The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1050 Collecting ghosts for your own use

Chapter 1050 Collecting Ghosts for Your Own Use (Part [-])

"Too tasty."

Looking at the bodies of Yun Haizi and Lan Haizi on the ground, Ji Yang said with some disappointment.

I heard that Zhao Kuo was a ghost cultivator for more than 2000 years. I thought his ghosts and Taoist priests would be so powerful, but I didn't expect them to be so weak.

From meeting to killing Yun Haizi and the ghost, it took less than 2 minutes.

"In this mountain, I feel a few strong yin qi. These guys are at most gatekeepers. We can't be careless."

Zhong Kui heard Ji Yang's words and reminded Ji Yang.

"What Master Zhong said is exactly that Yunhaizi and Lanhaizi are the weakest in Jinghai Temple, Ji Shaomo should underestimate the enemy."

Bai Qi echoed Zhong Kui's words aloud, for Zhao Kuo's forces, Bai Qi was the one who knew the most among all the people.

Ji Yang shrugged indifferently, he didn't care much about Zhong Kui and Bai Qi's words.

How strong can the Yin Qi be? Even Zhao Kuo is only equivalent to a fifth-grade ghost, and other ghosts can be stronger than him.

Ji Yang is a fourth-rank immortal, and he can handle Zhao Kuo well.

For other ghosts, at most they need to cut a few more swords, no matter how big it is.

"There are quite a few ghosts in this mountain. Reinforcements are coming. I'm going to have a full meal today."

When Ji Yang and others were talking, more than a hundred shades of qi approached here, and ghost figures rushed towards Ji Yang and others from all around.

Zhong Kui glanced at these ghosts and patted his stomach with his hands. He was going to have a big meal today.

Even Zhong Kui hadn't encountered so many lonely ghosts for a long time.

Ji Yang, Xiaolongnu and Hu Fei were not a little nervous when they saw these ghosts.

The only thing that is not normal is Bai Qi. Although Bai Qi has a few tricks, he cannot compare with Ji Yang and others after all.

Moreover, some of these ghosts are the reincarnated ghosts of Zhao soldiers who were killed by him back then.

Watching countless ghosts flying towards him, it was really difficult for him to remain calm.

"Bai Qi, if you are afraid now, you can't be a ghost messenger in the underworld."

"The crimes you committed have already been punished by Hades. Destruction and reincarnation are a relief for lonely souls and wild ghosts."

Zhong Kui saw that something was wrong with Bai Qi, he said to Bai Qi meaningfully.

At the same time, he chanted a mantra lightly, and brushed his palm over Bai Qi's Heaven Breaking Halberd.

As Zhong Kui brushed past, a strange black light lit up on Bai Qi's Sky-breaking Halberd.

"Your Heaven Breaking Halberd has already been cast by me. Using your Sky Breaking Halberd will not kill them, but will only send them to the underworld."

Zhong Kui patted Terrible Bai Qi's shoulder, and then pointed forward with the Ghost Slaying Sword in his hand. As he rushed forward, the sword stabbed a ghost in front of him.


The ghost was pierced by Zhong Kui's ghost-slaying sword, and let out a shrill scream.

When he was screaming, Zhong Kui grabbed the palm of his hand, opened his mouth, and actually ate the ghost.

Slaying ghosts and eating ghosts is Zhong Kui's consistent style.

That's why many demons and ghosts are afraid of Zhong Kui.

After all, other underworld ghost agents are just catching ghosts and killing ghosts, but Zhong Kui eats them directly. Just thinking about it makes the ghosts tremble all over.

Seeing Zhong Kui's move, thinking about Zhong Kui's words, his teeth became tense, and his eyes looked at the ghosts who were rushing towards him.

"Ah... I'm here to help you!"

With a loud cry in his mouth, he swept towards a ghost with the broken sky halberd in his hand.

With a miserable cry from the ghost's mouth, the body turned into a ray of dark wind and disappeared.

Whether this ghost really went to the underworld as Zhong Kui said, or whether it has already disappeared is unknown.

Xiao Longnu and Hu Fei glanced at each other, Xiao Longnu snorted coldly, and rushed out first, and the two ghosts were slashed by her sword.

She glanced at Hu Fei provocatively, and Hu Fei smiled charmingly.

Xiaolongnv and Hu Fei definitely can't do it, because Ji Yang will be angry.

Since you can't fight it in person, then compare it from other places. The ghosts in front of you are opportunities.

When Hu Fei smiled charmingly, her fingernails grew longer, and they directly grabbed the heads of the two ghosts, and the heads of the two ghosts were blown apart by her...

Zhong Kui and the others had already attacked the ghost, but Ji Yang did not take the initiative to attack.

He didn't move at all except for killing a few ghosts who didn't have long eyes and took the initiative to attack him.

Although there are quite a few of these ghosts, they feel that their strength is average.

With the cultivation of Zhong Kui, Hu Fei and others, it is enough to deal with them.

Ji Yang didn't move in place, his eyes swept to the surrounding ghosts, he was looking, looking for a slightly stronger ghost.

And his purpose of looking for a slightly stronger ghost is to use the method of turning beans into an army to take the other party for his own use.

Some people may wonder, since you can control ghosts for your own use, wouldn't it be better to take all these ghosts away.

But what Ji Yang wants is quality, not quantity.

To put it simply, it is more expensive than expensive.

"This is fine, Yin Qi is much stronger than the surrounding ghosts."

Ji Yang took a fancy to a female ghost with disheveled hair and wearing a red cheongsam. This female ghost should be an evil ghost.

He took out a soybean in his hand, poured immortal energy into the soybean, and rushed towards the female ghost.

Ji Yang rushed forward, and the ghost affected by the immortal energy on his body was instantly dissipated.


Seeing Ji Yang rushing, the female ghost in red yelled and rushed towards Ji Yang.

When she opened her mouth, Ji Yang showed an evil smile on his face, and with a flick of his wrist, the soybeans in his hand fell directly into the mouth of the female ghost in red.


The soybeans were in the mouth, and the female ghost swallowed them directly.

When the soybeans entered her body, the female ghost's body trembled in a daze, and then turned into a beam of red light and shot towards Ji Yang.

Ji Yang stretched out his hand to grab it, and Hong Guang was caught by him.

When he opened his palm, there was a soy bean exuding red yin energy in his hand.

This is the first time he subdued ghosts with the method of spreading beans into soldiers, and now it seems that he has succeeded.

"Don't kill the stronger ghosts you encounter, leave them to me."

"I'm going to collect them in the way of spreading beans into soldiers, just in case they are needed."

Ji Yang yelled at Zhong Kui and the others, upon hearing his words, Zhong Kui and the others nodded.

"Ji Yang, next, this little devil is not bad."

"Ji Shao, it's not bad that I have a pervert here, it's yours.

"Xiaobai, this guy is also a ghost cultivator. Although he is only 500 years old, he is not bad..."

A strange scene appeared. It turned out that Zhong Kui and others were killing ghosts.

Now it was like throwing sandbags, throwing not weak ghosts to Ji Yang.

Ji Yang accepted all the orders, threw out the soybeans one by one in his hand, and then took back the soybeans that had merged into the ghost one by one.

Before he knew it, Ji Yang had gotten as many as twenty or thirty.

These are the elite among the ghosts. With such a ghost team, Ji Yang will not be afraid of gang fights in the future.

Just when Ji Yang, Zhong Kui and others were killing ghosts and collecting ghosts at the same time.

Several powerful auras appeared around, and when Ji Yang felt a very strong yin aura, he knew that Zhao Kuo and others were coming...

(End of this chapter)

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