The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1102 The Xuanyuan Family’s Reaction

Chapter 1102 The Xuanyuan Family's Reaction (Part [-])

When Ji Yang led the crowd to the Xuanyuan family, he thought that the Xuanyuan family would not know so early that the person they sent had died in the Dongfang family.

Before the other party reacts, he can give the other party a surprise attack.

In fact, the Xuanyuan family knew about these people as soon as they died.

"What did you say, you mean that the Xuanyuan family already knew about the deaths of those people?"

On the way to the Xuanyuan family, Dongfang Yu told Ji Yang about the incorporation of blood essence and true energy into the genealogy, and Ji Yang shouted in a cold voice with a somewhat displeased face.

What the hell is Dongfang Yu telling him about this kind of thing?

The death of the person sent to investigate is known. This is a very serious matter. The Xuanyuan family may have responded by now, and it may even have sent people to attack the Dongfang family.

Dongfang Yu only told him now, which made Ji Yang very unhappy.

Dongfangyu felt a little helpless after being coldly treated by Ji Yang, he was indeed a little dazed today, that's why he remembered this matter.

Similar to the Xuanyuan family's method of integrating blood essence and true energy into the family tree, it is actually used by every guardian family.

"Ji Yang, don't blame my father, too many things happened in the past two days, and he also forgot it for a while."

Dongfang Mei speaks for Dongfang Yu.

In fact, these words sounded like they were explaining for Dongfang Yu, but they were actually explaining for her.

Dongfang Mei also knew about life and death because of the impressive genealogy, but she also forgot.

The matter has already happened, and it is meaningless to pursue it. Now that the war is imminent, Ji Yang can't embarrass Dongfang Yu.

After all, most of the people around who went to the Xuanyuan family came from the Dongfang family.

Although these people are not the main force, they also play an irreplaceable role, embarrassing the patriarch Dongfang Yu, isn't this a slap in the face of everyone.

If they don't try their best, it will be very troublesome.

"Forget it, everyone, be careful. If you really meet someone from the Xuanyuan family on the way, kill them immediately."

Ji Yang's face felt uglier than bitter gourd, and he said in a cold voice.

When the people around heard what he said, they all nodded to express their understanding.

"Brother Peng, the Peng Yao under your command is fast, let them go ahead to explore the way, and report immediately if there is any situation."

To be on the safe side, Ji Yang still planned to find monsters to explore the way.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Peng Demon King directly arranged for two Peng demons to fly forward quickly to explore the way.

But Ji Yang was indeed a little too worried this time, Peng Yao flew forward, but he didn't meet anyone from the Xuanyuan family along the way.

Although they didn't meet each other on the road, the interior of the Xuanyuan family was not peaceful at this time.

Inside the main hall of the Xuanyuan Family, Xuanyuan Wei, Xuanyuan Qing and the remaining three elders of the Xuanyuan Family were sitting in it.

There were also some senior officials of the Xuanyuan family standing beside them, and the atmosphere in the whole hall was very dignified.

"Patriarch, everyone's names are darkened, and the people sent to investigate Dongfang's family are all dead."

"Based on the current situation, it is very likely that the Sixth Elder and the Tenth Elder were killed by the Dongfang family."

Xuanyuan Xu looked at Xuanyuan Wei with a gloomy face, and said in a solemn voice.

Xuanyuanxu's words made the people around gasp when they heard it, and many of them also showed disbelief.

"Elder Seven, how is this possible? How could the Dongfang family have such abilities."

"That's right, even Dongfang Ren, the strongest member of the Dongfang family, is no match for the Sixth Elder."

"That's right, unless Dongfang Yu's cultivation is restored, it's absolutely impossible."

"Recovery, if he can recover, he still has to wait until today. Don't forget, he needs the Shennong Ding to recover. Do you think it is possible..."

Originally, what everyone was talking about was the death of a member of the Xuanyuan family, whether it was killed by the Dongfang family.

But as he talked, it seemed that his taste had changed.

The arrogant disdainful side of the Xuanyuan family appeared, and the discussion turned into contempt for Dongfang Yu.

Xuanyuanwei's expression became even uglier when he heard the people's discussion.

"Shut up, everyone. Regardless of whether the Sixth Elder and the Tenth Elder were killed by members of the Dongfang family, one thing is clearly known now, that is, someone offended the Xuanyuan family."

"This matter has nothing to do with the Dongfang family, and the Dongfang family must pay the price."

"Seventh Elder, Eighth Elder, Ninth Elder, Qing'er, each of you lead a group of people to the east, south, west, and north of Dongfang's house."

"Contact the guardian beasts of the four directions, and let them be vigilant. If someone comes in, they will kill them!"

The patriarch Xuanyuanwei is not for nothing.

Although he didn't say yes, he still included the Dongfang family.

It is inevitable to clean up the Dongfang family, but we must first settle down when fighting against the outside world, and we must first guard the Xuanyuan family.

The descendants who have the blood of ancient beasts or monsters around the Xuanyuan family are called guardian beasts by the Xuanyuan family.

These guardian beasts are a great barrier for the Xuanyuan family, even more effective than the children in the Xuanyuan family.

As long as they block the intruders, the Xuanyuan family will not be in danger.

If these guardian beasts can't stop them, the Xuanyuan family may be in danger.

Because the strongest of these guardian beasts, even Xuanyuanwei can't fight.

"Father, is this necessary? These guardian beasts are very greedy."

"If they are allowed to help, the Xuanyuan family will definitely have to pay a heavy price."

Although these guardian beasts live around the Xuanyuan family, they have a good relationship with the Xuanyuan family on weekdays.

But if you really want them to help, it's not free.

Even if someone targets the Xuanyuan family, Xuanyuan Qing also thinks that the Xuanyuan family has nothing to be afraid of, after all, the foundation of the Xuanyuan family lies here.

In his opinion, Xuanyuanwei is the number one master of the Guardian Alliance, and there are countless masters in the clan, whoever is looking for trouble is looking for death.

"Qing'er, remember one sentence, if you are willing, you will gain something."

"Since the other party dares to trouble my Xuanyuan family, then he is not a mediocre person, he must have some skills, just do as I say, go!"

"Yes, patriarch!"

"Yes, Father!"

As far as Xuanyuanwei's words were concerned, Xuanyuan Qing and the only three remaining elders responded directly, then left quickly, and did as Xuanyuanwei asked.

After they left, Xuanyuan Wei gave orders to the rest of them.

The build defense for the build defense.

If the organization is preparing to attack Dongfang's family, it will organize its personnel, and at the same time send several groups of people to the Xuanyuan family to monitor outsiders to prevent anyone from attacking...

After all the orders were issued and everyone acted separately, Xuanyuanwei was the only one left in the hall.

"Damn Dongfang family, I really regretted it back then, why didn't I just kill you together."

"Dongfangyu, you are really lucky, you didn't die like that back then."

"It's because that monster is too good-for-nothing. He told me that Dongfang Yu would definitely be able to kill him, but in the end he only made him a useless person. If he really died back then, there would be no troubles like now!"

If Xuanyuanwei's words were heard by someone with a heart, they would definitely find something wrong.

What he said reminds people of one thing, that is, when Dongfang Jade was abolished, it seemed to have a lot to do with Xuanyuanwei.

(End of this chapter)

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