Chapter 872
Without any hesitation, Gu Shentong soared into the sky and flew towards the arena where Ji Ran was.

If Hades, the king of the underworld, challenged Ji Ran first, he might win directly, and then he would have to offend the Asura clan.

Seeing the ancient supernatural power flying towards Ji Ran, a stern look appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The ancient Xueming tribe has always been the enemy of human beings, and today she sacrificed the flag with ancient supernatural powers.

"Did Guiluo Wuhuang die at your hands?" Gu Shentong asked coldly as soon as he entered the ring.

"That's right." Ji Ran said indifferently, "Now I will send you down to accompany him as well."

"Hehe." Gu Shentong sneered, "Just because you want to kill me is not enough."

Everyone was also noncommittal to Ji Ran's words, let alone whether the young emperor of Zhou Dynasty had the strength to defeat the ancient magic power. Under the protection of the ancient law, unless he had the ability to kill in seconds, the ancient magic power could admit defeat at any time.

"Really?" Ji Ran sneered, nine big cauldrons appeared in the sky and earth, and an eternal power burst out!

Gu Shentong's pupils shrank, not daring to take it lightly, and directly swallowed a drop of Gu Shen's blood, and the power on his body also instantly surged.

"Nine cauldrons determine the world." Ji Ran gave a light drink, and the nine cauldrons suppressed it, suppressing the ring space.

Gu Shentong's eyelids twitched, Jiuding's eternal power was not aimed at him, but the guardian force that suppressed the ring.

What does she want to do?
Pluto Hades felt the power emanating from Jiuding, his face changed slightly, could it be!

He thought of a possibility—could it be that the young emperor of Zhou wanted to suppress the guardian of the ancient light, and couldn't pass him out in time when the ancient magic surrendered?
The power of the ancient times is the strongest power in the world, and the young emperor of Zhou Dynasty wanted to suppress it, and he was beyond his control!
"Ancient God Transformation!" The ancient magic power was the strongest when he made a move, and instantly turned into an ancient god giant, and the terrifying power blasted towards Ji Ran.


The heavens and the earth were torn apart, and the berserk power shook in the ring space.

Ji Ran stood still, and a golden dragon appeared behind him.

On - on - on -

The golden dragon condensed from a phantom into a solid body, roaring and flying towards the ancient god giant.

"Nineteen-clawed golden dragon, how is it possible? Could it be that she is the Emperor of Heaven?"

Everyone was shocked when they saw the nineteen-clawed golden dragon!
Not all Emperors can become Heavenly Emperors.

The Emperor of Heaven seized the good fortune of the heaven and the earth, opened up a heavenly court, and became the master of the heavenly court.

Ji Ran is just the young emperor of the Great Zhou, how could he condense the nineteen-clawed golden dragon?

"You—you are already the Great Zhou Heavenly Emperor?" Gu Shentong blocked the golden dragon's claw and asked in horror.

"The Emperor Qing has passed on to me! I am now the Lord of the Heavenly Court of the Great Zhou."

Ji Ran gave a cold shout, and the Longyin sword was unsheathed, flying in the sky, drawing a series of avenue inscription patterns.

In an instant, the power of heaven and earth frantically rushed towards the nineteen-clawed golden dragon.

The face of the ancient supernatural power changed drastically, and the last two drops of the ancient god's blood had been swallowed, and his power surged in an instant, and he roared ferociously, "What about the Great Zhou Emperor? Today I will slaughter you, the ancient god's nine transformations, slaughter the world!"

A sneer of disdain emerged from the corner of Ji Ran's mouth, "Even if the real ancient god comes, this emperor will slaughter the god today. The ancient power obeys my emperor's order, and the golden dragon will kill the god."

Following her imperial order, the Dao inscription pattern drawn by the Dragon Chanting Sword in the void instantly shone with golden light, and the ancient power between heaven and earth poured into the nineteen-clawed golden dragon frantically.

hold head high--

The nineteen-clawed golden dragon let out a roar of Cang Heng, and rushed towards the ancient god giant whose strength had skyrocketed.

"Tianshishu! No, I admit defeat!" Gu Shentong yelled in fear as he faced the golden dragon that gathered the ancient power!
Taikoo Law received Gu Shentong's request to admit defeat, and wanted to pass him out of the ring.

The Jiuding that suppressed the arena exuded a simple light, suppressing the ancient law.

Just a short breath is enough for the nineteen-clawed golden dragon to tear apart the ancient god giant, raining blood.


Jiuding couldn't bear the power of the ancient law and exploded, and Ji Ran also spat out a mouthful of blood.

The sky and the earth roared, black clouds rolled, like the end of the world, the boundless and terrifying power gathered in the sky above Ji Ran, as if it was going to swallow her at any time.

This is the wrath of the ancient law!
How dare she disregard the rules and kill people under his nose!
That's totally not paying attention to it!
Facing the boundless coercion, Ji Ran stood still on the ring, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and proudly looked up at the terrifying thunderclouds that gathered.

The Voice of Immemorial roared, but it didn't really swallow Ji Ran.

After a while, it gradually dispersed, and the sky and the earth returned to clarity.

The evildoers of all races were trembling under the ancient thundercloud just now, when they looked at Ji Ran again, their eyes were full of fear!
She actually forcibly suppressed the ancient law and forcibly killed the ancient magic power.

I thought it was a close challenge, but no one thought it would end so soon.

Great Zhou Shaodi, no, it should be that Great Zhou Tiandi's strength is beyond everyone's imagination.

On the list of ancient monsters, because the ancient magic power was defeated by the second knife before, the ranking has dropped to eighth. After Ji Ran killed the ancient magic power, the ranking is still seventh, but the ranking of the ancient magic power has been removed from the ancient monster list .

Another top ten evildoers have fallen!
The giants of the ten ancient clans all have serious expressions, and the strength of ancient supernatural powers can be ranked fourth among the evildoers of the ten ancient clans. Now that even he has fallen, one can imagine how fierce the battle in the ancient ruins is!
Who killed him?

The giants of the Blood Ming clan angrily searched for clues on the leaderboard.

Could it be the second strike that defeated Gu Shentong just now?

It is also unlikely that the previous second knife replaced Gu Shentong's ranking, indicating that their battle was over, and the second knife only defeated Gu Shentong, and did not have the ability to kill him.

Could it be the other two monsters of the human race?
They soon discovered that the identity introduction of the seventh evildoer Ji Ran had changed from Great Zhou Shaodi to Great Zhou Tiandi.

The Heavenly Dao Saint of the human race also noticed Ji Ran's identity change.

Has the Great Zhou Heavenly Court changed hands?

What about Emperor Qing?
How did Emperor Qing pass the position of Emperor of Heaven to Ji Ran, the young emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty?

Could it be that Emperor Qing's time is running out?Has it even fallen?

The fourteen sages gathered to discuss, and finally decided to send troops to fight against the rebellion.

If Ji Ran, the Heavenly Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and Xiao Qingchen, the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas, came out of the ancient ruins, and the rebels would be lucky, it would be almost impossible to suppress them.

And now that the Heavenly Court of the Great Zhou Dynasty has changed hands, and the life and death of the Qing Emperor is uncertain, it is a great opportunity to conquer those who rebel.

"Pass the Order of the Heavenly Dao to the Four Immortal Emperors, and ask them to send troops to conquer the Great Zhou Heavenly Court, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Heavenly Realm, and the Deep Sea Heavenly Realm." The Sage Chenguang issued the Heavenly Dao Order to the four immortal emperors, and then used all the soldiers of the Saint Heavenly Realm to conquer the rebels. By.



The evildoers of all races looked at Ji Ran in horror, their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

The strength of the ancient magic is definitely the top existence among them. Except for the devil emperor Luohu, Hades, the king of the underworld, and the mysterious Pandora, the ancient magic power is the strongest. As a result, he was killed by the Great Zhou Tiandi as soon as he entered the ring.

They couldn't help looking at Hades, the king of the underworld, to see if he still had the courage to challenge the Great Zhou Emperor?

(End of this chapter)

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