Chapter 99 I

Watching his parents leave the room, Ji Ran stared blankly and sat on the bedside in a daze.

She slowly shifted her gaze to the Eternal Heart beside her.

The soft blue light flickered, bringing a sweet smile to her crying face.

She carefully picked up the Eternal Heart and put it on.

On the ring finger of the left hand.

There is a blood vessel on the ring finger connected to the heart, and wearing the eternal heart means that her heart will never change.

She only wants to be Huang Xing's bride in her life.

She lightly stroked the diamond on the Eternal Heart, remembering every little thing she had with Huang Xing, and also what Huang Xing said to her, "Fool, no matter what happens in the future, you must trust me."

Yes, I have to trust Huang Xing, no matter what happens, I have to trust him, he must have a solution.

Ji Ran thought firmly in her heart, she took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Huang Xing to tell him the situation here.

She was just about to make a call when she stopped again.

She lowered her fingers, a determined smile on her face.

She made an even crazier decision.

With a decision in mind, Ji Ran went to the bathroom, washed away his tears, and took a comfortable hot bath.

She changed into the pink pajamas with Hello Kitty printed on them. This was the pajamas she wore on the night she met Huang Xing.

If Huang Xing had been more domineering that night, she would definitely not be able to resist.

Thinking of the confusion and obsession that night, she blushed with embarrassment.

She lay quietly on the bed, holding her mobile phone to look at the intimate photos she had taken with Huang Xing in the past few days, with a sweet smile on her face.

About an hour passed.

With a creak, the door was opened, and Chen Xiyun walked in.

She was worried about Ji Ran and wanted to see how she was doing now.

Ji Ran seems to be in a good mood, not as painful as she imagined.

"Mom." Seeing his mother coming in, Ji Ran called out.

Chen Xiyun walked to Ji Ran's bed, sat on the head of the bed, gently grabbed her hand and held it in his hand, and said lovingly, "Girl, don't blame parents for being cruel, we are all for your own good."

"I know." Ji Ran nodded slightly.

There is no doubt about the love her parents have for her. From childhood to adulthood, as long as she wants and wants to do, they will satisfy her.

They did not allow themselves to be with Huang Xing, they must have had a last resort.

She asked puzzledly, "Mom, even if you want me to separate from Huang Xing, you must give me a reason, right?"

She didn't believe the reason Ji Zhongliang said, and said, "The reason Dad said is too far-fetched. I went to Linjiang this time, and I also met the Guwu Chu family. Their strength is not as good as Huang Chen, but they are small. Xingwang, Megatron, is not as dangerous as Dad said."

Chen Xiyun shook her head, sighed, and said with a wry smile, "The dangers in the martial arts world are beyond your comprehension."

"Mom, do you and Dad have something to hide from me?" Ji Ran asked, "How do you know the world of martial arts?"

Chen Xiyun shook her head and said, "Don't ask about this matter, even if you know it, you can't change anything."

She warned, "Girl, you just need to know that if you are with Huang Xing, you will be in great danger. Maybe he can save his life because of the forces behind him, but you will definitely die."

Ji Ran's face darkened, and he lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

"And if the forces behind him know that he is with you, they will definitely stop him." Chen Xiyun held Ji Ran's head in her arms distressedly, stroked her hair, and persuaded, "Girl, listen to your father." If so, study abroad for two years first.”

"Two years later?" Ji Ran asked.

Chen Xiyun was silent for a while, then said with a smile, "Girl, if you still decide to be together after two years, we won't stop you."

"Mom, let me think about it again." Ji Ran said in a depressed mood.

"Well, think about it again, Mom is going out first."

Chen Xiyun left the room, Ji Ran leaned on the bed, looking up at the glare and the light.

She knew that her parents must be lying to her, and the two-year contract was just their plan to slow down.

If she and Huang Xing could really be together two years later, they wouldn't hide the reason for stopping them.

She thought about what her mother had said.

Knowing that being with him, Huang Xing's life is not in danger.

As long as he's fine, why should I be afraid?

She lowered her head, looked at the photo with Huang Xing on the screen saver of her mobile phone, raised her head, and kissed Huang Xing's sunny face lightly.


At one o'clock in the morning, after confirming that his parents were asleep, Ji Ran took out his mobile phone and called Huang Xing.

Huang Xing had already fallen asleep, and was suddenly awakened by the ringing of the mobile phone. He saw that it was Ji Ran's call.

He was puzzled, why did Ji Ran call so late, and her voice came out after connecting, "Xing Xing, I'm in the lobby of the hotel, you come out to pick me up."

Huang Xing was puzzled, why did Ji Ran come to the hotel so late to find him, and the voice was very depressed.

"Wait, I'll be right there."

Before Huang Xing had time to ask the reason, he put on his clothes and ran to the lobby to find Ji Ran.

He was full of doubts. After he returned from shopping with Lu Xiaoke and the little monk at night, he talked with Ji Ran on the phone. She also told herself that her parents had agreed to them being together.

Suddenly running over so late now, something must have happened.

Huang Xing ran to the hotel lobby anxiously, only to see Ji Ran sitting quietly on the sofa, like a delicate flower in the wind, weak and helpless.

Huang Xing walked towards her quickly, when Ji Ran saw him, he stood up, tears streaming down his face.

"Of course, what's the matter?" Seeing Ji Ran crying, Huang Xing asked distressedly.

Ji Ran didn't answer, but hugged Huang Xing tightly.

She pressed her face against his chest, hugging him like hugging the whole world.

Huang Xing also hugged her, and stroked her hair pityingly.

"Let's go back to the room first." Huang Xing kissed Ji Ran's forehead, and gently wiped away her tears.

"Yes." Ji Ran replied in a low voice.

She lowered her head and let Huang Xing lead her back to the presidential suite.

"Of course, what's going on?" Upon returning to the room, Huang Xing held her face in both hands and gently wiped off her tears.

No matter what makes Ji Ran cry, he will solve it, and she will make Ji Ran happy and protect her from shedding a tear.

Ji Ran still didn't answer, but looked up at Huang Chen, and said firmly, "I want you."

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head shyly, hugged Huang Xing with a red face, and said softly, "Let me be your woman."

She perfunctory her parents and let them relax their vigilance, but she sneaked out to look for Huang Xing.

She didn't want to wait a day, so how could she be willing to separate from Huang Xing?

Even if a moth flies into the flame, it is certain death.

She will not regret it.

Filled with tenderness, Huang Xing put his arms around Ji Ran, not knowing what she had gone through.

But none of that matters at the moment.

She is his own woman, no matter what he bears, no matter what he faces, he will not let her cry.

All difficulties will be borne by him.

All problems are solved by him.

She, as long as she can be his woman with peace of mind.

Huang Xing hugged Ji Ran tightly and kissed her lips.

Let her be her own woman.

 Temporary depression is also a pavement for the upcoming pretense

  Only cadence and depression are more passionate

  There will be absolutely no tragedy in this book, please rest assured to collect and read

  You don't need to waste money to send red envelopes

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(End of this chapter)

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