Chapter 93

When the fat monk saw Huang Xing and Lu Xiaoke, his eyes rolled, and he had an idea in his mind.

He is a good monk in the 21st century who pursues fashion and luxury. The floral trousers and blue vest he is wearing are also famous Italian brands, and he bought them for tens of thousands of dollars.

He saw Huang Xing and Lu Xiaoke wearing millions of famous tags and living in a presidential suite worth nearly 20 a night, it was like seeing two big fat sheep, their eyes were shining with gold.

He had just been released from the teacher's school, and went to experience in the world of mortals. By the way, he got a bank card with several million dollars from Uncle Kong Tu's tricks and tricks.

I thought that there was no restriction and I could fly freely.

As a result, after just two days of wasting, the money in the card was emptied.

You don't need to guess, you know, it must be your ascetic master who made a mess.

I really don't understand, now it's the 21st century, what kind of ascetics are you still doing?The most tragic thing is that among the seven main lines of Buddhism, only his master-student line is an ascetic monk.

When he thought of his dull and inflexible master, he felt angry.

Cursing that they deserve to be ascetic, only the master and apprentice are left.

If he hadn't been adopted by his master since he was a child, the ghost would be willing to become a monk, and the ghost would be willing to practice asceticism.

Fortunately, there are not so many rules in other Liumai cultivation. They keep pace with the times, and they have internet mobile phones. He often cheats and abducts other Liumai brothers to play with their mobile phones. Finally, he has not derailed from this world. He is full of longing for this colorful world. .

Now it's finally out, but there is no money.

He mourned in his heart, "How can I live like this? I can't even afford to eat dirt!"

After registering their room cards, Huang Xing and Lu Xiaoke were about to go upstairs. The fat monk came towards them. His face, which was still in mourning just now, became solemn and solemn, which was extremely inconsistent with his fancy attire.

"Amitabha, Master Lu, please stay." The fat monk shouted in a refreshing voice.

He walked up to Huang Xing and Lu Xiaoke to stop him, and made a Buddha bow.

"Fat monk, do you know us?" Lu Xiaoke asked in surprise.

The fat monk was about the same age as her, and he knew their surnames.

"Buddha has clairvoyant eyes, so you can see the appearance of life." The fat monk spoke the Buddha's gatha, and said to Lu Chen with an inscrutable look, "Lord Lu, I see that there is a dark air between your eyebrows, and there must be disasters today."

Huang Xing was taken aback for a moment, thinking that he should have looked at him when he took out his ID card.

This monk has amazing eyesight, it seems that he is not an ordinary person, Huang Xing curiously used the search function on him.

Transform energy fourfold.

Huang Xing was shocked when he saw the fat monk's cultivation.

This fat monk should be younger than Xiao Qingchen, but he is at the fourth level of energy transformation.

The [-]th level of Huajin belongs to the middle stage, although Xiao Qingchen's [-]nd stage of Huajin can fight in the middle stage, but after all, his cultivation base has not yet broken through to the middle stage.

This fat monk turned out to be even more evil than Xiao Qingchen.

Among the Four Sages and Nine Sects, only the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is a Buddhist cultivator. Could it be that he is still a disciple of the Four Sages and Nine Sects?
Huang Xing was very afraid of the fat monk in his heart, he didn't know why he was looking for him, if he really wanted to fight, he might not even be his opponent.

"Dead monk, what nonsense are you talking about?" Lu Xiao could see that the fat monk said bad things about her brother, put his hands on his hips, stared at him, and said angrily, "You can't spit ivory out of a dog's mouth, so don't play tricks and talk nonsense here. Looks like a magic trick to cheat money."

"Amitabha." The fat monk still looked at the brothers and sisters Lu Chen kindly and kindly, not angry at all, he looked like a Buddha, and said, "Monks don't tell lies, the Buddha saves a destined person, since the female benefactor doesn't believe it, then the poor monk will not chatter .”

"Benefactor Lu, please take care."

As he said that, when he bowed to the Buddha, he lightly tapped the fingers of the other hand, and hit the chandelier above Huang Xing's head with an internal force.

A bunch of decorative pendants on the chandelier were cut off by inner strength, and fell straight towards Huang Xing.

If an ordinary person is hit by a falling object, his head will definitely explode.

Just as the fat monk was about to reach out to grab the fallen pendant, he saw Huang Xing also reach out to grab the pendant.

Huang Xing grabbed the pendant and looked at the fat monk with a half-smile.

The fat monk smiled awkwardly at Huang Xing, and withdrew his half-outstretched hand.

There are thousands of grass mud horses galloping in his heart.

He originally wanted to direct and act by himself to pretend to be an eminent monk to cheat some money, but it turned out that this Huang Xing was also an ancient warrior.

"See, my brother is amazing, even if there is a calamity, he can turn the calamity into good luck."

Before Lu Xiaoke realized it, the fat monk was playing tricks, and he was still showing off with a smile on his face.

Huang Xing was not as naive as Lu Xiaoke, he had been on guard against the fat monk just now, and knew that it was he who used his inner strength to cut off the pendant.

"Amitabha, the benefactor's words are justified." The fat monk said shyly, "Benefactor Lu is an auspicious person, and the poor monk is being rude."

"Hmph, but you are a little bit of a monk." Lu Xiaoke looked at the fat monk and said, "Do all the monks dress like you now? You look like a street gangster."

"Who is the little monk now? Who is like a gangster on the street?" The fat monk saw that he could not pretend to be an eminent monk, so he returned to his original nature. When Lu Xiaoke called him a little monk and said he was like a gangster, he immediately became unhappy Yes, he said while holding the vest on his body, "See, this is a limited edition Italian Moschino vest, 2 yuan a piece."

Then he pointed to the floral trousers and said, "A pair of fashionable mid-pants that Armani just released can cost 5 yuan."

"This is fashion, do you understand?" The fat monk said triumphantly, looking at Lu Xiaoke as if you don't understand.

"Little brother, you are not a little monk, what are you? Are you an adult? Show me your ID card."

After Lu Xiaoke finished speaking with a playful smile, the chubby monk, not to be outdone, showed off the Patek Philippe watch in his hand, and said in a low tone, "My brother bought it for me, and I can buy more than ten sets of your fashionable trousers and limited edition watches." Vest."

The fat monk looked at Lu Xiaoke's watch, his face flushed with anger, and he had nothing to do with her. A watch worth more than 120 million yuan could indeed buy more than a dozen sets of clothes on him.

He took out his ID card and said, "Who says I'm underage? I think you are the underage girl."

"Young teeth." The fat monk said in a drawn-out tone.

Although Lu Xiaoke is an adult, he does look like a 16-year-old girl.

When she heard the fat monk call her "young teeth", she was not happy. She gritted her teeth and took out her ID card and said, "Then let's compare who is older. If I am older than you, you will be a little monk. You should call me sister."

"Okay, Bizhibi, if I'm older than you, you should call me brother."

"I don't call you brother, I only have one brother." Lu Xiaoke shook Huang Chen's arm.

The fat monk looked at Huang Xing and Lu Xiaoke, gritted his teeth and agreed, "Okay, you don't need to call me brother, but if you are younger than me, you are not allowed to call me little monk."

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  There is another chapter after twelve o'clock, at least 1-2 o'clock

  Tomorrow is Monday, don't wait, rest early

(End of this chapter)

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