The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1075 36 How to Transform Spicy Tiao

Chapter 1075 36 How to Change Spicy Tiao (Part [-])
After Ji Yang gave the latiao to Guang Chengzi, he didn't take the initiative to contact Guang Chengzi.

Ji Yang is very confident about the allure of spicy noodles, so he does not intend to take the initiative, but to be passive.

If you take the initiative at this time, the value of the spicy strips will be reduced.

He waited for Guang Chengzi to find him after he liked the taste of spicy strips, and then he had a good chat with the other party.

During the waiting time, Ji Yang found Zhong Kui and gave him 700 million merits, which Ji Yang promised Zhong Kui.

Zhong Kui did not expect that Guang Chengzi would find Ji Yang as soon as he returned to the place.

Seeing the 700 million merits that Ji Yang gave him, Zhong Kui felt that he was proud again in an instant.

When he knew that Guang Chengzi had given Ji Yang the magic weapon, the golden brick, Zhong Kui felt that Guang Chengzi was quite interesting.

After finishing talking with Zhong Kui, Ji Yang continued to wait for Guang Chengzi to find him.

But Ji Yang waited for almost an hour, but he didn't see Guang Chengzi looking for him, which made him a little strange.

Could it be that Guang Chengzi doesn't like spicy strips? If so, then I gave him the two packs of spicy strips just now.

Although the spicy strips are not expensive, I feel tired.

Just when Ji Yang was wondering, the WeChat notification sounded on his mobile phone. Ji Yang thought that Guang Chengzi was looking for him, but when he opened WeChat, it turned out that it was Zhu Bajie who was looking for him.

"Xiaobai, you are so uninteresting, you don't share the delicious food with the old pig."

delicious food?Haven't shared it with Zhu Bajie yet?

Ji Yang was confused by Zhu Bajie's words, and sent Zhu Bajie a WeChat with a frown.

"Old pig, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand what you mean?"

"Pretend to me, Latiao, I mean Latiao."

"Latiao is such a delicious thing, why don't you share it with Lao Zhu."

When Zhu Bajie mentioned spicy strips, Ji Yang frowned even deeper.

Only Jinyintongzi and Guang Chengzi have eaten their own spicy strips in Tianting. Where did Zhu Bajie get the spicy strips?
Feeling strange, Ji Yang asked Zhu Bajie how he knew about Latiao.

When he learned that Zhu Bajie had robbed Guangchengzi's subordinate Xiantong of spicy noodles, his face was overjoyed.

This time, he gave Guangchengzi Latiao a good deal, and he made an advertisement for himself invisibly.

Ji Yang smiled slyly, and then replied Zhu Bajie's WeChat.

"Old pig, as far as our relationship is concerned, why don't I share the good things with you, it's really hard to get spicy sticks."

"I found the Falling Soul Bell, you should know about it, Guang Chengzi asked me for the Falling Soul Bell, and he gave me a lot of good things, so I took the effort to get him two packs of spicy sticks."

"It's really not easy to get two packs of spicy sticks."

When Ji Yang said this, Zhu Bajie understood what he meant, he was asking himself to exchange something.

Zhu Bajie asked Ji Yang what Guang Chengzi gave him, Zhu Bajie's eyes froze.

Guang Chengzi gave a lot of things, so it would be difficult to change the spicy sticks by himself.

"Xiaobai, what do you want the old pig to exchange with you? If it's 1000 million merits, I won't exchange it."

Even if Zhu Bajie is a foodie, the spicy strips are really delicious.

But let him exchange 1000 million merits for a pack of spicy sticks, Zhu Bajie is not so crazy.

If it is tens of thousands of merits, it can be done with Zhu Bajie's character.

Looking at the WeChat reply from Zhu Bajie, Ji Yang narrowed his eyes.

A pack of spicy sticks is worth 1000 million merits, Ji Yang thought, but he also knew that no one would do such a stupid thing.

If the spicy strips are sold according to their merits, if they have tens of thousands of merits, they will definitely sell well.

Although Ji Yang wanted merit, but this time he really didn't plan to exchange spicy sticks for merit, he wanted to exchange things for things.

Only in this way can spicy strips reflect the greatest value.

"I don't want merit. Latiao is only exchanged for magic weapons, exercises, and elixir. Let alone 1000 million merits, even [-] million will not be exchanged."

Ji Yang's words surprised and shocked Zhu Bajie.

Merit has a price after all, but many magic weapons, exercises, and elixir have no fixed value.

Ji Yang is now exchanging spicy sticks for these, which is far more expensive than exchanging merit.

"It's said that Xiaobaihei, I was skeptical before, but now I believe it."

Zhu Bajie muttered, thinking at the same time whether he had something suitable to exchange spicy sticks with Ji Yang.

But after thinking about it for a while, Zhu Bajie tragically discovered that the magic weapon on his body was nothing but the nine-toothed rake.

In the past thousand years, he has also obtained a few magic weapons.

But the power is very mediocre, so he simply traded it for food.

Now, apart from the ability and the nine-toothed rake, there is only a pile of merit left.

"Xiaobai, how about I exchange one hundred thousand merits for you a pack of spicy sticks?"

"I really don't have any magic weapons or elixir here. I can't give you the nine-toothed rake, can I?"

Zhu Bajie bites the bullet and finds Ji Yang, hoping that Ji Yang can agree to exchange one hundred thousand merits for spicy sticks.

One hundred thousand merits, the price is also very high.

And Zhu Bajie has made this head start, and the price of Latiao in Tianting will definitely not be lower than this.

To be honest, Ji Yang was really moved when he saw the one hundred thousand merits.

If a pack of spicy sticks is worth 1000 merits, then the remaining [-] million merits left over from being promoted to immortal rank are nothing.

But in the end, Ji Yang refused cruelly.

Men, you have to be ruthless to yourself. Since you say you don't want to change your merits, you can't change them.

But when rejecting Zhu Bajie, Ji Yang also gave Zhu Bajie some advice.

"Old pig, the nine-tooth rake is your magic weapon. I want to change it, but you won't."

"But the nine-tooth rake cannot be exchanged. Don't you still have magical powers? You can use these to exchange with me."

"I heard that you know how to change Tiangang's 36 changes. As long as you teach me one of the changes, I will exchange it with you for a thousand packs of spicy sticks."

Ji Yang has already learned six of Sun Wukong's 72 earth transformations.

When fighting against people, the six changes here played a big role.

He thought of Zhu Bajie's Tiangang 36 Transformation, so he mentioned it by the way.

If Zhu Bajie really agreed, let alone a thousand packs of spicy strips, even ten thousand packs would be worth it.

Anyway, Zhu Bajie didn't agree, and Ji Yang didn't lose.

Just now Zhu Bajie said that he would exchange one hundred thousand merits for a pack of spicy sticks, but now Ji Yang said that he would exchange one thousand packs of spicy sticks for one of the 36 transformations of Tiangang.

If calculated in this way, that is [-] million merits.

Although Tiangang's 36 transformations are the top supernatural powers in the Three Realms, but one transformation with [-] million merits, Zhu Bajie was a little moved.

"Xiaobai, let me think about it."

"Okay, then think about it."

Zhu Bajie replied to Ji Yang to think about it, and Ji Yang was very excited.

Just now he just wanted to try it, but now Zhu Bajie said to think about it, isn't this just a joke.

As long as Zhu Bajie is willing to exchange one of the Tiangang 36 transformations for spicy sticks, he can add more spicy sticks.

How much is 1 packs of spicy strips, [-] yuan.

If Zhu Bajie really changed, and later found out the price of spicy sticks in the mortal world, I don't know if he will go to Ji Yang to fight for his life!
(End of this chapter)

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