Chapter 105

"Lao Bai and I both follow orders to carry out tasks. We are good at how to seduce souls, and how to keep little ghosts in the mortal world. You can ask the runner king who is in charge of reincarnation. He may have a way."

After Ji Yang left the ward, he found Hei Wuchang, and after hearing what Li Zixuan said, Hei Wuchang had no choice.

The wheel-running king Xue, the tenth king of hell among the ten kings of hell, is in charge of reincarnation.

Although Hades of the Ten Temples had never talked to Ji Yang, he was no stranger to Ji Yang. When Ji Yang found the Queen of the Wheel, the King of the Wheel would answer every question he had.

"Humans and ghosts have different paths, this Li Zixuan should have been reincarnated a long time ago, but he became a lonely ghost because of his attachment to his family. You have fulfilled his wish this time."

"The wish is over, let him come to the underworld to report. With the people of the Li family, there are only two final results. One is that Li Zixuan was wounded by the mortal yang energy, and the other is that the Li family was overwhelmed by his yin energy." If you are disturbed, your body and luck will get worse and worse."

Ji Yang understood what King Zhuanlun said, and he also talked about his interests with the Li family, but the Li family just couldn't bear it.

Ji Yang originally thought that the underworld would have a way to allow humans and ghosts to coexist without affecting each other, but now it seems that there is no way.

"King of the Wheel, is there any way for people to get along with ghosts in a short period of time without affecting each other, even if it's only for a day."

Since you can't get along with each other for a long time, it's better to think of a short-term method.

Ji Yang really couldn't bear the thought that the Li family would break up just after they were reunited.

The Wheel-Turning King didn't speak, he didn't know if he was thinking, or he just couldn't do anything about it.

"Yan Wanglei, take Yan Wanglei, Li Zixuan can get along with his family for three days without incident, and after three days, he must come to the underworld to report with Black and White Wuchang, otherwise his soul will fly away."

Ten minutes later, the Wheel-Turning King finally spoke.

Seeing this, Ji Yang was very happy, something is better than nothing, although three days is very short, it is better than nothing at all.

But Ji Yang had to ask the King of the Wheel to find out what and how to obtain the Hades Tears.

"The King of Hades is in charge of the life and death of all things in the world. As the King of Hades, he has seen all the changes in the world, all kinds of things in the world, evil, hypocrisy, kindness..."

"If you see too much, Yama will become numb, don't know how to be moved, and will not be sad, but Yan Wang's tears are tears that Yama's heart sheds. A tear from Yama is rare in a hundred years."

The king of the wheel told Ji Yang what the tears of Hades were, and Ji Yang was instantly stunned after seeing it.

The tears of the king of hell are the tears of the king of hell, and it is rare to see a tear of the king of hell in a hundred years. This is enough to show the preciousness and rarity of the tears of the king of hell.

I don't know if the King of Wheels has the tears of Hades in his hands, even if he has, it is estimated that he will have to pay a lot of money to get this once-in-a-century tear.

"Turning Wheel King, do you have Hades Tears in your hand, can you give it to me?"

Ji Yang asked very directly and straightforwardly.

The King of Wheels also responded very quickly this time: "I have a drop here, I can give it to you, but you have to promise me one thing."

Ji Yang had already expected that even if the King of the Wheel had Hades Tears, he would not give it to him in vain. When he saw the words of the King of the Wheel, Ji Yang went back directly.

"Whatever, if I can do it, I will definitely agree."

"I heard from Heiwuchang that there is a kind of wine called Chaquan in the mortal world. It tastes good. I want you to send me ten bottles. As long as you promise me, I will give you the tears of the king of hell."

Isn't the cross-circle wine that Hei Wuchang said is XO? Ten bottles of XO can be exchanged for a drop of Hades Tears, which is rare in a century. This is a good deal.

Although XO wine is not cheap, it is not a problem for the Li family that can be solved with money, let alone ten bottles, even if the king of the wheel wants a hundred bottles, Ji Yang can agree to a thousand bottles.

"Okay, but you know, I'm not in the mainstream yet, and I can't use WeChat to deliver real goods. When I pass the Tianlei assessment and can open a WeChat store to deliver real goods, how about I give you a hundred bottles?"

When you should be generous, you must be generous. Sure enough, when you heard Ji Yang say this, the king of the wheel was very happy, and a small porcelain bottle appeared out of thin air, and Hades burst into tears.

When Ji Yang returned to the ward, Li Xinghai and the others calmed down. Fang Yu was not as excited as before, but hugged Li Zixuan with red eyes, with a look of reluctance.

After Ji Yang came back, he told Li Xinghai and others what he had said to King Zhuanlun, and at the same time told them about Yan Wanglei.

During Ji Yang's departure, he didn't know what the people in the Li family were talking about in the ward. Anyway, when he said that the family could be together for three days, Li Xinghai and the others looked reluctant. , but he readily agreed, which surprised Ji Yang.

"Big brother, thank you for allowing me to meet my father, mother and sister."

After receiving Yan Wanglei from Ji Yang, Li Zixuan said to Ji Yang with a smile.

In order for Li Zixuan to enjoy the last three days in the mortal world, Li Xinghai insisted on leaving the hospital with his incision not yet healed. His reason was very simple, that is, he only had three days to accompany Li Zixuan, even if these three days would allow him He is willing to lie in the hospital for the rest of his life.

During the three days, I don't know how many weird eyes stared at Li Xinghai and others, because no one else could see Li Zixuan. When talking, I will also ask if the air is delicious and fun.

But Li Xinghai and others didn't care about the eyes of these people at all. They only knew that their family was spending less and less time together.

Three days passed quickly, and when night came, outside Li Xinghai's villa, Black and White Impermanence had already arrived.

"Black impermanence, white impermanence, on the way to the underworld, I hope you can help me take good care of this little guy."

Ji Yang has seen Black and White Impermanence, but they are inconvenient to be seen by Li Xinghai and others, so when Li Xinghai and others can see ghosts, they did not enter Li Xinghai's villa.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of him."

"By the way, I heard that you promised to give Zhuanlun Wang a hundred bottles of Chaquan wine. Can you give some to our brothers?"

Heiwuchang is good at wine, and it is precisely because of good wine that he made a mistake last time. At this time, he also said to Ji Yang with a smile.

"No problem, once the thunder is over, ten bottles per person."

Ji Yang agreed without the slightest hesitation.

While Ji Yang was talking with Black and White Wuchang, Li Zixuan had already walked out of the villa alone. When he saw Black and White Wuchang, he didn't have the slightest fear, but just looked at Black and White Wuchang curiously.

"Zixuan, follow Black and White Impermanence to the underworld, I will tell Zhuanlun Wang, let him help you vote for a good family."

Ji Yang rubbed Li Zixuan's head, and said reluctantly.

Li Zixuan nodded and smiled sweetly. It's such a pity why such a well-behaved child was stillborn.

Looking at Li Zixuan who was taken away by Black and White Wuchang, Ji Yang's eyes were moist, and a tear flowed down his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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