "Rotgers has committed a serious crime, and only death can atone for his sins."

After finishing speaking, he slapped his own Tianling Gai without hesitation, and fell down in front of Xiao Qingchen completely lost in spirit.

hiss! !

Seeing this strange scene, the evildoers of all races trembled with fright.

One word saves the god king.

That evildoer of the Celestial Race was a god-king second-level cultivation base, but he was saved by the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas Xiao Qingchen with a single word, and he committed suicide and apologized.

As soon as the ancient second evildoer made a move, he shocked the ten clans of evildoers.

Huang Xing couldn't help but twitch his eyelids, and said to himself, "You deserve to be ranked the second evildoer in the ancient times, and Qingchen's strength is getting stronger and stronger."

Ji Ran also nodded and said, "Maybe she is much stronger than we imagined."

She commented from the eyes of Emperor Qing, and this comment was not unreasonable.

Xiao Qingchen saved the god king with one word, and suppressed the evildoers of the ten ancient clans.

Ordinary evildoers can only be dismissed with one word, and they don't even have a chance to admit defeat.

Is there any way to die more creepy than willingly committing suicide after being saved.

When all kinds of evildoers thought of this, they couldn't help but shuddered all over.

The evildoers who are the leaders of the ten ancient clans all looked at Xiao Qingchen with trepidation. In this battle, ordinary evildoers are just going to die, and one of them must fight.

But Xiao Qingchen ranks as the second evildoer in the ancient times, surpassing Michael and Hades the Hades.

The only weakness is that her cultivation level is still too low, only the second level of Immortal King.

But the second sword has proved to everyone that the realm of cultivation does not represent the strength of combat power. He thought that at the first stage of the Immortal King, he would be able to defeat the three major evildoers, the ancient magic power and the God of Death and Sleeping God. Xiao Qingchen's second stage of the Immortal King, It really made them feel at a loss.

After Gu Shentong and Chi Huoxiao lost the first battle, they tried their best to heal their injuries, but they just looked at Xiao Qingchen coldly, then closed their eyes and continued to heal their injuries.

It is not their turn to make a move in this battle, and it is impossible for them to make a move.

They have already failed once, and there is only one last chance left. If they lose to Xiao Qingchen again, they will lose the place to enter the next level.

What the second knife said just now also reminded them that they don't need to personally defeat the three evildoers of the human race in this level, as long as they can secure or one of the seven places.

After seeing the second knife and Xiao Qingchen, their already unstable temporary alliance had a gap, and each of them had their own ghosts, thinking about how to get themselves a place to enter Xiaguan.

Demon Emperor Rahu and Pluto King Hades also saw that all races have their own ghosts, and it is impossible for them to do their best to deal with the three major evildoers of the human race. They want to snipe the three major evildoers of the human race and prevent them from entering the next stage The plan is likely to fail.

Among the leading evildoers of the Ten Primordial Clans, Hades the Hades, Li Youyou of the Blood Demon Clan, Feng Xiaoyao of the Shura Clan, Ji Hanyi of the Ice Clan, and Robert of the Celestial Clan remained untouched.

The five people glanced at each other, and Robert of the Celestial Race looked at Hades, the Hades, and said, "The Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas of the human race ranks second on the list of ancient monsters. The Dharma is powerful, and one word can save the king of gods. Among us, there is only Hades." Only His Highness is sure of defeating him, and in this battle, His Highness Pluto will be asked to suppress the arrogance of the human race."

The Celestials and the Olympus Protoss have fought for countless epochs. Robert wants to drive away the wolves. First, let Hades, the king of the underworld, and the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas fight to the death. Only then can he have a glimmer of hope or one of the seven places.

Hades, the king of the underworld, turned to Robert, and said with a faint smile, "God Robert has a good plan. We Olympus Protoss have played two consecutive games, and this one is not the king's turn."

He also has his own calculations in his heart. If the three major evildoers of the human race can finally win three places, then there will only be four places left.

He was confident that he and Pandora could get two of them, and it would be no problem for Demon Emperor Luohu to get one of them.

Of the seven places, only the last one remains.

He has already promised to exchange a quota with Chi Huoxiao for the "Fruit of Misfortune", so what he has to do is to help Chi Huoxiao block potential opponents and let them get the last quota smoothly.

From the current point of view, the only ones that can pose a danger to Chi Huoxiao are the ancient magical powers of the Xueming Ancient Clan and the Sky Demon Carp of the Sky Demon Clan.

The other four monsters had no way to refute Hades' words, and Robert's face was livid with anger.

"The evildoers of your Celestial Race have been reduced by the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Doesn't God Son Robert want to get back in the ring?" Hades, the king of the underworld, looked at the ashen-faced Robert and smiled, "If Archangel Michael Come in and it will be settled."

(End of this chapter)

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