The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1056 Falling Soul Bell

Chapter 1056 Falling Soul Bell (Part [-])

The purpose of Ji Yang calling Zhong Kui to stop was to ask Zhong Kui what the little bell Zhao Kuo was using.

But he asked Zhong Kui, how did Zhong Kui know.

But now that Zhao Kuo has caught it, it should be okay to ask him.

"You should ask him, I don't know about this magic weapon either."

It was quite depressing to say it, because I followed Zhao Kuo's way, but I didn't know what the other party was using, which made Zhong Kui somewhat uncomfortable.

Pushing Zhao Kuo in his hand to Ji Yang, Ji Yang looked at Zhao Kuo in front of him, waiting for him to answer.

What surprised Ji Yang and Zhong Kui was that Zhao Kuo said that he didn't know either.

According to Zhao Kuo, this little bell was picked up by accident when he was practicing in Jinghai Mountain.

Neither Zhong Kui nor Ji Yang believed Zhao Kuo's words.

This luck is really against the sky, isn't it, such a good magic weapon, he picked it up when he said he picked it up?

"I really picked this up. It was in a lake in Jinghai. At that time, I felt some strange aura fluctuating in the lake, so I went down to look."

"At that time, the little bell was locked in a box, and there was a short incantation in the box. Although it was older than the Warring States Period, I knew it."

Although Zhao Kuo was not very good at leading the army, he was considered a top student back then.

Therefore, he has been involved in the writings of various dynasties in China.

Hearing what Zhao Kuo said, Ji Yang and Zhong Kui frowned.

In order to convince Ji Yang, Zhong Kui and the others, Zhao Kuo really took out a box. It was a bronze box, the shape of the box was very ordinary, but it exuded this ancient aura.

This trace of aura is full of aura, and it is because of this aura that the box is able to survive being soaked in water for many years without rotting.

The box opened, and a paragraph of text fell into everyone's eyes.

This writing is indeed very ancient, not much better than oracle bone inscriptions, anyway, Ji Yang doesn't know it.

"Do you know these words?"

"I also read a lot of poetry and books back then, and I even passed the examination of the first tribute, but I really don't know this text."

Zhong Kui was quite angry when he mentioned the fact that he was the head of the tribute.

At that time, Zhong Kui wrote five poems "Yingzhou Waiting for a Banquet", which was called a "wizard" by the chief examiner and won the first place among the tributes.

But during the palace examination, because of Zhong Kui's appearance, he was blackmailed by treacherous officials, which caused him to fail. After his defense was fruitless, Zhong Kui smashed into the palace pillar and died, shaking the world and crying ghosts and gods.

If it weren't for such a story, Zhong Kui, the heavenly master of ghost hunting, wouldn't exist today.

This is a blessing in disguise, but it is also a very embarrassing thing.

Zhong Kui didn't know these ancient texts, so Ji Yang looked at Zhao Kuo.

"What dynasty's text is this?"

"This is the writing of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. I have learned some, so I know it."

Yin Shang?

Hearing about this dynasty, Ji Yang and Zhong Kui were startled and thought of something at the same time.

The Battle of the Conferred Gods took place during the Yin and Shang Dynasties. At that time, there was a war between the heavens, the earth, and the human beings, ghosts and gods, and how many disciples were mobilized to intercept and explain the teachings.

These disciples have all kinds of magic weapons in their hands.

If what Zhao Kuo said is true, this little bell is likely to be a magic weapon that was lost in the battle of the Conferred Gods.

No wonder the magic weapon is so awesome, it turned out to be from the Battle of the Conferred Gods.

Listening to Zhao Kuo's words, Zhong Kui nodded to Ji Yang, which meant that Zhao Kuo was not lying.

"If it's really a magic weapon from the Battle of the Conferred Gods, even though you and I don't know each other, I think someone must know it."

"I will send the picture of this little bell to my circle of friends, and someone will definitely find me."

Now many gods in Heaven and Hell became gods after the Battle of Conferred Gods.

As long as Ji Yang posts the photo of Little Bell to Moments, someone will definitely know him.

Zhong Kui felt that Ji Yang's method was a good one, and he thought he would follow Ji Yang and wait for someone to answer.

But looking at the time, it was time for him to return to the underworld.

"You go back first, and I will tell you the result."

"If it is really a magic weapon left by some great god, if he wants it, I will give it to him. If it is beneficial, I will share it with you."

The magic weapon, no matter who it is for, I don't want to give it to others.

If someone recognizes this magic weapon, Ji Yang is ready to be demanded.

But in order to obtain this magic weapon, Ji Yang and the others also put in their hard work and effort, so they can't ask for it in vain.

"Hahaha, easy to say, easy to say."

"Then I will take him back first, and I will go to the king of hell and tell him that this time you helped the underworld capture Zhao Kuo, and I will let the king of hell thank you."

Zhong Kui smiled heartily, and gave Ji Yang a thumbs up, expressing that Ji Yang was good enough.

Since Ji Yang is interesting enough, Zhong Kui can't be stingy, right?

Zhao Kuo is more difficult to catch than imagined, and staying in the mortal world is even more harmful, which is the responsibility of the underworld.

Ji Yang helped, and he would definitely not let Ji Yang help in vain, and this was also said by King Qin Guang.

After Zhong Kui returns, he will make the king of Hades reward him even more.

After watching Zhong Kui leave with a smile, Ji Yang looked at the little bell in his hand.

The little bell still looked very delicate. He looked it over and over again, but he didn't see anything like words.

Even if he saw it, if the writing was from Yin Shang, he would not be able to recognize it.

"In the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the great gods have a lot of power. If it is really theirs, I am still very reluctant to return it to them."

The little bell in the hand is really easy to use.

If it is really returned to others, Ji Yang will also be very entangled.

But he finally decided to take a photo and send it to Moments, waiting for someone to claim it.

"Xiao Longnu took the little bell and made a poss, I want to send the photo to Moments."

"Ji Shao, I'm much prettier than her, let me be your model."

"You coquettish fox, how can you be prettier than me, Ji Yang snaps a picture."

After receiving the small bell from Ji Yang, when Xiaolongnv was about to pose the poss, Hu Fei spoke.

Hearing Hu Fei's words, Xiao Longnv seemed very angry. She obviously wanted to have a good figure and a good face. Isn't it because her chest is not as plump as the other party's?

But this is just right for me, not worse than her.

Hu Fei also knew where her capital was, so she puffed out her chest on purpose.

This action made Xiaolongnv very angry, but she saw that Ji Yang's eyes were wrong, so she didn't continue to quarrel with Hu Fei.

Hu Fei accepted it as soon as she saw it, and stopped talking.

After the photo was taken, Ji Yang added a paragraph of text and sent it to Moments.

As soon as the photo was sent to Moments, someone started talking immediately.

Yang Jian: "Xiaobai, where did you find it, this is the Falling Soul Bell."

Nezha: "It's really the Lost Soul Bell. During the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the Lost Soul Bell didn't know where to go. I didn't expect Xiaobai to find it. This is very lucky."

Huang Tianhua: "It turned out to be the Lost Soul Bell. Someone should be excited when this thing appears."

Yin Jiao: "The Lost Soul Bell, isn't this my Lost Soul Bell? This is mine."

Tu Xingsun: "Yin Jiao, you have to show some face. This lost soul clock has been taken back by the uncle. It belongs to the uncle, not yours..."

(End of this chapter)

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