The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1120 I Exactly Have 3 Pieces

Chapter 1120 I Exactly Have Three Items (Part [-])
Although due to the battle with the Guardian Beast, several leaders and thousand-year-old monsters under the Peng Demon King could not continue to fight.

But those people brought by Ji Yang to attack the inside of the Xuanyuan family were not good enough, and the worst one was Ruisi, who was equivalent to the heavenly rank of an ancient warrior.

The attack power of such a group of people is very powerful.

On the other hand, everyone in the Xuanyuan family has a huge difference in cultivation level. The best is Xuanyuanwei, whose cultivation is close to that of a fifth-rank immortal, and the worst is equivalent to an ancient warrior of the yellow rank.

Even if there are many people in the Xuanyuan family, it is unrealistic to resist the attack of Ji Yang and others, but they did block it.

"How is it possible that the attacks of us people can't break through the defensive shield in front of us?"

Ji Yang frowned, Zilei and Zihuo attacked in turn, but the effect was not satisfactory.

In addition to the attacks of the terrifying Chi You and Peng Demon King, the effect was not obvious, which surprised Chi You.

"The problem lies in the qin in that guy's hand, which is Fuxi qin."

Chi You had already sensed the aura of the top ten artifacts in the Xuanyuan Family Formation, but he only thought that this aura came from the Xuanyuan Sword, and didn't think of anything else.

Each of the top ten ancient artifacts is very rare, and Chi You would not have thought that the Xuanyuan family had two artifacts.

But after several attacks he couldn't break through the defensive cover, and the sound of the piano coming from his ears, he finally noticed Fuxiqin.

Xuanyuanwei plucked the strings of Fuxiqin, and the beautiful sound came out.

This voice increased the true energy in the Xuanyuan family's body, but it had the opposite effect on Ji Yang, Chi You and others.

Inadvertently, their attack power has been weakened.

"What, Fuxiqin?"

"The Xuanyuan family actually has two top ten artifacts."

Hearing that Chi You said that Xuanyuanwei was holding Fuxiqin, Ji Yang looked very surprised, and he didn't expect that the Xuanyuan family would have two artifacts.

When the Xuanyuan family exterminated the Jiuli clan, Ji Yang had seen the Xuanyuan sword, but he hadn't seen Fuxiqin at that time.

"That's right, that's Fuxiqin. He used Fuxiqin to strengthen the true qi of the Xuanyuan family, but to weaken your attacks."

"Combined with the blessing of the divine weapon breath of Fuxiqin and Xuanyuan Sword, that's why it's so hard to break through the protective cover of the Xuanyuan Family's protective array."

These words were not spoken by Chi You, but came from behind them, and the person who spoke was Dongfang Yu.

Fuxiqin is the treasure of Fuxi, one of the three emperors. The distant ancestor of the Dongfang family is Fuxi, so this Fuxiqin has always been regarded as a magic weapon by the Dongfang family.

Each generation of patriarchs and Fuxiqin have special perceptions, but since Dongfangyu was injured and Fuxiqin was stolen, Dongfangyu and Fuxiqin lost their perceptions.

The reason why he couldn't perceive it was naturally Xuanyuanwei's fault.

Just now, Dongfang Yu suddenly sensed Fuxiqin's breath, so she left the chaotic battlefield and flew towards Fuxiqin's position.

When he saw Xuanyuanwei playing the Fuxiqin, the shrewd Dongfangyu immediately thought of something, and looked at Xuanyuanwei with anger.

Ji Yang still doesn't know the relationship between the Dongfang family and Fuxiqin, but he feels that Dongfangyu seems to be very familiar with Fuxiqin.

So after hearing the other party's words, he asked Dongfang Yu if there was any way to protect everyone from Fuxiqin's negative influence.

"The sound of Fuxiqin is not transmitted through the ears, but goes directly to the depths of the soul, so it is absolutely impossible to block the sound."

"If you want to break through the Xuanyuan family's clan protection formation, unless you can overwhelm them with the aura of the divine weapon."

"The Xuanyuan family has two artifacts, including the Xuanyuan sword. You only have one Shennong cauldron in your hand. This is impossible. Now you can only rely on your strength to forcefully break the protective cover."

With the strength of Ji Yang and others, it is definitely possible to break through the protective shield. It is just a matter of time.

But this process can take a long time and is a waste of energy.

It is naturally the best to have an easier way to break through the protective cover.

Hearing Dongfang Yu's words, Ji Yang looked at Chi You, and Chi You nodded at him.

Chi You was telling Ji Yang that what Dongfang Yu said was not wrong.

"So, whoever has the strongest artifact breath will win, right?"

"That's right, but because Xuanyuan Sword is more powerful, if you want to beat Fuxiqin and Xuanyuan Sword, you need at least three artifacts."

Dongfang Yu heard Ji Yang's question and spoke directly.

When he mentioned the three top ten ancient artifacts, he kept shaking his head.

It is very difficult to own one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times. Even the Xuanyuan family had two artifacts because of a surprise attack on Dongfang Yu, which prevented Dongfang Yu from using Fuxiqin in time.

Dongfang Yu doesn't think anyone can own the three top ten ancient artifacts.

However, when he shook his head and smiled bitterly, a strange smile appeared on Ji Yang's face.

It turns out that he has more artifacts than anyone else, this Ji Yang is really not afraid.

Isn't it just the three top ten artifacts in ancient times, Ji Yang really has them.

"Three artifacts are enough, what a coincidence, I happen to have three."

"What, you have three artifacts, how is this possible?"

When Ji Yang said this, Dongfang Yuru was struck by lightning, and she looked at Ji Yang with disbelief in her eyes.

Don't say he doesn't believe it, even the Demon King Peng and the monsters in his hands don't believe it.

Now we are talking about the top ten artifacts of ancient times, not ordinary magic weapons. Every artifact needs chance and strength to obtain, and Ji Yang is considered awesome if he has one.

Now he says he has three, which is a bit too much information.

However, upon hearing his words, Chi You, Xiao Longnv, and Zhu Jiumei, who knew Ji Yang well, had a cold smile on their faces.

Because they knew that what Ji Yang said was true.

"Yellow Emperor, the heavens are helping me destroy your descendants."

"Ji Yang, break their protective shields, my ax is already hungry and thirsty."

Chi You snorted coldly, raised the ax in his hand but did not strike it down again.

He was waiting, waiting for Ji Yang to break through the protective shield, and then rush into the so-called Xuanyuan family's protective formation, and bloodbath the Xuanyuan family.

"Shen Nong Ding!"

Ji Yang took out the Shennong Ding first, and Dongfang Yu, Peng Mowang and others were not surprised to see the Shennong Ding.

Because they knew that Ji Yang had the Shennong Cauldron in his hand.

"Jiuli Pot!"

Then when Ji Yang took out the Jiuli Pot, Dongfang Yu, Peng Demon King and others were a little bit stunned, and their breathing was a little short, but they were barely acceptable.

Because the Jiuli pot was originally a treasure of the Jiuli tribe, it is understandable that Ji Yang was lucky enough to find it.

"Kunlun Mirror!"

But when Ji Yang took Kunlun out, Dongfang Yu, Peng Mowang and others all gasped, and they were convinced this time.

Ji Yang actually had three artifacts, and they had never heard of anyone possessing three artifacts at the same time.

Could it be said that Ji Yang's existence is to hit people?
And when Du Jiyang summoned the three artifacts, Xuanyuanwei in the formation was also dumbfounded, and an inexplicable panic that even the ancestor could not suppress began to appear in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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