The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1044 Shouldn't be brought in

Chapter 1044 Shouldn't be brought in (one more)
After driving away from the hotel (Hu Fei drove), Ji Yang looked at Hu Fei and Xiaolongnv sitting side by side through the rearview mirror.

Although in the hotel, Ji Yang successfully prevented Xiao Longnu and Hu Fei from messing around.

But sitting in the car at this time, Xiaolongnv's glare and Hu Fei's provocative eyes still give people a feeling that the smoke of gunpowder will ignite at any time.

Fortunately, on the way to drive the car to Jinghai Medical College according to the navigation, the smoke did not ignite.

If the two of them really fought, the car would be scrapped in an instant, and Ji Yang would also be affected.

"There are many people in today's medical exchange discussion, both in China and abroad. You two are not allowed to cause trouble."

"If you lose face here, you can lose face abroad."

When the car drove to the gate of Jinghai Medical College, Ji Yang saw a banner on the top of the gate.

It reads a welcome speech to welcome domestic and foreign medical experts to come to our school to participate in medical exchange seminars.

After driving the car to the academy, before getting out of the car, Ji Yang warned Hu Fei and Xiao Longnu with a serious face.

When there are no outsiders, they make trouble.

But the participants in this symposium are medical scholars from all over the world, Ji Yangjue can't let them continue to make trouble here.

"Ji Shao, he is very good, as long as my little sister doesn't make trouble, I won't make trouble."

Hu Fei gave Ji Yang a flying eye, and said softly, exhaling like blue.

"Who is your younger sister? How am I younger than you? You coquettish fox, you can't keep an eye on anything you talk about."

"Ji Yang, you can't take her in, otherwise she will definitely seduce men everywhere and get you into trouble."

Xiao Longnv clenched her fists, glared at Hu Fei and said firmly.

Hearing Xiao Longnu's words, Ji Yang nodded.

Just like Hu Fei, there is always a hint of charm in every gesture.

If someone misunderstood her and thought she was hooking up with the other party, it would indeed be a troublesome matter.

"Hey, you little rascal, you still don't let me go with Ji Shao, you are jealous of my sister, do you want my sister to teach you how to seduce men?"

"I don't think you should go, you..."

"Why can't I go, I..."

"That's enough, stop arguing, I'll take both of you, but remember, don't make trouble for anyone, I'm really angry if anyone makes trouble."

Hu Fei and Xiao Longnv quarreled with Ji Yang for a while, Ji Yang couldn't bear it anymore and yelled.

When he shouted, Xiao Longnu and Hu Fei really became quiet, but they all nodded obediently.

Once Ji Yang is really angry, even Hu Fei will not act recklessly. A woman must know how to judge the timing and the situation, otherwise she is doomed to be unable to really attract a man.

But when Hu Fei stopped making trouble, Xiao Longnu naturally became quieter.

While the two women were quiet, Ji Yang received a call from Ji Deming.

"Ji Yang, the symposium is about to start, are you here?"

"Well, I'm here, come in now."

Ji Deming was afraid that Ji Yang would let him go, so he called to urge him.

There are still more than 30 minutes before the symposium begins.

Finally, Ji Yang took them out of the car after telling Xiaolongnv and Hu Fei a few more words.

Until the moment he got off the car, Ji Yang was still pondering whether it was right or wrong for him to let them attend the symposium.

When Ji Yang really brought Xiaolongnv and Hu Fei to the auditorium where the symposium was held, Ji Yang could be sure of one thing, that is, he was wrong this time, and he shouldn't have brought them in.

Because as soon as Ji Yang, Xiao Longnu and Hu Fei entered the auditorium, some people looked at the three of them.

And when these people saw Xiao Longnu and Hu Fei, many of them focused their eyes.

Lust, man's nature, this has nothing to do with status.

Although Xiaolongnv is a beauty, she is better because she is not ostentatious after all.

But Hu Fei was different. Even if she didn't try to seduce people, she just stood there, and she couldn't hide the charm on her body.

Most of the eyes of the people around were also on Hu Fei.

"I just said you shouldn't have brought Sao Fox here, do you regret it now?"

Feeling something strange in Ji Yang's heart, Xiao Longnv said angrily.

Ji Yang shook his head, sighed in his heart, what's the use of regretting, even he didn't regret taking the medicine.

"Hu Fei, try to restrain yourself."

"The slave family is naturally beautiful, and it's my fault, hehe..."

Ji Yang reminded Hu Fei in a low voice, Hu Fei giggled, and secretly circulated her demonic energy to make herself look as ordinary as possible.

She used her seductive aura to cover up the charm on her body, and it did have some effect. Some people's eyes left her.

"Ji Yang, you're finally here, I thought you were going to let me go."

Ji Deming came over at this moment, followed by Wang Jing beside Ji Deming, and there was a young man Ji Yang had never seen before.

When Ji Deming and Wang Jing saw Xiaolongnv and Hu Fei beside Ji Yang, they just took a look and then set their eyes on Ji Yang.

It's just that when their eyes fell on Ji Yang, there was a bit of a smirk on their faces.

It's okay for you to be a kid, and you will always look like a beautiful woman wherever you go.

"Ji Yang, let me introduce you. This is Zhao Ting, and his father is the Deputy Minister of Health Zhao."

"Zhao Ting has studied in the United States for many years, and he flew back to China yesterday just to participate in today's medical exchange symposium."

"Although Zhao Ting is young, he is already well-known in the Chinese medical field. You two are the future of the Chinese medical field. You can have a good chat."

The Zhao Ting mentioned by Ji Deming was the young man who came with him.

But when Ji Yang looked at Zhao Ting, he found that Zhao Ting was looking at Hu Fei stupidly.

Zhao Ting's eyeballs were about to pop out, and the corners of his mouth were still drooling.

I belong to the Ministry of Health, so Zhao Ting's background is pretty good.

If he is in Kyoto, he must be a prince and a member of the party, and his status will not be too bad.

It's a pity that he has been abroad for the past two years and doesn't know much about the domestic situation.

Otherwise, when he saw Ji Yang, he might not be calm.

Among the crown prince and the party, Ji Yang's current reputation is not ordinary.

"Zhao Ting..."

Seeing Zhao Ting's appearance, Ji Deming felt a little embarrassed, and touched Zhao Ting with his hand, and Zhao Ting regained his composure.

"Uh, hello, beautiful lady, my name is Zhao Ting, nice to meet you."

Ji Deming's name is Zhao Ting, not for him to pick up girls, but for him to get to know Ji Yang.

But as soon as Zhao Ting recovered, he reached out to grab Hu Fei's hand and wanted to kiss Hu Fei's hand.

This is a set he learned abroad, but it is a pity that he is now in China. In the eyes of others, this set is to take advantage of it.

Even though Hu Fei is very open, she won't let someone touch someone she doesn't like.

So Zhao Ting wanted to grab her hand, but Hu Fei dodged it directly, then stretched out his hand to wrap Ji Yang's arm, and looked at Ji Yang with admiration.

As soon as Hu Fei dodged, Zhao Ting's hand stopped in the air, and he looked a little embarrassed.

When Zhao Ting saw the actions of Hu Fei and Ji Yang, his eyes were full of jealousy...

(End of this chapter)

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