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Chapter 1041 Ghosts Play Formation

Chapter 1041
Seeing dozens of ghosts waving weapons in their hands and rushing towards him with shouts, Ji Yang narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Lifting the Heaven Breaking Halberd in his hand, he swept towards the front.

The Heaven Breaking Halberd was more than three meters long, so the range of this sweep was naturally very wide, and three or four ghosts were swept away in the middle.

An inch is long and an inch is strong, and an inch is short and an inch is dangerous. This is really true.

It was the first time for Ji Yang to use such a long weapon as the Heaven-breaking Halberd today, but it was very enjoyable to use, especially when facing multiple enemies.

If you use a sword, the effect is not as good as the broken sky halberd.

Three or four ghosts were killed as soon as he made a move. Ji Yang stabbed or swept, chopped or picked with the Po Tianji in Ji Yang's hand, and the ghosts were scattered one after another.

Seeing fewer and fewer ghosts, Bai Qi was extremely shocked.

Bai Qi knew that Ji Yang was very strong, otherwise he wouldn't have even used it, but seeing the ghosts being scattered by Ji Yang, he knew he was wrong.

Ji Yang's strength was beyond his expectations.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Originally, a handful of beans turned into dozens of ghosts, but there were less than ten left, so Bai Qi hurriedly threw out another handful of beans.

When the beans fell to the ground, dozens of ghosts appeared again.

Dozens of ghosts appeared, but Bai Qi didn't let them rush as soon as they appeared like last time.

"All soldiers obey the order and form a square formation!"


Following Bai Qi's order, these ghosts really moved strangely, and soon surrounded Ji Yang.

It was not the first time Ji Yang was surrounded.

But now being surrounded, Ji Yang still feels weird, this should be caused by the so-called square formation.

Bai Qi used to be a general in the Warring States period, leading the army is definitely a piece of cake.

It's no wonder that these ghosts that he cast beans into soldiers all look like ancient soldiers. It turned out that it was because of this move, that is, they can attack according to Bai Qi's order.

For example, in the square formation at this time, if ordinary ghosts were replaced, they would not be able to come.

Although this Bai Qi is known as the God of Killing, he is indeed a good player in commanding troops to fight.

During the Warring States period, he was able to make people fearful, not just because of his cruelty, but mainly because of his ability to lead troops.

It was the first time for Ji Yang to encounter ghosts playing formations.

These ghosts cast formations, and with the help of the formations, the attacks of the ghosts became much stronger.

But even if Yinhun's attack became stronger, it was still not Ji Yang's opponent.

If he could beat Ji Yang with just one formation, then he would have lost to Bai Qi just now.

"Not good, the square formation is going to be broken, this kid is so powerful."

Bai Qi looked at the ghosts who attacked Ji Yang with the square formation, but they were still scattered one by one by Ji Yang. Shocked in his heart, his body began to back away slowly.

Bai Qi really wanted to take back the broken halberd.

But if he wants to get it back, he has to have that ability.

Bai Qi can't beat Ji Yang at all, and it's obviously not going to work, he is ready to run away.

As long as the green hills are still there, he is not afraid of running out of firewood, as long as he saves his life, he will still have a chance in the future.

Bai Qi stepped back, Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv both noticed.

But they didn't intend to stop Bai Qi. No matter how close he was to the window, as long as Bai got to the window, he would definitely break through the broken window.

"Boy, I have written down today's account, I will seek revenge on you, and I will definitely get back the Heaven-breaking Halberd."

Bai Qi had already retreated to the position of the broken window, he jumped back and shouted at Ji Yang.

Even if you run, you have to run with backbone, and that's what Bai Qi did.

Just when Bai Qi thought that he could definitely run away today, a cold drink sounded behind him.

"If you want to run, can you run in front of your Master Zhong?"

"Boom, ah..."

Naturally, Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv could not let Bai Qi escape. The reason why they did not control it was because they sensed Zhong Kui.

When Bai Qi jumped out of the window, Zhong Kui appeared.

Zhong Kui kicked Bai Qi on the back and kicked Bai Qi back into the room.

When Bai Qi fell to the ground, Zhong Kui had already flown into the room and stepped on Bai Qi's back with one foot.

"Sure enough, what Xiao Longnu said is right, the yin and resentment are indeed heavy enough, and he is not possessed by a ghost, but haunted by an evil ghost."

Zhong Kui trampled Bai Qi under his feet, and through the yin and resentment in Bai Qi's body, he knew why Bai Qi became like this.

Zhong Kui is no longer familiar with the matter of ghosts.

He didn't need to observe too much at all, he could see what was going on at a glance.

Hearing Zhong Kui's words, Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv didn't understand. After all, they are not policemen from the underworld, so they are not very clear about the time of ghosts.

Ji Yang quickly dispersed the remaining dozen ghosts, and after the square formation was broken, he asked Zhong Kui about Bai Qi.

Zhong Kui still stepped on Bai Qi with one foot, and then told the situation of Bai Qi.

The upper body of a ghost is a ghost attached to a person's body to control people in order to achieve their own goals.

The haunting of evil spirits mentioned by Zhong Kui is a kind of relying on resentment and resentment to influence people's mind and control this person.

Now Bai Qi is under control.

Those who can do this kind of thing are only the kind of evil ghosts with extremely strong grievances.

"Bai Qi's memory should be awakened because of sexual control."

"In the mortal world, there are evil ghosts with such grievances. It is my dereliction of duty."

"Xiao Bai, let me handle the matter about Bai Qi, and I will explain it to you."

No matter what kind of ghost it is, the underworld will take care of those who do evil in the mortal world anyway.

Zhong Kui, who is in charge of catching ghosts full-time, is the first to bear the brunt.

"Okay, but I hope you can tell me after you find the evil spirit that controlled Bai Qi."

"I also want to see what the purpose of this evil spirit is, and how capable it is. Even the dignified killing god Bai Qi has been controlled by him."

Ji Yang agreed to Zhong Kui's words, and Zhong Kui also directly agreed.

Zhong Kui needs to take Bai Qi away first, and make plans after a review.

Before he leaves, Ji Yang asks him for something.

This thing is not Zhong Kui's, but Bai Qi's. What he wants is Bai Qi's small box containing soybeans.

"Scattering beans into soldiers? If you like it, just take it."

"There should be seventy or eighty ghosts in here, but when they run out, I will tell you how to use Soldiers. In the future, you can also control ghosts to use Soldiers."

Ji Yang didn't expect Zhong Kui to be so generous, and he was very excited.

After telling Ji Yang the cultivation method of "Scattering Beans into Soldiers", Zhong Kui left with Bai Qi in his hand.

As soon as Zhong Kui left, Ji Yang heard footsteps, and then saw Hutou rushing into the room with his monsters.

Hutou and his monsters have arrived here, and it seems that all the other people in Xingtian Building have been dealt with.

The purpose of coming here tonight is half completed.

He knew about Bai Qi, but he didn't know the specific reason why the other party wanted to break the sky halberd, and behind Bai Qi, there was an even more evil ghost...

(End of this chapter)

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