The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1020 A Halberd

Chapter 1020 A Halberd (Part [-])
It was the first time for Huang Xiaoliang to see Zhu Jiumei. When he first saw Zhu Jiumei, Huang Xiaoliang felt that she was beautiful.

He has seen countless people, but it is very rare to see someone as sexy and beautiful as Zhu Jiumei.

He wanted to learn about Zhu Jiumei's situation from Ji Yang, to see if there was a chance to make a move.

But before he asked Ji Yang, he was startled by Zhu Jiumei's eating appearance.

"I haven't eaten seafood for a long time, this Australian lobster is good, bring me some more."

"This wine is gone, give me two more bottles."

Zhu Jiumei held an empty wine bottle in one hand and a lobster in the other, with a chicken leg in her mouth.

Even Ji Yang, who is used to Zhu Jiumei's food, is helpless to see her reincarnated like a starving ghost.

Ji Yang really wanted to keep a distance from her and tell others that he didn't know her.

"Which refugee camp did you bring out, how many days has it been without food?"

"I really can't see that such a hot body has such a large capacity. Could it be that the so-called tolerance is big?"

Huang Xiaoliang stared at Zhu Jiumei with a smirk on his face, and asked with some teasing.

Hearing Huang Xiaoliang's words, Ji Yang didn't answer him, but looked at Zhu Jiumei with contempt.

"Zhu Jiumei, can you pay attention to your image? No one is robbing you. Are you a pig?"

"What image? Is it important that the image has a belly? Give me two more of this lobster."

"Besides, I was originally a pig demon. Would you like me to turn into the real one for you to see?"

Ji Yang's contempt was ignored by Zhu Jiumei.

For Zhu Jiumei, even if the sky is falling now, it is not as important as what she eats.

What Zhu Jiumei said made Ji Yang speechless for a while, he just said nonsense, isn't Zhu Jiumei just a pig.

Huang Xiaoliang on the side now also understands, no wonder Zhu Jiumei is so edible, it turns out to be a pig demon.

But when you think about the appearance of a pig, and then look at the appearance of Jiumei Zhu, why don't you feel that it doesn't match?
"The pig demon is so beautiful in human form, so wouldn't it be more beautiful if it were a snake demon and a fox demon?"

Among the various fairy tales circulating in the mortal world, snake demons and fox demons are the most beautiful representatives of monsters.

Both the snake demon and the fox demon are very good at seducing men. Seeing that the pig demon's Zhu Jiumei is so beautiful, Huang Xiaoliang thought of the snake demon and the fox demon.

Hearing the word fox demon, Ji Yang's body trembled.

He thought of Hu Fei. Hu Fei was a fox demon in 2000, and he absolutely fit the image of a fox spirit in fairy tales, even worse.

"If there is a chance, I will introduce you to a fox demon, and you will know when the time comes."

"I'm here today to ask you something."

"Okay, then let's go to the study, and the lady will provide whatever food and wine she needs."

"It's the young master."

When Huang Xiaoliang and Ji Yang left, he did not forget to tell the servants at the side to provide food and wine for Zhu Jiumei.

When Zhu Jiumei heard Huang Xiaoliang's words, she felt that Huang Xiaoliang was very kind.

Since the other party is so upright, he will let his subordinate pig demon protect the Huang family well.

After Ji Yang and Huang Xiaoliang came to the study, Ji Yang directly said the purpose of looking for Huang Xiaoliang today.

Knowing that Ji Yang had found out who was targeting the Huang family, Huang Xiaoliang gave him a thumbs up.

I searched for so long but couldn't find it, but Ji Yang found it in less than two days.

"Where are they, I will take someone there now and settle accounts with him."

"They are not in Linhai, but in Jinghai. The exact location is still being investigated."

"They are not ordinary people. It's useless for you to take them there. Let me solve this matter."

"I told this just to prepare you in your heart."

"I want to ask you something. Did anything happen before these people troubled the Huang family? The recent loss of the Huang family may be related to this."

It is understandable for Ji Yang that Huang Xiaoliang wants to settle accounts with the other party.

Don't say that I still can't determine the location of the other party, even if I know, it's useless to tell Huang Xiaoliang.

Even the rat demons of more than 300 years were discovered and killed. Most of the Huang family's forces are ordinary people.

Even if the Huang family has a lot of subordinates, in the face of absolute strength, the number cannot make up for the strength.

Huang Xiaoliang was not convinced, but seeing Ji Yang's seriousness, he still nodded.

He began to think in his mind, thinking about what happened before the Huang family was troubled.

While Huang Xiaoliang was thinking, Ji Yang just waited quietly.

Regarding the memories, Ji Yang couldn't help if he wanted to, could he?

Huang Xiaoliang didn't think for a long time, and he remembered it in about a minute.

"Some time ago, there was an auction in Jinghai, and my father was invited to participate in the auction."

"After the auction, my father returned to Linhai. On the second day after he returned to Linhai, a bar in Huang's family was destroyed."

"Every one or two days in the future, there will be troubles in the Huang family's territory."

Huang Xiaoliang said in a solemn voice.

Huang Xiaoliang really didn't think about these aspects before, but now that Ji Yang asked him, he felt something was wrong.

But after thinking about it for a while, this auction is the most likely.

Hearing Huang Xiaoliang's words, Ji Yang felt that this incident must have something to do with this auction.

"Did your father buy something at an auction?"

Since it's related to the auction, there must be something wrong with the items being auctioned.

It should be something that Huang Tianxiong bought at auction, which aroused the prying eyes of some forces.

If this is the case, then the members of the Huang family are really in danger.

The recent attack on the Huang family's forces is simply a cover-up. Their ultimate target must be the members of the Huang family.

Ji Yang secretly thought that it was time for him to return to Linhai, and he reacted quickly enough.

Now the Huang family is secretly protected by the pig monster or Hu Fei's monsters, otherwise if something happens, it will be too late to regret.

"My father only auctioned one item that day, and the seller said it was the halberd of a certain general during the Warring States Period."

"According to my father, when this halberd was auctioned, there were quite a few bidders."

"But because my father is very fond of cold weapons, he spent 5000 million for this halberd."

5000 million for a halberd, the price is not low.

Even if it is left over from the Warring States period, the price is high, Ji Yang thinks that Huang Tianxiong is quite proud.

There is only one halberd, so the opponent should value this halberd.

But it's just a halberd. Is there really anything special about it?
"Take me to see this halberd."

Whether this halberd is really special or not, you still have to see it with your own eyes.

It's just that Ji Yang wanted to see it, but Huang Xiaoliang shook his head.

"The door of the collection room is special. Only my father can open it. If you want to see this halberd, you have to wait for him to come back."

There must be a lot of good things in the Huang family's collection room, and the only one who can open the door is Huang Tianxiong, who is also normal.

But when Ji Yang and Huang Xiaoliang were waiting for Huang Tianxiong to come back, Huang Xiaoxin ran into the comfort room in a panic.

As soon as Huang Xiaoxin entered the study, she cried and said.

"Ji Yang, brother, something happened to Dad."

(End of this chapter)

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