The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1125 The Corpse King Is Coming

Chapter 1125 The Corpse King Is Coming (Part [-])
No longer hiding her identity, nor her aura, Xia Houying's aura was released, her whole body was surrounded by a circle of red corpse aura, and the surface of the red corpse aura was still covered with a layer of gold.

The last time Xia Houying was seriously injured, even after recovering from the injury, her strength should still be damaged.

But now it seems that Xia Houying's cultivation level has not decreased, but has even increased.

Xia Houying's occurrence of this situation is all thanks to the zombie king Hanba. It was Hanba who connected her arm with a secret method, cured her injury, and improved her cultivation base.

Facing Ji Yang, Xia Houying had a shadow in her heart.

After all, it was because of Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv that they made her so miserable last time, she almost lost her wits.

But at the same time as the shadow, she still hated in her heart.

Xia Houying really couldn't pull Ji Yang's tendons, peel off Ji Yang's skin, and suck all the blood from Ji Yang's body.

Then he turned him into his own zombie, torturing him severely every day.

So at this time, Xia Houying's corpse energy was released from all over her body, and when her body rushed towards Ji Yang, she was fast and ruthless.

When Xia Houying rushed towards Ji Yang, not only her body rushed towards Ji Yang, but also the corpse energy from her body rushed towards Ji Yang.

The corpse aura filled the air, completely enveloping Ji Yang, Ji Yang could barely see the situation on the other side of the corpse aura.

The last time he fought against Xia Houying, Ji Yang already knew that Xia Houying's corpse aura was very corrosive.

So seeing the opponent rushing, Ji Yang shot out a wall of fire, and when he took two steps back, he quickly swallowed a Shennong Jiedu pill.

Xia Houying's corpse aura has filled the air,
Although the corpse gas in the air will not be as corrosive as being contaminated with corpse gas, it will also affect the respiratory tract and internal organs.

At that time, even if the seven orifices bleed to death, it is not surprising.

"Little Dragon Girl, share the Shennong Jiedu Pill on your body with everyone. The two of them are flying corpses from the Hanba Corpse Clan, and one of them is the one we met in Kyoto."

After taking the Shennong Jiedu Pill, Ji Yang talked to Xiaolongnv through heart-to-heart communication.

Xiao Longnu also had an impression of the last time he dealt with the flying corpse.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Xiao Longnv was startled, and turned her head to look at Xia Houying.

Isn't it, this is really the flying corpse that was almost killed by her and Ji Yang last time.

Xiao Longnv saw that when Xia Houying was attacking Ji Yang, Xia Houying's brother also charged towards Ji Yang.

Although it was the first time for Ji Yang and Xiaolongnu to meet Xiahouying's older brother, Xiahoushang, they could tell that even though Xiahouying's strength had improved, she was still not as good as Xiahoushang.

Xiao Longnv wanted to go up to help Ji Yang, but she really couldn't go up to help Ji Yang now, because she had more important things to do, which was distributing Shennong Jiedu Pills,

It should not be a big problem for Ji Yang to deal with Xia Houying and Xia Houshang alone, and it is only a matter of time before they are killed.

However, if the Shennong Jiedu Pills are not distributed to everyone soon, once these people breathe the corpse gas in the air, the consequences will be very serious.

Xiao Longnv didn't waste any more time, and quickly rushed to the crowd of scuffles, and distributed Shennong Jiedu Pills to them.

Fortunately, the Dongfang family all wore uniform clothes before the operation today. On their clothes, the word Dongfang was embroidered in large characters.

If it weren't for being able to tell through the clothes, Xiao Longnv really wouldn't know who to give Shennong Jiedu Pills to.

After all, she doesn't know everyone in the Dongfang family.

The members of the Xuanyuan family also wear clothes embroidered with the word Xuanyuan. It seems that these guardian families have the same family clothing as the ancient sects.

"Um, ah..."

"It's so uncomfortable, I'm so uncomfortable!"

"I can't breathe, I can't breathe, poof..."

When Xiao Longnu distributed the Shennong Jiedu pills, some people who breathed the corpse's breath screamed in pain.

These people include members of the Dongfang family who have not yet obtained the Shennong pill, and there are also members of the Xuanyuan family.

Xia Houying and Xia Houshang took action, and they still have the ability to distinguish, knowing the difference between the enemy and ourselves.

But corpse qi doesn't understand these things, it doesn't know who is its own and who is the enemy.

So these corpse auras will hurt Ji Yang's side, as well as those in the Xuanyuan family.

"Damn, why have you forgotten these guys!"

"Little sister, control your body energy and don't hurt the members of the Xuanyuan family, otherwise you and I will be in bad luck!"

Xia Houshang has already rushed in front of Ji Yang, and together with Xia Houying, they deal with Ji Yang.

Xia Houshang only realized how difficult Ji Yang was when he really fought against Ji Yang.

Xia Houshang and Xiahou Ying are both flying corpses, and they are very powerful flying corpses, but they joined forces, but Ji Yang couldn't defeat them.

No matter what special features each of the four major corpse clans have, they all have the characteristics of hard body, great strength, and terrifying corpse poison.

The Flying Zombie is the strongest zombie of the Hanba Corpse Clan except the Hanba, not to mention the advantages in these aspects, it is absolutely strong.

But these advantages are useless in front of Ji Yang.

Ji Yang's strength and body hardness are no worse than zombies.

And he is not afraid of corpse poison, which makes Xia Houying and Xia Houshang even more helpless.

Judging from the current situation, if the fight continues, Xia Houying and Xia Houshang will definitely lose in the end.

When Xia Houshang was wondering if they could last until the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family arrived, there were continuous screams in his ears.

These screams reminded Xia Houshang of the fact that the members of the Xuanyuan family were unable to resist the corpse poison.

After he shouted at Xia Houying, he flew towards the members of the Xuanyuan family who were in the melee.

The person was in the air, Xia Houshang opened his mouth and sucked all the corpse poison into his stomach.

He sucked not only the corpse poison in the air, but also the poison from the poisoned person.

The corpse poison was sucked away by Xia Houshang, as long as the poisoning was not deep, his life was saved.

A few unlucky ones had already died of poisoning, and Xia Houshang couldn't save them.

"The corpse roars!"

Just when Xia Houshang sucked back the spreading corpse aura and was about to go back to help Xia Houying deal with Ji Yang.

Xiahou Ying's roar came from beside her ears, and the corpse aura still in the air surged towards Xia Houying.

The sky corpse roared, Ji Yang saw Xia Houying use it last time.

This trick is so powerful, with so many people around, once she successfully uses it, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Xia Houshang's eyes were startled. He had just told Xia Houying to control the corpse poison, and now she was using the corpse roar.

Then the corpse poison I absorbed just now was not absorbed in vain, the sky corpse roared and cast it, the corpse poison spread, and these people around would suffer.


And just when Xiahoushang wanted to stop Xiahouying, his back hurt.

An ax slashed at his back, leaving a hideous wound on his hard back.

"Boy, where is Hanba? If you don't say anything, your head will be chopped off with the next axe."

This ax was chopped by Chi You, he would die back then, and Han Ba ​​couldn't get rid of it.

The pressure from Chi You made Xia Houshang a little frightened, and when he opened his mouth and was about to speak, dozens of corpse auras of different intensities surged towards him.

Feeling these corpse auras, Xia Houshang was overjoyed: "The corpse king is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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