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Chapter 1002 Revealing the identity of Nine Li

Chapter 1002 Revealing Jiuli's Identity (Third Update)
The Shennong Baicao liquid in Dongfang Mei's hand was what she asked for from Peng Caixuan.

At that time, Ji Yang gave Peng Caixuan a lot of Shennong Baicao Liquid in order to treat the injured members of the Xuan Group and the wounded of the Dongfang family.

At this moment, when Dongfang Mei asked himself about Shennong Baicaoye, Ji Yang's eyes froze.

Dongfang Mei is the one who guards the family, and guarding the family is different from other people.

The Xuanyuan family has the Xuanyuan sword in their hands, and Ji Yang reckons that those who guard the family must know about the top ten ancient artifacts.

Dongfang Mei asked herself about Shennong Baicaoye, probably because she knew the relationship between Shennong Baicaoye and Shennong Ding.

Ji Yang's mind turned rapidly, he was wondering whether he was telling the truth or lying.

In the end, Ji Yang decided not to tell the truth.

He wanted to test Dongfang Mei's reaction, and after the other party reacted, it would not be too late for him to tell the truth.

"This thing is called Shennong Baicaoye. I got the prescription from an old Chinese doctor. I felt that the medicine worked well, so I refined some more."

"Could it be that this thing is something that protects the family, and the old Chinese doctor is also a person who protects the family?"

Ji Yang pretended to be stupid, but he was very good at it.

Seeing Ji Yang's appearance, Dongfang Mei almost believed it.

But Dongfang Mei really knew about Shennong Baicaoye, so she became even angrier when she heard Ji Yang's answer.

"I said, this matter is very important to me, can you stop making trouble."

"Tell me, where is the Shennong Ding?"

"Shen Nong Baicao Ye can only be refined by Shennong Ding. Without Shennong Ding, even if you have great skills, it is impossible to get Shennong Baicao Ye."

Dongfang Mei seems to really know about Shennong Baicaoye, Shennong Ding to be precise.

This time she simply broke the Shennong cauldron directly.

Dongfang Mei has said so, Ji Yang can't lie anymore, lies are meaningless.

"The Shennong Ding is here with me."

"The Shennong Ding is actually in your place, let me see."

Shennong Baicao Ye came from Ji Yang, and Dongfang Mei had already guessed it.

Now that she was sure that the Shennong Cauldron was really in Ji Yang's hands, she was so excited that she almost jumped at Ji Yang directly.

Ji Yang is not afraid of Dongfang Mei's pounce, anyway, he is not the one who suffers.

However, he still didn't give Dongfang Mei a chance to pounce on him, and directly took out the Shennong cauldron.

The Shennong Ding appeared, and the fragrance in Dongfang Mei's bedroom was instantly replaced by a strange medicinal fragrance.

A sense of vigorous power filled the bedroom.

Looking at the Shennong Cauldron in front of her, Dongfang Mei's breathing was a little short, her reaction was like a man seeing a very alluring beauty.

She reached out to touch the Shennong cauldron, but Ji Yang didn't stop her.

When Dongfang Mei's hand touched the Shennong Ding, it trembled a little, which was a sign of excitement.

"The Shennong Ding, this is the Shennong Ding."

"After so many years, the Shennong Ding has finally appeared again."

"In order to find the Shennong Ding, the Dongfang family has spent a lot of manpower and material resources."

While stroking the Shennong Ding, Dongfang Mei murmured softly.

Hearing Dongfang Mei's words, Ji Yang always felt weird, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

The Shennong Ding is one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times. It is worthwhile for the Dongfang family to spend manpower and material resources to find the Shennong Ding. After all, obtaining the Shennong Ding will benefit the Dongfang family a lot.

Putting his hand on the Shennong cauldron with some reluctance, Dongfang Mei looked at Ji Yang with complicated eyes.

Her eyes were not provocative or seductive at this time, but a little excited, which was very strange and complicated.

"You are a descendant of Jiuli, right?"

Looking at Ji Yang with complicated eyes, Dongfang Mei suddenly spoke, and as soon as her words came out, Ji Yang's body froze.

These words were like five thunderbolts, so shocking.

Ji Yang didn't tell the other party who he was, he didn't know how Dongfang Mei knew that he was a descendant of Jiuli.

Even if Dongfang Mei saw her strength and guessed that she was the guardian of the family, Ji Yang would accept it.

But he was directly pointed out that he was a descendant of Jiuli, which shocked him.

After the shock, Ji Yang quickly calmed down.

Ji Yang's eyes were a little cold, and he said in a cold voice.

"Yes, I am a descendant of Jiuli, the only descendant of Jiuli that exists now."

"Why, do you want to arrest me and go to the Xuanyuan family to ask for a reward? I think they must be very interested in me."

The last time he traveled back to 22 years ago, Ji Yang heard the conversation between Li Potian and Xuanyuanzheng, and he already knew the capabilities of the Xuanyuan family.

The Xuanyuan family is the strongest family in the guardian alliance, and every guardian family is willing to have a good relationship with the Xuanyuan family.

Ji Yang said cold words, but Dongfang Mei shook her head.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that."

"I don't have a good impression of the Xuanyuan family. Back then, the Xuanyuan family eradicated the Jiuli tribe, which caused quite a stir in the Guardian Alliance."

"Many families are opposed to what the Xuanyuan family has done, and the Dongfang family is one of the opponents."

"The continuation of the hatred will not benefit anyone. The Xuanyuan family went too far back then."

Dongfang Mei's eyes are sincere, there is no element of acting, Ji Yang thinks so.

Ji Yang didn't expect that there were still people in the guardian alliance who opposed the incident of the Xuanyuan family.

He thought that the entire guardian alliance hated the Jiuli tribe.

"I'm glad you're alive, and happy to meet you."

"Don't worry, I won't reveal your identity. As you said, if the members of the Xuanyuan family know that there are still Jiuli people alive, they will definitely attack you."

"If they don't look for me, I will look for them."

"Jiuli people cannot die in vain, this enmity must be repaid with blood."

When Ji Yang opened his mouth, Dongfang Mei just sighed, but didn't know what to say.

After all, it is the hatred of extermination of the clan, this hatred is too great.

Dongfang Mei really didn't know what to say to quell Ji Yang's hatred.

"I want to know, how did you know that I am a descendant of Jiuli?"

"I feel that the way you look at Shennong Ding is not right. Could it be that Shennong Ding has something to do with the Dongfang family?"

Dongfang Mei didn't speak, Ji Yang continued to ask.

Dongfang Mei's hand never left Shennong Ding, even when talking to Ji Yang, she never left.

It was as if she had found a long-lost treasure, as if reunited after a long absence.

"I know you are a descendant of Jiuli because of Chi You."

"That day when Chi You appeared in the Xuan Group, I recognized it immediately. In the guardian family, Chi You's appearance is not a secret."

"The people Chi You is willing to help must have something to do with the Jiuli tribe."

"So you have to be careful in the future, don't let Chi You appear easily."

Dongfang Mei's explanation, Ji Yang can accept it, it seems to be true.

They are all families left over from ancient times, so it is not unusual to know Chi You well.

"The Shennong Ding has no direct relationship with the Dongfang family, but because of my father, the Dongfang family has been looking for the Shennong Ding for more than ten years."

Dongfang Mei continued to speak, but Ji Yang couldn't understand what she said...

(End of this chapter)

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