The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1137 Drought Are You Crazy

Chapter 1137 Drought Are You Crazy (Part [-])
Why did you abandon me!
When Han Yan said these words, Huang Di was stunned instantly. He stood there stupidly as if he had been struck by a thunderbolt.

He didn't understand what Hanba's words meant, when did he abandon her.

"Hanba, what are you talking about, when did I abandon you?"

"You are not only my clansman, but also my daughter. How could I abandon you?"

"Don't play your temper anymore. The clansman suffered heavy losses due to the storm. Go and save them."

At this time, the Yellow Emperor thought that Han Yan was playing his temper, and the Yellow Emperor comforted him softly with some helplessness.

But the more he listened to his words, the angrier Han Ba ​​became.

"Save the tribe, save the tribe, you know let me save the tribe."

"You are just using me to help you solve Fengbo Yushi and make you the emperor of China."

"I don't save, I don't save, I don't save..."

Hanba's reaction was very large and intense.

Huang Di's face changed greatly when she said it, he looked very angry, but he was a little helpless.

Because today he had to let Hanba make a move to stop Fengbo Yushi and allow himself to win, otherwise he would lose today.

So even if Hanba looked like this at this time, he couldn't get angry and could only endure it.

Sun Wukong looked at Hanba at this time, with a strange smile on his face.

He saw on the spot that when the drought was pressing down in his heart, it was not a happy thing.

Huangdi didn't know what happened to Hanba and why she suddenly looked like this, but Monkey King knew that she was venting her complaints.

The Yellow Emperor must have done something that made Han Ba ​​very sad and angry, and this incident must be the abandonment that Han Ba ​​said.

But what happened to this matter, Sun Wukong didn't know.

But judging by Hanba's appearance, she was about to say something.

As long as Hanba said it, wouldn't he understand it?

"Hanba, I really don't understand what you're talking about, are you sick?"

"Don't make a fuss, okay? Let's talk about it after the battle for the deer. If it's my fault, I apologize to you. May I beg you to save the people as soon as possible?"

"And what do you mean by the Yellow Emperor of China, what use is it, and what does it mean? I am the Yellow Emperor. Could it be that I am not the Yellow Emperor if I am not victorious in the battle for the deer?"

Hanba refers to the emperor, and Huangdi refers to the Yellow Emperor. These are not the same word.

But at this time there was no so-called emperor, so the Yellow Emperor didn't understand.

It's meaningless to talk about other things right now, the point is to let Hanba stop Fengbo Yushi.

The current Yellow Emperor almost knelt down to beg Hanba. Today's battle concerns the whole clan. Huangdi is extremely anxious now, but Hanba just doesn't move.

If Hanba doesn't move anymore, I don't know if Huangdi will really kneel down.

But Hanba is her daughter, Huangdi is her father, and Lao Tzu kneels down to his daughter. If this matter gets out, it will not be good for any of them.

Hanba is not the same as Hanba back then. After thousands of years, she has become very cold-tempered.

As the corpse king, her personality is also quite bloodthirsty. Seeing the Yellow Emperor pleading in front of her eyes, and listening to him keep talking about the clansman and Fengbo Yushi, Han Yan couldn't help it.

"Enough, stop talking."

"In the Battle of Chasing the Deer, I helped you deal with Master Feng Boyu, and then joined forces with you and Ying Long to kill Chi You, but what did you do to me in the end?"

"The seal of the three realms, you can take me to heaven, but you leave me alone in the mortal world."

"Do you know how lonely I have been for thousands of years? If it wasn't for my loneliness, how could I have become a horrible corpse king?"

"I'm angry in my heart, but I still have to take care of those wastes of the Xuanyuan family. It's you. If it weren't for you, I would become like this. You hurt me!"

Others only know that Hanba is a generation of corpse kings, a very awesome existence.

Who would have thought that Han Yan still had such a story in his heart.

It turns out that Hanba is not the bloodthirsty corpse king that others think of. She also has feelings, longs for family affection, wants to be accompanied, and is afraid of being alone.

When Huang Di heard Hanba's shouts, he really didn't understand.

What is the seal of the three realms, what is Han Ba ​​left alone in the mortal world, and what kind of corpse king has he become?
It's all about what, why the more I listen to it, the more confused I become.

But he heard a more important sentence, that is, Chi You is dead, Chi You is dead, doesn't it mean that the Jiuli clan has lost, and his own clan has won?
This remark surprised him, and made a hard-to-conceal smile appear on Huang Di's face.

"You mean we will defeat Chi You today, right? How do you know?"

Huangdi really shouldn't speak at this time, because his words will only make Han Ba ​​more angry at this time.

Why are you angry, because Huang Di got the focus wrong.

What Hanba wants to say is why she was angry, because Huangdi abandoned her, but the focus of Huangdi is that he and his tribe have won.

Hearing the Yellow Emperor's question, Han Yan clenched his fists tightly and let out a scream.


"Damn, hate, I said this, you still only have your clansmen in your heart, and you don't care about my daughter at all."

"Since you care so much about your people, I will kill them with my own hands!"

Hanba's eyes were red, his body flew into the air, and the body energy gushed out from his body, and he really rushed towards the people of the Yellow Emperor's family.

The corpse aura poured out towards the people of the Yellow Emperor's family. These people were corroded by the corpse aura and died instantly.

Because Hanba's corpse aura carried flames, after these people died, they were directly burned by the flames and turned into a pile of fly ash.

"Hanba is crazy, Hanba is crazy, she actually attacked us."

Hanba is the daughter of the Yellow Emperor, so she is in the same camp as herself.

Now Hanba actually attacked the Yellow Emperor's tribe, which made the tribe scream in fear.

These tribesmen are very clear about the horror of Hanba.

"Hanba, are you crazy, what are you doing, stop!"

"What's going on with the Yellow Emperor? What happened? Why did Hanba attack your people? Hanba, do you know what you're doing?"

"Hahaha, keep going, keep going, you're so good, the Yellow Emperor has even betrayed your daughter, you're doomed today."

Looking at the Han Ba ​​who attacked the Yellow Emperor's tribe, Huang Di, Ying Long, and Chi You behaved differently.

Sun Wukong looked at what happened in front of him, and he understood it. It turned out that the Yellow Emperor did not bring Hanba to the Heavenly Court, so Hanba was always worried about this matter.

It's just that she usually hides this matter in her heart, and no one knows it at all.

Now the suppressed anger in her heart broke out, and she naturally became crazy.

But Sun Wukong is just a spectator in this matter, and he can't stop it.

And when Sun Wukong was in the illusion of Hanba, looking at the scene in front of him, several figures flew towards here outside the Lingxiao Palace in the Heavenly Court.

When the heavenly soldiers guarding outside the Lingxiao Hall saw these figures, their expressions were startled, and they thought to themselves: "What day is it today? Why did the five heavenly emperors come to the Lingxiao Hall at the same time? What happened? Is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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