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Chapter 1093 Then I Will Take Your Life

Chapter 1093 Then I Will Kill You (Part [-])
Although it cannot be said that the words uttered with the help of true energy spread to every corner of the Dongfang family, they were heard by many Dongfang family members who had not rushed to the hall.

Dongfang Yu, who was secretly called a useless person by many people, resumed his cultivation, and the Dongfang family exploded in an instant.

Back then, Dongfang Yu was no worse than Xuanyuan Wei, but now his cultivation has not only recovered, but also increased.

Even if he is not stronger than the current Xuanyuanwei, he will not be much worse.

And with this level of cultivation, what the Dongfang family lost over the years will definitely be regained bit by bit.

"Elder Six, what shall we do?"

Xuanyuan Yu liked Dongfang Yu when he was young, because Dongfang Yu was one of the hottest talents in the Guardian League back then.

Ever since Dongfang Yu's cultivation base was abolished, Xuanyuan Yu has long since lost his feelings for him.

Xuanyuan Yu was already married, and she couldn't explain what she felt when she saw Dongfang Yu who had recovered her cultivation today.

However, she is no longer the young girl who had just begun to love her back then, her thinking has matured.

In the scuffle just now, although no one from the Dongfang family died, many were seriously injured.

And it wasn't Dongfang Yu who suddenly appeared, Dongfang Chong might have died in the hands of Xuanyuan Shi.

After Dongfang Yu's cultivation base was abolished, he has been suppressed by others. Now he is like a waking lion, and he must have a lot of grievances to vent in his heart.

And the members of the Xuanyuan family, who have hurt many disciples of the Dongfang family and are very arrogant, are likely to become the target of his venting.

The leader who came today is Xuanyuan Stone with the highest status.

Now Xuanyuan Yu didn't know what to do, so she could only ask Xuanyuan Shi.

Xuanyuan Shi's expression was very solemn, because he could feel that Dongfang Yu's aura was indeed very strong.

Compared with Xuanyuanwei, it is only a little bit worse.

With such a strong breath, Xuanyuan Stone felt very uncomfortable.

He clenched his fists unconsciously, feeling a little unwilling in his heart, he thought that God was too unfair, obviously the opponent was useless, now not only has he recovered his cultivation, but he has also improved.

I have worked so hard for so many years, but my cultivation has improved very slowly, which is too unfair.

But now is not the time to complain about God, what he thinks about is how to deal with the matter in front of him.

"What are you afraid of? So what if he recovers his cultivation? Does he really dare to declare war on the Xuanyuan family?"

Xuanyuan Shi's voice was almost squeezed out from between his teeth, Xuanyuan Yu nodded after listening to his words.

That's right, even if Dongfang Yu recovers, so what, the Xuanyuan family is still not something the Dongfang family can compete with.

If Dongfang Yu dared to touch someone from the Xuanyuan family today, the Dongfang family would definitely suffer revenge from the Xuanyuan family.

At that time, Dongfang Yu will no longer lose her cultivation, but her life.

At the same time, the entire Dongfang family will be buried with him.

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan Yu became more arrogant, and her eyes towards Dongfang Yu became calmer.

Dongfang Yu felt all the excited expressions and voices of the people around, but his eyes still fell on everyone in the Xuanyuan family.

Although Xuanyuan Shi's voice was soft just now, he heard it.

Indeed, under normal circumstances, Dongfang Yu would not dare to touch people from the Xuanyuan family today.

Because the Dongfang family couldn't bear the revenge from the Xuanyuan family, there was nothing wrong with that.

But today is different, because the Dongfang family is no longer his own force, he has his own allies, Ji Yang from the Jiuli tribe and the people in his hands.

Ji Yang's strength is not as good as Dongfang Yu's now.

What's more, the people around Ji Yang are all very strong, and there is Chi You beside him.

So today's Dongfang Yu is not worried about the Xuanyuan family's revenge at all, and he still wants to express his sorrow for the Xuanyuan family.

It is estimated that Xuanyuanwei would never have thought that he had left out some members of the Jiuli tribe.

As for Ji Yang, who was not killed, the power he possesses today is only stronger than that of the Xuanyuan family.

When such an enemy appeared in front of Xuanyuanwei's eyes, his expression must be very exciting.

There was a strange smile on Dongfang Yu's face, and she looked at Xuanyuan Shi, Xuanyuan Yu and other members of the Xuanyuan family with strange eyes.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

When Dongfang Yu and everyone from the Xuanyuan family looked at each other, several bursts of wind rang out.

Accompanied by these breaking noises, it was Ji Yang and others.

When Ji Yang and the others appeared, smelling the smell of blood in the air, seeing their bodies covered in injuries, and a few seriously injured people lying unconscious on the ground without standing up, they felt a little lost.

Wasn't the scuffle fought fiercely just now, why did it stop now?

Looking at Ji Yang and others who appeared, the members of the Dongfang family didn't know whether they were enemies or friends.

But when Dongfang Mei stood beside Ji Yang with her hand still on his arm, the members of the Dongfang family understood that what the Xuanyuan family said just now was not groundless.

This eldest lady of the Dongfang family really gave Xuanyuan Qing a cuckold.

But the green hat is well buttoned, the Xuanyuan family is so arrogant, Dongfang Mei really followed Xuanyuan Qing, life will not be easy.

"Dongfangyu, should you give the Xuanyuan family an explanation?"

"Dongfang Mei has long been engaged to my young master, but now she is so ambiguous with other men, what do you say?"

Xuanyuan Shi thought that Dongfang Yu would not dare to offend the Xuanyuan family, and seeing Dongfang Mei and Ji Yang's appearance, his confidence became stronger and his voice became colder.

What surprised Xuanyuan Shi was that Dongfang Yu didn't feel nervous at first when he heard his words, but had a calm expression on his face.

"Explanation, what explanation, haven't you seen it all?"

"Xuanyuan Shi, I think you should give me an explanation. You brought people to my Dongfang family to make trouble, and even killed my Dongfang family elders. How will this be settled?"

Dongfang Yu's arrogant answer caught Xuanyuan Shi by surprise.

Even if he didn't explain, he shouldn't be so arrogant, right?

Doesn't he know that his words will bring disaster to the Dongfang family?

Xuanyuan Yu frowned while listening, when she thought she should say something, Xuanyuan Shi stopped her.

"good very good!"

"Dongfang Yu, don't think that you can challenge the Xuanyuan family just because you have recovered your cultivation. The Xuanyuan family has written down what happened today. Let's go now. You just wait for the head of the family to come and explain to you in person."

Dongfang Yu's cultivation has recovered, Xuanyuan Stone and Xuanyuan Yu are not his opponents, and Ji Yang and others have strong auras.

If they do something, it will definitely be the Xuanyuan family who will suffer.

Heroes don't suffer immediate losses, Xuanyuan Shi intends to take the members of the Xuanyuan family and leave now.

"Go, shall I let you go? None of you can go today!"

Seeing that Xuanyuan Shi and others were about to leave, Dongfang Yu stopped them coldly.

"If we have to go, what do you think?"

Being stopped by Dongfang Yu, Xuanyuan Shi's heart trembled, and he asked in a cold voice.

People from the Dongfang family, Ji Yang and the others were all looking at them, their breath was not right at this moment.

"Then I will kill you!"

These words did not come from Dongfang Yu, but from Ji Yang...

(End of this chapter)

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