The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1 Taibaijinxing

Chapter 1 Taibaijinxing
"Zhang Lili, you want to break up with me just because of an lV bag?"

Ji Yang looked at Zhang Lili in front of him angrily. The two had been together for two years and were about to graduate this year. Zhang Lili broke up with him because of a lV bag.

"Yes, if we don't have an lV bag, we will break up. If you don't want to break up, give me an lV bag."

Zhang Lili looked at Ji Yang with disdain, she knew that it was impossible for Ji Yang to have the money to buy an LV bag for herself.


Ji Yang was abandoned in front of the orphanage since he was a child, and was admitted to Linhai Medical University through his own efforts.

He even earns living expenses and tuition fees through work-study programs. In order to make ends meet, he usually has to work part-time outside. How can he have the money to buy lV bags.

"I know you haven't. I've been with you for two years. The most expensive thing I've ever eaten is Malatang. It can't be more than 20 yuan for two people. It's a waste of youth to be with someone like you."

"Let's break up, never see each other again."

After Zhang Lili finished speaking, she turned around and left without the slightest nostalgia or reluctance, appearing so straightforward and ruthless.

The cold words pierced Ji Yang's heart like a sword. Looking at Zhang Lili's leaving back, Ji Yang felt very uncomfortable.

He took out 500 yuan from his pocket, which he saved from living frugally. He knew that Zhang Lili had always envied others for having lV ​​bags, and he had been working hard to save money to buy one for her, but after three months, he I only got these.

The money in his hand was crumpled into a ball by Ji Yang, his eyes were slightly red looking at the direction where Zhang Lili disappeared.

"Young man, I haven't eaten for three days, please have pity on me."

At this time, an old beggar with a stooped figure walked up to Ji Yang, his dirty clothes were covered with patches, his gray hair covered his face, and Ji Yang couldn't see the other person's appearance clearly.

"The money is all for you."

The 500 yuan was originally used to buy LV bags for Zhang Lili, but now that Zhang Lili broke up, he simply gave the money to the old beggar on impulse.

"Thank you, thank you, good people will be rewarded."

The old beggar took Ji Yang's 500 yuan and thanked him repeatedly.

When the old beggar left, Ji Yang began to regret it.

It took me three months to save this, so why did I give it all to the old beggar on impulse, it would be good to keep two hundred for myself.

"Impulse is the devil, impulse is the devil."

"Hey, parabolic is illegal, do you know?"

Just when Ji Yang regretted giving all the 500 yuan to the old beggar, his head was hit by something falling from the sky, and his whole face was wrinkled in pain.

When I looked up, I was in a park, and there were no tall buildings around. How could someone throw a projectile in the sky? Something fell from the sky and hit me. Could it be bird droppings?
Puzzled in his heart, Ji Yang looked down, what kind of bird shit is this, it turned out to be a mobile phone.

Picking up the phone, Ji Yang took a closer look. The phone was a black smartphone without any logo on the surface, and he didn't know what brand it was.

"Hey, whose phone is it, who lost it?"

It's strange to say that the weather is good today, but he is the only one in the whole park, even the old beggar just now is gone, and there is no response to his words except the echo.

"Check to see if there are any contacts in the phone. If you find something, you have to return it. Otherwise, you are breaking the law. I am a good young man in the new era, and I must not do illegal things."

While talking, Ji Yang pressed the power button of the phone. He was worried that the other party had set a password on the phone and he would not be able to open it. Fortunately, he did not.

"It's not a broken mobile phone that someone throws away. It has WeChat installed in addition to the basic functions in the mobile phone. The phone book does not respond when pressed. Maybe the screen is broken."

I saw the phone book and the SMS function, but Ji Yang clicked one by one, but there was no response.

"Hey, click on WeChat and see what friends this guy has."

Just when Ji Yang thought the phone was completely useless, he also clicked on the only software WeChat. This time the phone responded, but when he saw the friends in WeChat, he was confused again.

This guy has quite a few friends, but the names are all individual and impressive, such as the Jade Emperor, the Supreme Lord, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, the Messenger of the Pure Altar, King Qin Guang, King Yama, King Zhuanlun, Lord Cuifu , black impermanence, white impermanence, bull head, horse face...

What is this all about? Is the owner of this phone a Shinhwa fan? I changed the note by myself, or is it a crew member.

"I haven't heard of a remake of Journey to the West recently. CCTV's Journey to the West is a classic. It has been imitated but never surpassed. The remakes are too bad. Who wants to be criticized."

"Ding dong."

Just when Ji Yang was about to look at WeChat Moments, someone actually talked to him.

"Taibai Jinxing, isn't this the special envoy who brought Monkey King to heaven?"

The name of the person talking to me was Taibai Jinxing, and his head was an old man wearing Taoist robes, a purple gold crown, a childlike face with white hair, a kind expression, and a whisk in his hand.

"It's such an amazing name, does your mother know that it's not easy to find a picture of this, let's see what Taibaijinxing said?"

Ji Yang clicked Taibaijinxing, and saw what the other party said.

"Fellow Daoist, do you still remember me?"


When did I become a fellow daoist? No, I picked up this phone by myself. The fellow daoist said by the other party should be the original owner of the phone.

"I'm not your fellow Taoist. I picked up this phone. Do you know where the owner of the phone lives? I'll send it to him."

"Mobile phones are only given to those who are destined. Fellow Daoists, this phone is yours. I told you before that good people will be rewarded with good things. I gave you this phone."

As soon as Ji Yang sent out the words, Taibai Jinxing replied.

Good people will be rewarded well. Didn't the old beggar just say that when he left?

"Are you that old beggar just now?"

Ji Yang tried to ask.

"It was me."

While Taibai Jinxing replied, he still sent a photo, which was the old beggar from before.

"I gave you all the money I saved for three months, but you even hit me with a broken phone. Does this mean that good people are rewarded?"

Ji Yang felt that following Taibai Jinxing was Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf. He helped him, but he wanted to harm himself.

"Broken mobile phone, fellow Taoist, what are you talking about? This is the latest mobile phone in Heaven and Earth. Except for the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, you are the only one who has it. If it wasn't for the Jade Emperor's decree not to neglect newcomers, I would not be willing to give this phone to you." And you."

Seeing Taibai Jinxing's words, Ji Yang thought to himself, this old man probably has a bad brain.

Returning to Heaven and Earth, and the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, is this guy crazy?

"Snake spirit disease, I'm in a bad mood today and I don't have time to go crazy with you. Do you want to throw away the broken phone?"

"Snake spirit, I am dignified Taibaijinxing, the dignified special envoy of the Jade Emperor, you actually compare me with this low-level goblin, please beat me up."

While Taibai Jinxing was replying, a bright light flashed from the phone, Ji Yang felt pain on his face, and let out a scream.

"Oh, it hurts..."

PS: The clean net has started again. Chapters related to sensitive words and plots will be blocked. If you see skipped chapters and the plot link cannot be linked, it must be a chapter that has been blocked. Xieben will revise the chapters and review them as soon as possible. Don't panic, Xieben is also very helpless
 Rolling all over the floor for support, for collection
(End of this chapter)

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