Chapter 91
Lu Xing looked at Xiao Qingchen curiously. He never thought that the iceberg beauty who was always cold and calm in everything would actually slap another girl.

Moreover, she didn't even blink her eyes when she slapped her, her face was as cold as ice, without any emotional fluctuations, and after she finished her slapping, she sat peacefully, as if everything that happened had nothing to do with her.

Xiao Qingchen also looked at Huang Xing, and the two of them just looked at each other.

Lu Xing was defeated first, and looked away at Xiao Qingchen who slapped Yang Meiling with your right hand just now, and teased, "Do you think you will beat ordinary people?"

"I knew you were embarrassed to make a move, so I did it for you." Xiao Qingchen said lightly.

Huang Xing rubbed his nose, unexpectedly Xiao Qingchen slapped Yang Meiling slapped because of his consideration.

To be honest, he really wanted to slap Yang Meiling, but he still held back.

If it wasn't for Xiao Qingchen's slap, he probably wouldn't have really slapped her in the end.

"Good fight, relieve your anger." Huang Xing poured a glass of beer from a disposable cup and said, "Toast to you."

Huang Xing drank it in one gulp, then filled another glass, and asked, "Do you want some too?"

Xiao Qingchen nodded slightly.

Huang Xing brought her a new disposable cup, filled it up and put it in front of her and said, "Actually, I've wanted to smoke her for a long time, but it's just machismo. I think good men don't fight with women, so I just endured it." Didn't make a move."

Xiao Qingchen took a sip of the beer, maybe he didn't think it tasted good, frowned slightly, put down the glass, and asked, "They are still watching us secretly over there, if she calls for someone later, they will do it here? "

Yang Meiling and the others hid at the corner and peeped, how could they hide it from Huang Chen and Xiao Qingchen.

"I just said in front of Uncle Chang that you have a great background, and no one in Linjiang would dare to offend you." Lu Xing smiled and threw the blame on Xiao Qingchen and said, "So I leave this matter to you to solve."

"Okay." Xiao Qingchen didn't refuse Huang Xing's shameless request, and directly agreed.

Uncle Chang brought up the grilled skewers first, and Huang Xing picked up a skewer and handed it to Xiao Qingchen with a smile, "Happy, I'll reward you with a skewer of snail meat."

"Thank you." Xiao Qingchen took the skewers and said seriously.

Huang Xing picked up a bunch of roasted cabbage and said, "I find your cold, serious look quite cute."

"Really?" Xiao Qingchen asked noncommittally.


It seems that no one has praised her so much since she grew up.

Huang Chen nodded and said, "Of course, if you smile more, it will be more cute."

Xiao Qingchen didn't answer or smile, but just took small bites of the snail meat that Huang Chen handed her.

The two of them ate half of the barbecue, Huang Xing said suddenly, "Your trouble is coming."

Xiao Qingchen looked towards the corner where Yang Meiling was, and there were twenty or thirty people gathered there.

"I'll solve it." Xiao Qingchen said lightly, got up and walked towards them slowly.

Huang Xing took a sip of the beer with great interest, wanting to see how Xiao Qingchen would solve it.

Xiao Qingchen walked towards them indifferently, the other party also found her, Yang Meiling pointed at her and screamed, "Brother, she hit me."

Yang Meiling's elder brother is named Yang Feng, he saw Xiao Qingchen's peerless face clearly, his eyes were shining brightly, full of possessive desire, such a girl must be obtained.

Xiao Qingchen stopped in front of him.

Yang Feng was stunned for a moment, looked around suspiciously, and found nothing abnormal, wondering why Xiao Qingchen came here alone.

"You hit Mei Ling?" Yang Feng asked with a serious face.

Xiao Qingchen nodded.

"Where's your man? Why don't you dare to come over like a turtle?" Yang Feng looked at Huang Xing's position and said ironically.

Hearing from his sister, that Huang Xing was very good at fighting, he knocked down six people just now.

But he also felt that it was nothing. He knew very well who the people around Yang Meiling were. A group of bastards who had been hollowed out by wine and sex were nothing compared to the more than 20 fighters he brought with him.

Xiao Qingchen's eyes turned cold, and he walked over and slapped Yang Feng severely.



Xiao Qingchen sent Yang Feng flying into the wall with a slap.

Yang Feng hit the wall and bounced off. He didn't know how many ribs were broken on his body, and he fainted immediately.

Ruthless, too ruthless.

Huang Chen didn't expect Xiao Qingchen to be so cruel to ordinary people. After he became an ancient warrior, he taught ordinary people to be cautious and not to be cruel.

The solution she said was a direct violence solution, without any fancy.

Looking at Yang Feng being sent flying, Huang Xing felt his face hurt.

This slap was too harsh.

Quiet, deathly quiet.

Slapping a big man flying five or six meters, is this still a delicate beauty?
The group of people brought by Yang Feng looked at Xiao Qingchen as if they were monsters.

Now that the boss has fainted, no one is giving orders, and they dare not attack Xiao Qingchen.

Yang Meiling and the others were also frightened. If the slap she had just slapped was so hard, they would not be able to stand here properly.

"Go up, kill her, kill her."

Yang Meiling stepped back in horror, pointed at Xiao Qingchen hysterically and shouted.

The group of people brought by Yang Feng looked at me and I looked at you, none of them dared to go up.

The people around Yang Meiling were even more afraid to go up.

She yelled, "What are you afraid of? She's just a woman. Come on together, hurry up. I'll give 100 million to whoever defeats her."

When the group of big men heard that they were rich, their eyes lit up and they stared at Xiao Qingchen.

The wages of avarice is death.

Under Yang Meiling's heavy reward, indeed several people attacked Xiao Qingchen.

Xiao Qingchen kicked out several times in quick succession like lightning, kicking all the seven or eight people who attacked her out first, and fell to the ground.

The rest of the people stopped their offensive and retreated one after another as if they had seen a ghost.

Yang Meiling saw seven or eight strong men being kicked out in an instant, she was frightened to death, collapsed on the ground, and looked at Xiao Qingchen in horror.

Xiao Qingchen looked at them indifferently, and his eyes fell on Yang Meiling.

"You, don't come here." Yang Meiling yelled as she crawled backwards after being frightened by the look.

Xiao Qingchen just glanced at her twice, then ignored her, turned around and walked back to the barbecue stand.

No one dares to stop.

"It's resolved." Xiao Qingchen sat back in his seat and said lightly.

"Actually, you don't have to do it yourself, you can call the Qin family directly to solve it. I guess they are still here to apologize to us right now." Huang Chen said leisurely.

"I don't like to trouble others for the things I can solve by myself." Xiao Qingchen said coldly, and he had already started eating barbecue.

Huang Xing was a little embarrassed when he heard it, and felt that she was saying that he was capable of solving it by himself, but let her do it.

However, Huang Xing has a thick skin, so he can pass with a smile.

After the two finished the barbecue, Huang Xing sent Xiao Qingchen back to Qin's Villa.

Before Xiao Qingchen got out of the car, Huang Xing asked again, "You really won't tell me the reason?"

She smiled again and said, "Guess for yourself."

This is the third time she smiled at Huang Xing.

 Promised Chapter 3

  although very late
  but it's finally done
  sleepy, sleep

(End of this chapter)

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